How to prepare for the exam. (prepared by experts from the Ministry of Education and Science) - presentation

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD TO PREPARE FOR THE USE" It is very important to help the child in organizing the daily routine, since the children themselves often neglect simple hygiene rules.

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD TO PREPARE FOR THE USE" For normal health and good performance, it is necessary that the child gets enough sleep. Sometimes children, in a hurry to learn as much as possible, neglect sleep, study at night, after which they get tired faster, become irritable and restless.

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE USE" EXCITATION The fact is that there is a certain level of excitement that is optimal for organizing activities. If the child is not worried, he does nothing. Highly high level excitement, on the contrary, leads to stupor, interferes with activity. All forces are spent on coping with excitement. Exams - the situation is really serious, but not prohibitive. The feeling of the great importance of the exam does not stimulate the child, but, on the contrary, hinders the preparation. In this case, the significance of the situation should be slightly reduced. If the child understands that even in case of failure the world will not collapse and life will continue, this helps him feel more confident. Finally, it is very important to understand what kind of help your child needs. The only way to find out what a child needs is by asking him, “How can I help you?”

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD TO PREPARE FOR THE USE" POSSIBLE PSYCHOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES The unified state exam has a number of features. These features can cause various difficulties for graduates. These difficulties can be divided into several groups, depending on what they are associated with, briefly characterize them and outline the main ways of prevention.

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE USE" Cognitive difficulties. These are difficulties associated with the peculiarities of information processing, with the specifics of working with test tasks. The USE procedure requires a special activity strategy: the student needs to determine for himself what tasks and in what proportion he will perform. Thus, to overcome cognitive difficulties, it is necessary to move in two directions: to master the skills of working with tests; help the graduate develop an individual strategy of activity.

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD TO PREPARE FOR THE USE" Personal difficulties. These difficulties are due to the peculiarities of the student's perception of the situation of the exam, his subjective reactions and states. First of all, the exam itself is stressful. On the exam, the student must demonstrate their knowledge in a limited amount of time. The stress in the exam is due to the fact that this procedure is directly related to the self-esteem of a teenager: how smart am I really, how can I cope with the tasks offered to me?

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE USE" Anxiety is a very energy-intensive activity. The more the child worries, the less energy he has left for learning activities. Therefore, overcoming personal difficulties should first of all be aimed at reducing anxiety.

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE USE" Procedural difficulties. These are problems that are associated with the USE procedure itself. 1) Difficulties associated with the specifics of fixing answers. 2) Difficulties with encoding-decoding information. 3) Difficulties associated with the unusual role of an adult. 4) Difficulties associated with the criteria for evaluating the answer. The contrast with the usual verification procedures is really great. 5) Difficulties associated with ignorance of their rights and obligations. The USE presents the graduate with a much more active position than the traditional school system. Usually, students do not have the right to evaluate the content of the task proposed to them, and even more so to challenge their grades, while the USE procedure provides for these possibilities.

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE USE" In order to ensure complete psychological preparation, it is very important to unite the forces of the parties involved: graduates, teachers, parents. The psychological preparation of graduates for the Unified State Examination should consist of several components: 1. Frontal preparation of students, providing them with the necessary information about the rules and norms of the USE procedure and aimed at developing an individual style of work. 2. Development of individual support strategies for specific students, taking into account their individual characteristics. 3. Involving parents: familiarizing them with the specifics of the exam.

principled peculiarity preparation for the exam

Joint, collective work of the school and the teacher, the graduate and his parents in preparing for the exam:

  • participation of all three stakeholders in each stage of preparation;
  • resource pooling;
  • coordination of actions;
  • clear distribution of roles

Stages of preparing a graduate for the exam

  • Formulate the goal necessary for each USE participant:
  • I participate in the exam just to get a certificate;
  • I take electives in order to enter a university;
  • I want to get a score only 100; maximum for me ).

Clarify personal goal

and understanding of common ways and

ways to achieve it

Specify tasks

1. Define a set of elective exams.

2 . Get acquainted with the general format of the exam and KIMs for each subject.

3. Specify the criterion successful delivery(how many points you need to score, how many and what tasks to complete) for each subject.

