Interesting facts about the ostrich. When the ostrich appeared on earth

Every child knows that ostrich is the largest bird who can't fly. The chest muscles of this bird have a weak structure, and the wings are undeveloped. The wings have two clawed finger. Since the bird runs fast and moves exclusively on the ground, it also has two fingers on its paws, and one of them acts as a running support, therefore it has a seal.

Boast about living in these unusual birds may:

  • Africa;
  • Near East;
  • Iraq;
  • Iran;
  • Arabia.

There are not so many subspecies. Distinguish African view and brazilian. Basically, birds prefer open savannahs and semi-deserts, they settle in families. Usually one adult male keeps four or five females with cubs near him. Often they graze next to zebras and antelopes. Animals themselves choose such a neighborhood, because by nature in se the birds are very careful.

Ostrich lifestyle

Ostriches are tall because of their long legs and necks. This gives them the opportunity to be the first to see the danger. Most often, birds prefer to flee. These seemingly clumsy creatures run at a speed of 60-70 kilometers per hour. Still, because one step at length up to four meters.

Birds feed on everything that can be found on earth:

  • plants;
  • small rodents;
  • lizards;
  • insects.

They do not disdain, picking up the remnants of the feast of predatory animals. They are very similar to birds in that they do not have teeth, and they need pebbles to grind food. Water for them is not a life-giving source, they can do just fine without it. But if there is a reservoir nearby, they will get drunk and bathe.

Adult birds are difficult to catch, often ostrich eggs or young chicks become prey to predators. After all, they do not yet have strong legs, with which the bird can not only harm the predator, but also kill it.

In danger, a semi-desert dweller does not hide his head in the sand. Everything these stories about fear and head in the sand are pure fiction. The female, protecting her cubs, spreads out on the ground to become invisible.

Human use of the ostrich

Human learned to use this interesting poultry on the farm. Ostrich feathers were used to make fans, they were used to decorate hats. The shell was not thrown away, it went to water tanks, wine goblets were made from it. An ostrich harnessed to a wagon successfully replaces a horse. Riding on ostriches- man's favorite type of competition. Now these birds are bred on special farms for meat, skin, eggs and feathers.

Ostrich breeding

Ostriches breed like everyone else large birds, fighting with rivals, protecting their females. But among all the females, the male chooses only one to hatch the chicks. Eggs are laid in a common nest, which the male arranges himself by digging a hole in the sand or in the ground. happy female take turns incubating chicks and are replaced by the male at night.

Unusual behavior in life

Some information can be classified as Interesting Facts about ostriches. Ostriches are born with open eyes and on the second day of their birth they are already learning to get food themselves. And in the first period of life, they feed on those flies that flock to rotten eggs broken by their mother.

African individuals live up to 75 years than resemble a human. The ability to do without water for a long time was the reason to give ostriches the name "camel sparrow". One adult male weighs up to 150 kilograms. And it is necessary whether fly these birds if they have muscular legs? The ostrich quickly changes direction without slowing down. It can stop quickly or suddenly throw itself prone to the ground.

"Secret" information about ostriches

According to the structure of its paw, the ostrich resembles some prehistoric animals, so naturally there is an interest in who was the ostrich's ancestor.

These birds lay the largest and most durable eggs in the world, but compared to the size of the ostriches themselves, they are even too small. To get one ostrich egg, you need to take 25 chicken eggs. The weight of one egg reaches two kilograms, it takes two hours to cook it for breakfast, and to break a hard eggshell, you will need to resort to the help of a saw or a hammer.

Ostriches are not all like birds, some of their physiological features bring them closer to animals. For example, they excrete urine and feces separately, they have a bladder, they do not have a goiter, like birds, and they swallow food thanks to their long neck.

If we talk about whether this creature remembers something, then one gets the impression that there is simply no memory, otherwise how can one explain that a curious creature that has stuck its head into the hole does not remember how it was done, and it begins panic. Where does memory come from if the entire brain of a bird is the size of a walnut.

Do you know how many toes are on the paws of an ostrich? Then, perhaps, you know what speed this bird can reach? We invite you to learn all the most interesting facts about ostriches with us.

Who are ostriches and what they look like, probably every child knows today. And all thanks to the main feature of these birds - a huge size. It is the question of which big bird on earth, can be found in many quizzes and crossword puzzles. The name "ostrich" in Greek means "camel sparrow". Previously, this concept also included some types of large birds, for example, emu and rhea. But today, scientists define them in a different group, and ostriches have been given the status of a separate species and the name - African.

