How to force yourself to work without much effort. Arrange work - solve the problem with desire? Choose one task

Many people want to be in demand and successful. No less people dream that work brings only joy and positive emotions. However, in the life of every person there are periods when there is completely no desire to do anything at all, and even the most easy job turns into a real hard labor. All this is often accompanied bad mood and apathy. If you feel something like this, it's time to think about how to force yourself to work.

  • You have little choice. The first scenario is to do nothing. Then the situation from day to day will only worsen. As a result, everything will end with an inadequate perception of reality, a complete loss of motivation and severe depression.
  • Or you can take care of yourself and, with the right approach, begin to get satisfaction from the work done. In addition, it often also brings additional benefits, such as higher incomes and better social status.

Causes of loss of working capacity

When the question arises as to how to make yourself work, the first thing to do is to understand the reasons for the current situation. It must be said that there are many factors that can lead to unwillingness to work.

For example, perhaps a person is simply trying to do something that does not suit him according to education, temperament, preferences or abilities. Of course, it is also difficult for those who are faced with serious stressful situations or big problems and conflicts in the family to force themselves to work.

The main reasons for the lack of desire to work should also include:

  1. physical and moral overwork, which can be caused by a too busy work schedule, lack of night sleep, and lack of proper rest;
  2. lack of self-discipline and laziness, succumbing to which people gradually lose the ability to take responsibility for their work;
  3. distraction of attention, when a person is constantly distracted by various external stimuli (this can be, for example, talking on the phone or correspondence in in social networks, coffee breaks, or reading information on interesting sites), instead of making an effort on himself and concentrating on completing the task assigned to him.

Discipline is the basis of success

To realize any goal, you need to learn how to act, regardless of mood and desire.
Otherwise, most desires will remain just dreams. Of course, internal discipline is not a panacea for all troubles. But nevertheless, it is an effective and accessible tool for personal development for every person.

After all, as soon as a disciplined person makes a decision, this can already be considered a guarantee of the implementation of the plan. So if you start educating yourself given quality- you can definitely force yourself to work.

In addition to this, discipline will also help to realize many other goals. For example, to get rid of excess weight, to master new profession, learn foreign language, learn to play a musical instrument, or achieve success in sports.

However, it is worth saying that for many people, internal discipline is mistakenly associated with violence against oneself, limiting joy and freedom of choice. Such a negative attitude can be both subconscious and quite conscious. It is this perception that is often the main reason why people cannot force themselves to work.

Where does discipline begin?

Internal discipline is not an enemy, and therefore it should be treated not as hard labor, but as an assistant in achieving goals.

  1. The human brain tends to reject any sudden changes. Therefore, attempts to motivate yourself with phrases such as: "From tomorrow I am a new, completely changed person" most often end in a return to old habits. So if you decide to take care of yourself - do it gradually, step by step. Moreover, it is worth starting the next goal only after the implementation of the previous one.
  2. No matter what aspect of life you want to change, all big goals need to be divided into parts. For example, if there is a desire to go in for sports, you can start with a short walk. Or when you need to force yourself to read - even 2-3 pages a day is enough.
  3. Set the amount of time you can devote to developing a particular useful skill each day. For example, if this is office work, then the first step is to complete the task for one hour without being distracted by any external stimuli. If you need to force yourself to read - do it at least 10-15 minutes a day. Gradually, the time to complete the most important tasks will need to be increased.

Everything must be in order

Probably, every person repeatedly notices: there are days when you are very busy, and in the evening you suddenly realize with surprise that you didn’t manage to do so much.

And if there is a real emergency in business, then it is incredibly difficult to make an effort on yourself and start doing something in general. Therefore, you need to constantly draw up a plan of action, additionally recording the approximate time required to complete each job.