4. Correlate the initial level of training and the level of claims.

5. Highlight your own deficiencies: gaps in preparation, inability to work with forms, other problems

Mastering the USE technology

  • Development of working skills on the proposed test technology:
  • general educational skills, skills for performing tasks of various types, including those with a choice of answers; time management skills; skills in making a decision, writing answers in a form, correcting an answer; the ability to pre-evaluate the result (in primary points).
  • general educational skills, skills for performing tasks of various types, including those with a choice of answers;
  • time management skills;
  • skills in making a decision, writing answers in a form, correcting an answer;
  • the ability to pre-evaluate the result (in primary points).
  • Filling gaps in training.
  • Self-monitoring and self-diagnosis.
  • Working out individual strategy completing tasks.
  • Exam rules.

Teacher help

1. Explanation of the features of the USE procedure and the content of KIMs in 2012

2. Performing a series of "trials" by a graduate.

3. Joint discussion of the results of "trials".

Team work teacher and USE participant

  • Preparing for the exam in the classroom.
  • Participation in the implementation of regional diagnostic work.
  • Participation in the performance of work in the preliminary final certification.
  • Analysis of the results of work performance and satisfaction with the results.
  • Planning work to improve the results of preparation for the exam.

  • In the process of preparing for the exam, bring to absolute perfection the skills of working with forms:
  • extremely accurately, in full accordance with the patterns of character design, fill in all fields of the registration form;
  • correctly fill in the answer fields and make corrections;
  • strictly follow the instructions of KIM when entering answers to tasks AT .

Individual work USE participant

  • on the exam foreign languages take into account the sequence of tasks;
  • do not forget to transfer answers from KIMs to answer forms;
  • when completing a task FROM fill out the answer form neatly, legibly;

Individual work of the USE participant

When performing work, you must carefully read not only the CONDITIONS of the task, but also the FORMULATION of the task (what exactly needs to be done), and INSTRUCTIONS for completing the task (how to write down the answer).

Individual work of the USE participant

  • familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct for a USE participant during the exam in advance; observe correct behavior; comply with the instructions.

Individual work of the USE participant

  • Self-fulfillment of tasks of demo versions (FIPI website).
  • Attendance at elective classes.
  • Participation in city, regional and federal competitions.

intermediate control

  • comparison of the results of the trial exam with previously planned ones;
  • adjustment of the individual training program

  • website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements - here is the recommended literature for individual subjects

Information support of the USE participant

  • support portal, which contains all the basic information about the USE

The USE participant has the right

cancel the exam good reason(health status);

  • contact the attendant medical officer in PES and take a certificate ;
  • apply exactly on this day to your clinic to see a doctor and get a certificate with a seal to submit to the conflict commission along with an appeal, on the basis of which the results of the interrupted exam can be canceled.

The USE participant has the right,

including removed from the exam for violating the instructions, after passing the work before exiting the exam file an appeal for a violation of the examination procedure

The USE participant has the right

To file an appeal about a violation of the exam procedure, the USE participant must contact responsible organizer in the audience or examination point manager who must issue an appeal form to the exam participant.

The USE participant has the right

Appeal under the procedure is NOT accepted :

  • on the content and structure of KIM;
  • on questions related to the violation by the exam participant of the instructions for filling out the answer forms (the answers are entered incorrectly and unclearly in the forms, did not have time to transfer the answers, the personal form was damaged);
  • drafts as appeal materials NOT considered ;

A graduate with disabilities has the right to choose the form of final certification: USE or GVE (state final exam)

At the same time, a combination of both forms of the state final certification is allowed: in the form of the USE and in the form of the final exam.

In the form of the state final exam You can only take required exams Russian language and mathematics).

Electives surrender only in the form of the exam .

Control and measuring materials (KIM) - a special type of unified test work used in the conduct of the unified state exam.

Specification - the main document for the development of CMM. It indicates all the main characteristics of KIM: structure, type of tasks used, execution time, grading system, etc.

USE terminological dictionary

Exercise open form - a test task in which there are no answer options, and the examinee must formulate his own answer. The exam uses two types of open tasks: "AT" short answer and "FROM"

with extended response.

USE terminological dictionary

Primary scores - score for examination paper, which is determined by the number of fully or partially solved tasks.

PES - point of examination.