So, this is the largest bird of all known today. The average weight of one adult can be about 150 kilograms, and its height can reach more than 2.5 meters. If you look at the photo, you will see that the bird has a large body, a long neck, a relatively small head and large long legs. The ostrich seems a bit clumsy and not very cute. But this is only at first glance.

Take a look at the photo above. Is it possible not to be touched by their big beautiful eyes and especially long eyelashes? The ostrich cannot fly, it has underdeveloped wings, but very large muscular legs. That is why the bird runs great.

How many fingers does an ostrich have on its paws?

We think that few people know, and indeed noticed, except for ostrich farmers, how many fingers this bird has and whether it has at all. We answer - it has, but unlike all other types of birds, it has only two of them: one large and small. On the thumb, as you can see in the photo, there is something like a claw, not something like a hoof. The ostrich leans on it when running.

The fastest runner

In addition to the fact that the ostrich is the largest bird, it is also the most. As they say, "Born to run, he can't fly." Despite its impressive weight, it manages to reach speeds of up to 72 kilometers per hour. And this is quite a lot, as for a two-legged creature. At the same time, while running, the ostrich can easily turn without slowing down, and also suddenly lie down on the ground. Not all living beings have this amazing ability.

The biggest egg

It is not difficult to guess that such a huge bird also carries rather big eggs. So, for example, its length is on average 15-20 centimeters, the diameter is also about 15 centimeters, but the weight is up to 1.7 kilograms. This is the largest egg in the world. However, if we consider the fetus in relation to the body, then compared to others, it is the smallest. Here is such a pun!

In addition to its size and weight, it can claim the title of the most durable. The shell can support the weight of even one adult average person. This, of course, is a huge difficulty for the chicks, which have to break through a dense shell for several hours.

unusual plumage

The ostrich also has some features, for example, the growth of feathers. They have very primitive plumage, and the feathers themselves do not even have a structured fan. In addition, they grow evenly throughout the body. Recall that in other flying birds they are located along the lines of pterylia. This feature is also observed in kiwi, penguins, emu and rhea.

As for the plumage of the body, not all areas are covered with feathers. Head, neck, legs and thighs are bare. Also on the chest there is a small area with poor plumage, the so-called thoracic callus. The bird rests on it when it lies down or rises from the ground.

Physiological uniqueness

As we remember, all birds have only one excretory path - the cloaca, through which both excess fluid and solid waste are excreted from the body. But ostriches have another little-known uniqueness among all birds. They excrete urine and feces separately. In addition, the ostrich is the only bird that has a bladder. They also do not have a goiter, but a long neck allows them to swallow rather large pieces of food or whole prey, for example, a turtle.

Where and how does an ostrich live?

The ostrich, having its own peculiarity to run well, chooses open plains, savannahs, semi-deserts for life. You will not meet them in dense forests, thickets or deserts with quicksand. They inhabit almost all parts of Africa, with the exception of the north of the continent and the Sahara desert. Birds, as a rule, gather in small groups of 15-20 individuals and have a clear hierarchy in the flock. For example, the main ones are easy to distinguish by the fact that they always hold their heads high and straight. Birds of lower rank try to lower it.

Oddly enough, but the peak of activity falls on the evening twilight time. They sleep day and night. Sleeping posture can indicate what stage of rest the bird is in. If she sits with her head up, but her eyes closed, then she is dozing, if she lies with her head outstretched, she is fast asleep.

distant gaze

Very often, next to a group of ostriches, you can see a herd of grazing antelopes or zebras. This is due to the fact that the ostrich is a very sharp bird. Before starting to eat, she covers all the surroundings with her keen eye and can see a predator at a distance of several kilometers. As a rule, seeing the danger, the ostrich takes to flight. And this is also a signal for other herbivores that do not have such vigilance.

Does he hide his head in the sand?

Today there is an opinion that an ostrich, at the sight of danger, immediately lowers its head into the ground, thinking that in this way it becomes invisible to a predator. Similar behavior was described in his treatise by the ancient Greek scientist Pliny the Elder. He noted that the ostrich hides its head in the bushes. Whether it was so, we have no doubt. But today there is no evidence of such behavior. Therefore, such a statement can be considered only an attempt to explain how a bird gets food. In case of danger, the ostrich does not hide its head, but takes flight.

ferocious bird

Many ostrich breeders know firsthand that the ostrich is a very ferocious and aggressive bird. She hides or runs from the enemy only during the non-breeding period, but if the bird hatches eggs or raises offspring, it is better not to get in her way. An ostrich reacts instantly to any object moving towards it, be it a person or an animal. First, the bird defiantly fluffs its feathers, and if such a frightening command does not frighten the enemy, it begins to run straight at him. When meeting, the ostrich kicks hard and tramples the enemy.