  • If it is possible to choose the sequence of actions, it is advisable to plan the implementation of more complex work first. However, how to force yourself to work if the morning doing things that require maximum concentration leads to real horror? Then try to do a few small tasks first, and after that proceed to more complex work.
  • It is very important that the list of planned cases is adequate. Self-discipline should not exclude time for rest. Otherwise, after a few days or weeks, you will experience such physical and moral stress that you will not want to do anything again.
  • Additionally, it is worth considering a margin of time in case of urgent cases, as well as the ability to replace one item of the plan with another.
  1. External and internal order are closely related. In this regard, if the question is how to make yourself work, then you must definitely pay attention to your workplace. If chaos reigns there, then it will also be quite difficult to gather thoughts. Therefore, you need to regularly take time to restore order and try to make the workplace as comfortable as possible.
  2. Never work without rest, weekends and holidays. Equally important for maximum productivity is a good night's sleep. In order not to forget this rule, come up with a punishment for each violation of the daily routine. For example, it can be a refusal of a favorite treat, or push-ups from the floor.
  3. In order for internal discipline and work on it to bring positive emotions, you need to write down all your achievements and reward yourself for each success.
  4. Do not promise to completely give up everything that distracts from work. It is better to simply limit the time that will be spent on them.
  5. Before starting work, set yourself up for positive emotions. Morning exercises, a contrast shower and a cup of coffee will help to improve well-being and give vigor.

In the process of developing self-discipline, you will have to stock up on patience and perseverance. Perhaps not everything will turn out right away, but it’s not the speed of obtaining results that is more important, but self-development and improving the quality of life.

On Monday morning a week before the New Year, this question, I think, is relevant for many.

There are a bunch of articles on this topic. Here are the main tips:

  • Start with the hardest task
  • Take the first step - it will be easier to continue
  • Make a plan and stick to it
  • Do what you love
  • Do not be distructed
Everything is simple. Close Habr and get to work!

For some reason, all these tips do not work for me. It seems that people are saying the right things, but it doesn't work. By the way, on the topic “Why can’t I force myself to work?” there are also articles. They describe the problem from the point of view of psychology and offer solutions like "get rid of internal contradictions and fear of failure." Probably, if you do this, then everything will work out, but where to find this magic button "Get rid of ..."?

Before you start solving a problem, you need to understand its causes. This is what we will do now. I must say right away that I cannot offer any general recipe, since everyone will have their own causes of the problem. I will demonstrate only the method of solving it.

In my opinion, the problem considered in this article can be divided into two:

  1. Don't want to do a specific task
  2. Don't want to work at all
At the same time, the state “I don’t want to work at all” often arises due to the fact that too many tasks have accumulated that I don’t want to do. There are other options - you don’t like the job itself or you’re just tired - but everything seems to be clear here: change jobs or get some sleep. Therefore, in further discussions, we will assume that the work as a whole is pleasant, the state of health is normal, and it is not possible to work precisely because of some “wrong” tasks.

To begin with, let's make a list of tasks that need to be done right now, and instead I write an article, read Habr, watch videos, chat with friends, play games, drink coffee or smoke (underline as necessary). Made up? Okay. Now, for each task, we ask ourselves the question “Why am I not doing it?” Answers in the style of “I don’t want / I can’t” are supplemented with “I don’t want / I can’t, because...". If at the same time it is possible to realize some common reasons for not doing all the tasks recorded, we fix them too. The result will be a list of problems that are significant for you, leading to shirking from work. I got this one:

  1. A task too simple. In the mind, it is thought through in a matter of seconds and is perceived as already solved, so that after that it actually becomes not at all interesting to carry out.
  2. A task too complicated. It would seem that this point contradicts the previous one, but if you paint it in more detail, it will become clear that there is no contradiction. I don't like the same type of problems with a predetermined solution algorithm - I need space for creativity. However, if the task is so out of the usual framework that I have no idea from which side to approach it, then this kills any desire to experiment.
  3. A task important but not urgent, therefore, all the time is pushed aside by others - not so important, but more urgent. In this case, as a rule, it is recommended to delegate all these unimportant tasks to an employee for whom they will be important enough - but what if there is no one to delegate to?
  4. Solving the problem explicitly can be automated but now it have to be done manually. This situation arises when you do what you have already done for the second, fifth, tenth time, you see a pattern and you understand that it can be easily programmed so that everything is done by itself. At the same time, I don’t want to rush into programming right now either, because see point 1.
  5. To solve the problem, it is required exit to the real world with all the ensuing consequences. For example, send original documents to the client by Russian Post. This and the previous paragraph, perhaps, are the result of the professional deformation of the IT specialist, but the fact remains that such problems interfere with the solution of some tasks, and this must be dealt with somehow.
  6. There is no external stimulus. There are no clear deadlines. Or there is, but there are still a few days before the deadline, and the work is there for five minutes - at least that's how it seems now. No one needs to report on the completion of the task, because the boss trusts you and does not track every sneeze, or in general you are your own boss.
  7. To the task you need to dive completely and for a long time- I'm afraid that I can get carried away and lose control over other current tasks.
  8. A task contradicts internal beliefs. For example, it is difficult for me to remind people that they owe me something, but I have to do this periodically.
  9. I briefly switch to read mail or other useful articles on Habré - and work gets up for a whole hour.
  10. Too many tasks. It is impossible to single out one or two of them as the most important and urgent. There is a feeling “you still can’t do anything” and there is an automatic switch to a more pleasant pastime.
Here are 10 reasons why. You can continue this exciting activity and find 10 more pieces, smaller ones, but let's better deal with these. Let's go point by point.
  1. After compiling such an impressive list of problems, it becomes clear that too simple tasks are just a gift. They are solved easily and quickly - perhaps you will spend less time solving several of these problems than reading this article and compiling your list. And now it’s also easy to find interest in them - since we have begun to clear up the blockages of accumulated cases, it means that we want the number of tasks hanging over us to be reduced, and it’s easier to do it with small steps. By the way, the problem number 10 as a result will not be so acute.
  2. So too complicated tasks will be more difficult. The main thing here is to understand that if there is a task, then you still have to solve it one way or another (it is unlikely that it will resolve itself). Therefore, we must close our eyes and take the first step (somewhere we have already been advised this, yes). Let's take a simple example. You need to make a presentation to speak at a conference, but there is no such experience. There seems to be thoughts in my head (the topic is well known, otherwise we would not have been instructed to speak), but it is not clear how to make a presentation. You can sit and feel sorry for yourself. And you can open PowerPoint and make the first slide - with the topic and the name of the speaker. And at the end, make a slide “Thank you for your attention” with contact details. Here, already something. At this stage, the main thing is not to get carried away with the elaboration of details - the selection of fonts, etc. - because you need to move on. And then we begin to think about what we will talk about - and for each thesis we make a separate slide with a title. Then it will become clear that pictures, diagrams, animation are needed somewhere ... As a result, you yourself will not notice how the presentation will be ready. Of course, you might argue that it's not hard to make a presentation, but<моя задача>really complicated. However, try this approach - for sure, things will move from dead center, and there it will be a shame not to finish it to the end.
  3. Let's move on to important but not urgent task. First, let's define why it is, in fact, important. Perhaps some tasks are only seem important, and at this stage they will be successfully weeded out - i.e. it will become clear that they can not be permanently pushed back, but canceled altogether. This really happens. If, nevertheless, the task turned out to be important, then it is necessary to understand what will be affected by its successful completion. Perhaps you can release new version product and your users will be happy. Or you can do another task - interesting and enjoyable. This in itself stimulates to finally do away with what hinders such a bright future, plus some deadlines may appear - for example, a new version is planned to be released before the new year, which means the task has a quite foreseeable deadline.
  4. In case when a task that can be automated must be done manually, I think, it remains only to come to terms with the imperfection of the world - not everything always turns out the way you want. You have to do this task manually. And then another one just like it. And when it becomes unbearable to endure, then still take it and automate it. That's all.
  5. Get out into the real world actually even useful. After that, it becomes clear that these tasks in paragraph 2 are not so difficult. You can take this as an additional motivation for solving the usual tasks.
  6. If the task no external stimulus, you can invent it yourself. Come up with a challenge for yourself. For example, tell colleagues that you are ready to do this very task in N hours (the deadline must be real, but not allowing you to be lazy). And go!
  7. If you have already dealt with all the previous tasks, then there is nothing wrong with dive completely. Give yourself up to an interesting exciting cause - you deserve it.
  8. Change beliefs for the sake of one task that they contradicts certainly not worth it. But to courageously solve it and be proud that you have overcome this difficulty - why not? However, here it is necessary to approach the issue more subtly - if the contradiction is very strong or there are many such tasks, then perhaps it is better not to break yourself, but to think about changing the type of activity.
  9. Briefly switch not only possible, but necessary. But it is better to switch to something noticeable to the authorities - for example, to drink tea or go out for a smoke for a walk. Firstly, this way you will rest better, and secondly, the same external stimulus is added - you are unlikely to be allowed to drink tea for an hour.
  10. Too many tasks? Not anymore! By moving in small steps, by this point you will have already solved most of the problems, so the last one will disappear by itself.
Something like that. Good luck with your work and the future!