USE terminological dictionary

Test scores – assessment for the examination paper on a 100-point scale. It is determined by calculating primary score on the basis of complex procedures that provide for the “alignment” of various options for work according to difficulty.

How to help prepare for the exam.

The word "exam" is translated from Latin as "test". And it is precisely the tests, difficult, sometimes dramatic and unknown, that become the Unified State Examination for eleventh graders. At the exam, a graduate or applicant is one on one with the commission. And parents can only worry about their child, scold him according to Russian tradition or try to support him at a distance. Adults have already done everything in their power. It is you, the parents, who can help your eleventh grader, most effectively manage time and effort in preparing for the exam. The help of adults is very important, because a person, among other things, also needs psychological readiness for the situation of passing serious exams.

Long before the exams, discuss with your child what exactly he will have to take, which disciplines seem to him the most difficult, why? This information will help to jointly create a preparation plan - which items will take more time, and which require only repetition. Determine with your child his “gold watch” (“lark” he or “owl”). Difficult topics are best studied in the hours of upsurge, well-known - in the hours of recession. Let the graduate enlighten you on certain topics, and you ask as many questions as possible. The more he can tell you, the better. Agree with your child that on the evening before the exam, he will stop preparing, take a walk, swim and go to bed on time. The last twelve hours should be spent on preparing the body, not knowledge. Discuss the dangers and uselessness of using cheat sheets in exams. The child will be interested to know your opinion on this matter (perhaps he will even be surprised that you also used cheat sheets and generally know what it is). Practical advice for PARENTS

On weekends, when you're not in a hurry, give your child a written exam rehearsal. For example, take one of the options for math test problems on the Internet from the Federal Bank test items(open segment) ( Agree that a certain time is given to complete the task, sit down at the computer, free from unnecessary items, note the time and announce the start of the “exam”. Make sure that he is not distracted by the phone or relatives. Stop the test when the time is up, let the student rest and check with him the correctness of the assignments. Try to correct the mistakes and discuss why they occur. Talk about the feelings that arose during the home exam: was it fun or uncomfortable for him, did he manage to focus on the task and not be distracted, what distracted him? And then tell us in detail what the atmosphere will be like when passing the real exam: unfamiliar graduates, organizers and the absence of parents.

Make sure your child takes regular short breaks during preparation. Explain to him that to rest, without waiting for fatigue, - the best remedy from overwork. It is important that the eleventh grader does without stimulants (coffee, strong tea and valerian tincture), the nervous system before the exam is already on edge. Trying to focus on textbooks in the same room with a working TV or radio can do a lot of harm. If a student wants to work to music, do not interfere with this, just agree that it be music without words. If your child got a score lower than we would like, or failed the exam altogether, help him cope with this disaster. Do not judge or ridicule him, but instead take the opportunity to understand the reason for the failure, discuss what conclusions can be drawn and what the proverbial “unlucky” means in this case.

Graduate day routine How to make sure that there is enough time for everything, to do a lot and at the same time not get tired, to get enough sleep not only on weekends? There is only one recipe - you need to learn how to plan your time wisely. And for this you need the right regime of the day. The right one is when there is enough time for all the necessary components of life: work, study, rest, communication with friends, household chores, food, sleep, etc. But, no less important, the correct daily routine allows a person to maintain high performance throughout the entire period of wakefulness. As a result, he manages to do much more in the same time than in the absence of a regimen, and at the same time gets much less tired. The fact is that while observing the regime of the day, stable conditioned reflexes are developed for a while. Thanks to this, the body is “prepared” at every moment of time for the type of activity that awaits it, which makes it especially productive.

In the daily routine, time should be provided for self-service, hygiene procedures and leisure. So, the optimal time for doing homework is 3-4 hours. At the same time, as in school, after 30-40 minutes a short break is needed, when it is useful to move vigorously. It has been proven that performance is greatly increased if classes are preceded by outdoor recreation (this can be just a walk). This is the optimal (scientific) planning of the day, taking into account the characteristics of adolescence. After analyzing your day and comparing your regimen with this sample, you can even try to improve the distribution of your affairs even with a shortage of time. For example, do not forget about regular breaks in classes. It is better to spend even a short rest time not lying on the couch and looking at TV, and not being too lazy to go outside and at least take a walk. It would be wise to come up with a set of pleasant energetic movements and perform it in between classes. The result is a noticeable reduction in fatigue.