It is clear that with such a weight, the impact force is also considerable. So, for example, with one movement of the foot, an ostrich can break the skull of an adult lion. That is why not a single African animal goes into a skirmish with this ferocious bird. But hyenas and jackals use the cunning. As a rule, they gather in groups, some distract the adult bird, while others try to steal either the chick or the egg at this time. But often opponents get what they deserve.

Ostriches on the farm

Today, in addition to laying hens, ducks, turkeys or geese, ostriches have also settled on private farms. These birds were first bred in captivity in the 19th century in South America. Then ostrich farms appeared in Africa, Southern Europe and North America. Today, ostriches can already be found in many private farms in our country. Birds gained their popularity due to their special endurance and unpretentiousness.

At present, ostriches are ridden on horseback, and they are also used as draft power. Poultry meat and eggs are in demand in many restaurants around the world. Gourmets claim that the meat resembles beef. Also today, thanks to their massive wild population, nothing threatens them anymore.

Video "All about animals - Ostriches"

If you want to know more information about this unusual and even unique bird, then the video will help you with this. The program created by the Air Force specialists will reveal all the secrets. You will learn and see how they run, where they live and how they behave in nature.

One of the most amazing species of birds on our planet is ostriches. They live on Earth for several million years, but the world is changing, but birds are not. We think they are stupid, hiding their heads in the sand. But is it really so? In fact, the intelligence of these flightless birds is much higher than we imagine.

a brief description of

The most obvious fact about ostriches is the gigantic growth of the bird, which can reach 2.5 meters. With this growth, individual individuals can reach a weight of 180-250 kilograms.

These are omnivores. Although they feed mainly on plant foods, they do not disdain worms and small animals.

Females and males can be identified by color. In males, the tail and wings are black and white, while the purses are completely brown and gray. All ostriches have 2 fingers on each foot, with a long claw, up to 10 centimeters.

Birds are social birds and in wild nature there are flocks of up to 100 individuals. But more often they live in colonies of 10 birds. Ostriches have a hierarchy. Be sure to have a dominant female, or the main laying hen, as well as a male who protects the entire flock.

In the ostrich family, both partners incubate the eggs. Clutch contains 2 to 5 eggs. Babies are born after 40 days and after 2 days they are able to travel with their parents. The father takes care of the cubs.

On average, ostriches live 30-40 years, but there are individual individuals who live up to half a century.

In the wild, ostriches live on the African continent, mainly in semi-desert areas. Because of a large number farms According to the breeding of these birds, they are not on the verge of extinction.

head in the sand

The most interesting fact about ostriches is that they hide their heads in the sand. Actually this is a delusion. For certain, it was not possible to understand why the birds put their heads to the ground. It is believed that they are trying to hear the vibration from approaching animals, birds, or other danger. According to another version, ostriches collect a lot of food from the ground, these are the same worms, herbs, nuts, so very often their head is lowered. According to the third version, birds very often lay their eggs in the mud, and in order to check the condition of future children, they bend to the ground.

born runner

Another interesting fact about ostriches is that they are great runners. Indeed, a bird can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. At the same time, it maintains this speed for a long time, up to 20 kilometers. This is due only to the fact that in the natural environment the bird has many enemies, so if you want to live, run. In Africa, only the cheetah runs faster.

The stride length of the bird is 3-4 meters. And high growth allows you to determine the danger from afar. When an ostrich tries to slow down or change direction, it spreads its wings.

In some African countries and in the USA, one of the most popular spectacles is ostrich racing. To this day, a festival dedicated to these unique birds is held in Arizona, where you can admire the races on them.

How does the bird sleep?

Another interesting fact about ostriches is that birds sleep standing up. At the same time, they blink very often, and the head is always held high. If you look at ostriches, it is impossible to understand whether they are sleeping or not.

Another interesting fact is that in a dream the bird very abruptly and often changes from one sleep phase to another, which allows it to sleep quickly. And most importantly, even in a dream, a bird cannot be taken by surprise.

Stones in the stomach

A bird needs about 3.5 kilograms of food per day. However, most of these products require additional processing. Birds do not have teeth, and the stomach does not always cope with nuts, lizards and other prey.

In the lists of interesting facts about ostriches for children, it is often mentioned that the bird actually eats stones, glass and other sharp small objects. She does this in order to additionally grind the incoming food in the stomach. However, over time, the stones are ground to dust and new ones are required. Platypuses do the same.