Today we'll talk about how to make yourself work. As I understand it, this topic is very relevant for all people who find it difficult to concentrate, get together, start doing certain work and finish what they started. If you are an office employee whose working day begins with coffee drinking and a smoke break, a freelancer who cannot bring himself to take on the next project, if everything distracts you, preventing you from concentrating on business, or if you are simply attacked by banal laziness, you will probably good to read this post.

So how do you get yourself to work?

Rule 1. Plan your work day. I have already spoken about the importance of the planning process more than once, for example, talking about. In organizing the workflow, drawing up an action plan also plays a very important role.

So, in order for your work time was used as efficiently as possible, you need to plan what, how and when you should have time to do it. Moreover, in order to achieve maximum efficiency, you should plan your work for different time intervals, best of all - for a month, for a week and for a day. It is best to plan the working day in the evening, after all the work is completed, so that in the morning you do not waste time on this, but immediately begin to implement the plan.

Your work plan, in addition to the planned activities, must necessarily include the time you allot yourself for each task, as well as mandatory time for lunch and rest (because without this, your performance will drop dramatically). Psychologists even recommend starting the planning of the working day with the allocation of time for lunch, but not immediately at the beginning of the working day, of course!

If you don't know how to make yourself work, you can't do without planning your work day. If you do not have a clear and realistic action plan, your performance will be low, which may lead to lower earnings or even dismissal. After all, no one wants to pay wages to workers whose work is inefficient.

Rule 2. Break large goals into small ones. If you are faced with some kind of large-scale task, which, perhaps, even seems insurmountable at first glance, break it down into several simpler steps, which will greatly simplify the matter.

Rule 3. Start completing the list of tasks with the most difficult ones. The first half of the day, and especially the first hours of working time, is the time when a person is able to work as productively as possible. The closer to the evening, the more he begins to get tired, respectively, the performance decreases. Therefore, when planning your working day, set the most important, complex, responsible tasks at the beginning of the day, leaving calm, routine work for the end.

However, there are exceptions to this rule: if you are a pronounced “Owl”, your most efficient working hours may be different. Therefore, when thinking about how to make yourself work, take into account the individual characteristics of your body.

Rule 4. Set realistic goals for yourself. If your plan of planned activities is unattainable, its failure will cause negative emotions, which will be reflected in a decrease in performance. In addition, wear and tear will also negatively affect the results. Therefore, work in a normal rhythm, step by step, fulfilling your goals and periodically taking small breaks to rest - this is the best option.

Rule 5. Motivate yourself. Still don't know how to make yourself work? Try this very powerful rule. Constantly remind yourself of what you will have when you complete all the planned work and receive a salary (bonus, payment for one-time work, etc.). For example, you dream of buying a new dress: constantly think that it will be a reward for the work done, imagine how great you will look in it. You can even put his image on your desktop for clarity. This approach should significantly increase your motivation to work. And for the successful and complete implementation of the daily plan, promise yourself some nice little thing, for example, a chocolate bar.

Rule 6. Don't get distracted while working! When thinking about how to make yourself work, pay special attention to this rule. Unfortunately, as practice shows, it is the most difficult rule to follow, even I myself do not always follow it. However, still try to cope with this difficult task: it will only benefit you - it will raise the level of self-discipline. No correspondence on the Internet, no social networks during work. And even “just for a couple of minutes” is impossible, because they are very easily stretched for half an hour.

Rule 7. Rest. Of course, within reasonable limits and according to the planned schedule. For example, every hour take a break from work for 5 minutes, or every 2 hours for 10 minutes. Be sure to leave for lunch on time. I would like to point out very important point: having a rest does not mean running to social networks and answering correspondence! It means just relax and do nothing. If you work at a computer - get up, walk, stretch your muscles, look out the window, breathe fresh air.

Rule 8. Keep order in the workplace. Well, think for yourself: how to make yourself work if your desk is a complete mess and it is impossible to find what you need? And when everything is clean and laid out in its place, it is much more pleasant to get to work. The same applies not only to physical, but also to virtual space: if you work at a computer, all files must be systematized, arranged in folders, and have a clear and beautiful name. Understand that the outer order has a direct impact on the inner order: the order in your head, in your thoughts.