Little advice about sleep. Watch yourself, and you will notice that at about 21.30 you begin to feel sleepy. But after 22.00, the further you go, the less you want to sleep. This is how biorhythms “work” for most people, and you need to adapt to this natural need as much as possible. But what if you go to bed late and don't sleep well? Tip #1: Don't watch TV. Tip #2: Don't eat before bed. Tip three: properly ventilate the room. Tip #4: Drink a glass of warm milk. Tip five: read a short story (for example, one of the stories of A.P. Chekhov a). And - be healthy!

The approximate daily routine for high school students is as follows: 7.00 Waking up 7.00 - 7.30 Morning exercises, tempering procedures (shower, wiping), making the bed, washing 7.30 - 7.40 Breakfast 7.40 - 8.00 Walk in front of the school and the road 8.00 - 14.30 Classes at school 14.30 - 15.00 Way home (walk) 15.00 - 15.30 Lunch 15.30 - 17.00 Staying in the air (walk, sports, skating, skiing, sledding, etc.) 17.00 - 20.00 Preparing lessons 20.00 - 21.30 Dinner and free activities (helping the family, reading, music, creativity) 21.30 - 22.00 Getting ready for bed 22.00 - 7.00 Sleep

Dear parents. To show faith in the child, the parent must have the courage and desire to do the following: - Forget about the child's past failures - Help the child gain confidence that he will succeed in this task - Remember past successes and return to them, not to mistakes. There are words that support children, for example: “Knowing you, I am sure that you will do everything well”, “You know it very well”. You can support through touch, joint actions, physical complicity, facial expressions. So, in order to support the child, you must: - Rely on strengths child, - Avoid emphasizing the child's mistakes, - Show faith in the child, sympathy for him, confidence in his abilities, - Create an atmosphere of friendliness and respect at home, be able and willing to demonstrate love and respect for the child,

Be firm and kind at the same time, but do not act as a judge - Support your child, show that you understand his feelings. * Do not worry about the number of points the child will receive on the exam, and do not criticize the child after the exam. Instill in your child the idea that the number of points is not a perfect measure of his abilities. * Do not increase the child's anxiety on the eve of exams - this may adversely affect the test result. The excitement of the parents is always transmitted to the child, and if adults at a crucial moment can cope with their emotions, then the child will age features can emotionally "break". * Encourage children, praise them for what they are doing well. * Increase their self-confidence, because the more the child is afraid of failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes. * Watch the child's well-being, no one except you will be able to notice and prevent the deterioration of the child's condition associated with overwork in time. * Control the mode of preparation of the child, do not allow overload, explain to him that he must alternate classes with rest.

Advise the children to pay attention to the following during the exam: · to look through the whole test to see what type of task it contains, this will help to prepare for work; carefully read the question to the end and understand its meaning (a typical mistake during testing - without reading it to the end, by the first words they already assume the answer and are in a hurry to enter it); · if you do not know the answer to a question or are not sure, skip it and mark it so that you can return to it later; If you could not answer the question within the allotted time, it makes sense to rely on your intuition and indicate the most likely option.

And remember: the most important thing is to reduce the stress and anxiety of the child and provide suitable conditions for classes.

How to prepare for the exam in social studies?

then with
what to start?
If with a tutor, then how to understand that
he is good?
Which courses are best?

Where to go? How to choose an item?


Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item? Summing up:

1. Career guidance - choose
profession - what subjects
hand over
3. My education - what is taught
4. Map of universities - looking for where to study
5. University website - how many points do you need
6.New cycle

If you're on your own, where do you start?

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?
How many
subject by

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?
Social science
– October 26-27
– October 28-30
First Seminar First Seminar
– December 4
– December 2-3

If you're on your own, where do you start? COME TO US!



If you prepare with a tutor for the exam, then how to understand that he is good? ASK US!

Is the tutor familiar with the exam?
Is he familiar with the new demo version of the exam? FROM
codifier? With specification?
How experienced is he in preparing for the exam?
Is the tutor an expert in

If you prepare for courses, then how to understand which courses are better? CONTACT THE EXPERTS!

Who are the USE experts? (see booklet)
You pay money to
become better.
This is great value for the same
Pay for the chance to uncover and
surpass yourself


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