Rule 9 If it doesn't work at all, don't do anything. Did you understand? Nothing at all! That is, again, neither in social networks, nor on the Internet, nor to chat with a girlfriend ... No side effects! As a result, you will quickly get tired of doing nothing, because it is very difficult for a person to do nothing at all, and you will return to the work process.

Rule 10. Change your attitude towards work. Thinking about how to force yourself to work, imagine that you are doing what you love for your own pleasure: there are no bosses, obligations, there is only your interest and your desire to fulfill the planned action plan. Do not forget to reward yourself for a job well done, even if your boss forgot or deliberately forgot to do it. Just tell yourself: “Well, I know what a fine fellow I am today, that I have done so much!”, and it will already become psychologically easier for you, which will give you the strength to work fruitfully the next working day.

Now you know how to make yourself work. It remains only to force yourself to apply the advice received in practice. Try to do this, and you will certainly notice that the results of your activities will improve.

In conclusion, I want to add that if you really hate work (which, unfortunately, is not uncommon), then you will not be able to force yourself to work by any rules. In this case, it is better to think about changing jobs and doing something that really attracts you, at least from some side. To do this, you can use the recommendations described in the article.

That's all. I wish you all high working capacity and good working mood. See you at!

This article is for those who cannot work without being distracted and finish what they started, faced with laziness and lack of self-organization. Maybe you're a freelancer, working on your own and lacking discipline. Or you work in the office on various projects and often miss deadlines because you can't get everything done on time. Or you just don’t get to do some work for a long time because of laziness and the desire to be distracted.

Then this article is for you. I hope my advice will help you. Here I will tell how to make yourself work and do the job more efficiently.

This post is dedicated to the first anniversary of the blog site! During the year, attendance increased from zero to 3,500 people per day! I consider this a good result. But well, we will be more distracted by this and return to the topic of the article.

Discipline and self-organization

I used to be fascinated all the time by organized and disciplined people who can work hard when they need to. And for this they do not need a boss who will urge and control them. They do not need any special office work environment: they can work at home and still resist the temptation to lie down and be lazy. They are completely independent and autonomous. They know how to plan, set goals and achieve those goals.

My admiration for these people was mixed with envy, for the reason that I myself lacked discipline and needed it very much. Work always fell out of my hands, I was constantly distracted by something, I was late with deadlines, and some tasks remained unfulfilled. I didn’t have any schedule and plan, I could start doing something only when they were seriously running out of time or someone would push me. It is clear that the quality and efficiency of such work in such conditions has always left much to be desired.

But now a lot has changed. Every day I work on filling and setting up two sites (this blog and its English counterpart -, plus I do my main work. (I will not particularly prevaricate and honestly say that on my main work, I'm not very busy yet, but, nevertheless, I work a lot, including on my own projects - the blog takes me a lot of time.) I can work at home, in the office - it doesn't matter. I learned to get things done, to work methodically and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli. About what principles helped me in this, I will tell here.

Write for this blog

Writing articles for the site is, of course, a pleasure. But on the other hand, it's pretty hard work. My main job and technical support this site is much less time consuming than writing structured text. The posts on this blog require a lot of mental effort, concentration and perseverance from me. I'm not pouring a random stream of consciousness on this site. Before my thoughts appear on the pages of this blog, they need to be combed, arranged, organically woven into overall structure and put it in the form of a ready-made, understandable and adapted text for readers.

After the article is finished, I feel a strong moral satisfaction, as if I had completed a difficult task, which this occupation is indisputably. What helps me to work at my main job and, for a whole year, to supply readers with quite voluminous articles? Let's talk about the principles that formed the basis of my labor discipline. These principles will help you too.

Principle 1 - Set time standards for work

Without ready plan hard to get yourself to work. Therefore, you must learn to plan and stick to the plan. What kind of planning approach to use?

I have tried two different approaches:

  1. Make a plan for the amount of work for a certain time period. For example: I have to write 3000 words in a day and until I do this, I will not do anything else.
  2. The second is to follow a fixed time standard. For example: I work 4 hours, with three breaks of 10 minutes, then I rest for an hour and work another 1.5 hours. And it doesn't matter how much work I have done during this time.

I found that the second approach is much more reasonable and efficient than the first, now I will explain why:

Quality of work: if he strives to get the job done as quickly as possible, then quality may suffer from this. If a person is tied to the performance of a certain volume, and not work on time, then there is no direct goal to complete the work. But, anyway, this person unconsciously seeks to finish it quickly.

When I set myself standards like 3,000 words a day, I wanted to “reach the finish line” as soon as possible, so I did not take long pauses to think about what I would write in a few paragraphs. This did not reflect very well on the quality of work: then it had to be redone.

I write different articles at different speeds, depending on my current state and the content of the article (for example, I wrote an article about it quite quickly, despite the length, but I can write some other text longer). Therefore, 4-5 hours may not be enough for me to write as much as I want.

Then I get tired, but I still need to work and fulfill the set plan. If I am tired, then even my favorite activity can turn into torment for me. Then I do everything more slowly and through force, which also negatively affects the quality of work and leads to even more severe fatigue.

Work speed: in my opinion, if a person does not set time limits for himself and does not strive to complete something in a certain short time, then he does the work at his natural speed while maintaining the proper quality of this work, provided that he is not distracted by anything. You can define this speed by the transport term "cruising speed".

For example, if I plan to write for 4 hours, then I am in no hurry. But at the same time, it cannot be said that because of this, work is much slower. I am still interested in the fact that the work must be done and therefore I do it with normal speed I'm just not in a hurry. Perhaps, in such a measured rhythm, things are moving a little slower than in a hurry and in an effort to finish as soon as possible, but on the other hand, quality does not suffer and fatigue is reduced.

Imagine that you are flying in an airplane. This huge ship, of course, can turn on the engines at full thrust (in flight at cruising speed, the engines of a passenger aircraft are running at about 50% of their power, if I'm not mistaken) and try to reach their destination before the scheduled time of arrival. But this will lead to non-optimal fuel consumption: a lot of fuel will be burned. And, in addition, the pilot risks the safety of passengers when he goes beyond the normal flight.

If the aircraft moves through the air in its usual mode, at cruising speed, then fuel costs will be minimal and travel conditions will become the safest for passengers. It will eventually reach its destination anyway.

I find it best to work at my natural pace for a fixed amount of time, with no rush or distraction. Still, you will achieve your goal, it will not leave you anywhere. You will simply use your resources more efficiently.

It will be better if you combine the two approaches described above in your work planning. Work for a fixed amount of time, but at the same time, keep in mind the amount of work you want. Always look back at how much you ended up doing. But this factor, I repeat, should not play a decisive role.

I give an example from my practice: today I worked 5 hours, but I wrote only 700 words. It's very slow, what's the matter? I thought about the article for a long time, rewrote several paragraphs, then I was interrupted. It turns out I couldn't write it anymore today. So everything is fine, and I can end on this.

But it could have been different, I wrote so little, because I myself was constantly distracted by all sorts of nonsense. If so, then tomorrow I will try to stick to the schedule more strictly so that the work will move faster.

Principle 2 - Start with the hardest problems

If you have the ability to complete your work tasks in any sequence, then start with what requires maximum effort. I start writing articles in the morning, and then I do all the other work on the blog: the technical part, promotion, communication, etc. There is no question that I write articles tired. But I can fix the site code if I'm a little tired.

Principle 3 - Don't get distracted!

This is perhaps the most important rule which can be read here. Guided by principle 1, plan a time interval (for example, 3 hours) during which you will work with rest breaks. Close ICQ, Skype, and the Internet or use them only for business purposes.

Firstly, you can get carried away with some sudden activity and forget about work. I think that everyone has come across such a situation when they wanted to get in touch to read a message for a minute, and this minute stretched into several hours of wandering around the sites on the Internet.

Secondly, when you are distracted, the efficiency of your activity drops dramatically, since, upon returning to work, you need to practically immerse yourself in work again.

Make it a rule that you should not engage in any side activities until the end of the work time or the hour of the break. It is difficult to adhere to this principle, but it is necessary to strive for it.

As Neil Fiore advises in his book, if you want to get distracted and do some nonsense, for example, go to your VKontakte profile, before doing this, take 10 slow breaths in and out. This will help you make an intelligent decision and remember that the work will not get done faster if you are constantly distracted.

Principle 4 - If the work is not going, do nothing

Nothing works? Have you reached a dead end? Tired of working? But you haven't completed the plan yet? Take a rest, relax. Resting does not mean checking emails or checking social media updates. Just move back in your chair from the monitor (assuming you're working at a computer, of course) and relax. Try to sit like this for a few minutes without doing anything. Remember, no side effects until you have completed the plan on time!

Therefore, sit down and keep in mind the idea that you cannot do anything other than work, because you made a promise to yourself to work for several hours. After a while, some thoughts may come to you that will lead you out of the impasse that has been created in your work. From boredom and inactivity, your hands will reach for the keyboard themselves and continue working.

If you have no choice but to work, then your brain will automatically return to this activity if you give it some rest time. This rule helps me a lot. Often I feel great temptations to drop everything and interrupt. This especially happens in those moments when I can’t do something for a long time, for example, to formulate some thought.

Then I throw back my head, relax and the thought itself comes to me. And if it doesn’t come, then I find other solutions, for example, focus on another piece of work, and return to this later.

Other Possible Solution such situations, it is to move on to less strenuous work. If I am completely tired of writing an article, in order not to waste time in vain, I start, for example, digging into the site code, or answer questions from readers. I can use this time in another way: sit back and think about what the next article will be about.

In short, if you set a plan to work for at least 5 hours, then use all this time to your advantage for work, even if you do not occupy this entire time period with your main activity.

If I can’t concentrate at all and any thoughts come to me, but not thoughts about work, I don’t try to force myself to concentrate, I just relax, watch and wait. After a while, all extraneous thoughts leave my mind and I can again concentrate on work. It is similar to the movement of a ball in a funnel: at first it frantically rushes from edge to edge in this space, but then, under the influence of gravity, it necessarily falls into a narrow tube at the bottom of the funnel.

The main thing at this time is not to be interrupted by something else, just sit and wait.

But if you are already very tired, then you do not need to bring yourself to exhaustion unless absolutely necessary, even if you have not completed the plan! If I get really tired, I finish my work and I can goof off and relax. If the body is tired, I give it a rest. But to get tired you need to work.

I will add that during the planned break in work, it is better to give your head a rest than to climb the Internet. Go out for a walk or just sit back in your chair, then you'll be better rested and don't run the risk of getting bogged down in some pointless activity.

Principle 5 - Keep the workplace organized

The outer order reflects the inner order and vice versa. It is very difficult to collect your thoughts and work at a table littered with all sorts of rubbish. Clean up your workspace, not only physical, but also virtual: put things in order on your computer, delete unnecessary files, scatter everything in folders, instead of cluttering it up.

Principle 6 - Drink less coffee!

I know it sounds very strange, but the absence of the habit of drinking coffee daily increases efficiency, increases concentration and allows you to properly prioritize. You can read more about this in my article.

Principle 7 - Improve Self-Discipline

It is difficult to force yourself to do something if you have poorly developed willpower. In my article, I gave some tips on how to achieve this.

The more developed your will, the easier it is to step over laziness, inaction and control the desires of your body (sleep, eat, play the fool).

Conclusion - why didn't I write anything about motivation?

I have listed the basic principles that help me in my main work and in side activities. I didn’t touch on it, although articles of this kind often talk about how important motivation is, without which, any work turns into torment.

Motivation, of course, is good, but I prefer not to depend on it, because this is a transient thing: either it is there or it is not. It is impossible to feed on its fire all the time, so that work always brings pleasure. You will always face situations where you have to do something through force, and this is normal.

I love helping people and writing useful articles, I have great plans for this site and see my future in working on it. Of course, this is a huge incentive and motivation. But, nevertheless, this desire cannot fuel me with working enthusiasm every day and every minute. When I have to work, I constantly struggle with my desires to play the fool, listen to music or surf the Internet.

Enthusiasm is a temporary thing and its appearance does not always depend on us. Some days the work is in full swing, on others there is nothing to do. But willpower is not a transient thing and we can control it! I prefer to rely on something permanent and something that I myself can influence, namely, on my own will, and not on an external stimulus! It's just more reliable. That's why I don't write about motivation.

Remember, getting started is the hardest part. But one has only to start working, to overcome the initial decelerating moment of inertia, and the work will boil, spin like a flywheel!

If you do not see any incentive and purpose in your work at all, then change the type of activity and look for your purpose. But this will be the topic of a separate article.