The biggest eggs in the world

Indeed, the ostrich has the largest eggs among all flightless birds. And this is quite justified, because the bird is the largest.

On average, 1 ostrich egg replaces 20 chicken eggs and weighs about 1.5 kilograms, that is, enough for breakfast for the whole family. In 2008, farmers in Sweden found 2.3 kilograms. This unique egg was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

And what is most interesting about ostriches, or rather about their eggs, in order to get the contents, they often use a drill to drill at least a small hole. And it takes at least two hours to boil an egg.

mating dance

During the mating season, the males begin to dance in front of the females. Interestingly, males can dance not only in front of representatives of their own kind, but also in front of other bird species, even in front of people. At the same time, each bird in the dance shows individual features in its movements.

At first, the bird sits on its knees, turning them to the other side and actively spreads its feathers, shaking them. Then the whole body of the male sways, the head nods. If the bird notices the interest of others in a certain movement, the male will begin to repeat it again and again.

African ostrich

An interesting fact: this is the only representative of the ostrich genus.

In fact, despite its large size, the bird is very shy. When danger comes, ostriches panic, rush about and try to escape. Only in extreme cases does the bird engage in battle, fighting off with powerful claws, beak and spurs on the wings.

The ostrich is considered a good actor. If the danger threatens the babies, then the male runs in a zigzag, falls as if he were wounded, and while the predator is chasing him, other individuals lead the young away from danger.

An interesting fact about ostriches is that they never hide from the rain, even if there is a shelter nearby. And the males sprinkle the first eggs with dust, but to this day it has not been possible to understand why they do this.

Unique emus

These birds are a little smaller size than the African "brother". The emu lives in Australia. Some scientists believe that these birds are not rightfully attributed to the genus of ostriches, they are separate view. Indeed, in the 80s of the last century, the classification was revised, the bird was assigned to the cassowary genus. The emu is the second largest flightless bird after the ostrich.

Earlier in the world, the emu genus was represented by three species, today only one remains. The emu is believed to have originated from a dinosaur. But it is this bird that is very easy to tame, they are obedient and very curious.

The height of the bird is 190 cm, and the weight is about 55 kg. The females of these birds are larger than the males. Individuals of this species can reach speeds of up to 55 kilometers per hour, but the step width is only 2.75 cm. But birds run about 25 kilometers a day. A bird can live up to 20 years, but in captivity this period is halved.

Interesting Emu Facts:

  • the bird perfectly tolerates temperature changes, from - 5 to +45 degrees Celsius;
  • birds of this species have never been diagnosed with a single disease;
  • individuals have three toes on their feet;
  • birds live solitary and never gather in flocks;
  • individuals of this species are excellent swimmers;
  • the bird swallows food whole;
  • the singing of the male during the mating season is spread over 2 kilometers;
  • the average size eggs is 900 grams;
  • babies gain weight quickly, 1 kilogram per week;
  • the bird does not know how to back away, like the kangaroo.

The emu is the only bird in the world that has calf muscles on its legs.


Ostriches are peaceful creatures, but if necessary, they will be able to stand up for themselves, their flock and offspring. It is believed that earlier the birds coped well with lions and people.

Birds have the largest eyes of any land creature. The diameter of the eyeball is 5 centimeters. Ostriches do not have a gland that would protect their plumage from water, so when it rains, the bird gets completely wet.

Ostriches are one of the strangest creatures alive today (platypuses aside). This type of flightless bird has existed on Earth for many millions of years and sometimes it seems that ostriches have not given a damn about the theory of evolution and natural selection. The world is changing, but these big birds are not. People consider ostriches stupid and cowardly, but birds can stand up for themselves and often turn into harsh and warlike creatures that can stand up for themselves and protect themselves from attacks of predators for thousands of years. Their intelligence also greatly exceeds all our ideas about it, so you should be prepared to meet with the largest representative ostrich families and find out the most interesting and amazing facts about him.

Ostriches don't actually stick their heads in the sand.

Ostriches on the farm

One of the most enduring myths about these creatures is that ostriches bury their heads in the sand or earth when they feel threatened. According to a generally accepted stereotype, birds refuse to deal with problems and simply ignore them: "If I do not see trouble, then trouble does not see me." Observation and common sense say that this is impossible (try to quickly stick even your hand in the sand or earth and you will understand how unrealistic this is).

There are several versions of the reason for the development of this myth. According to one explanation, ostriches put their heads to the ground to feel the vibration of approaching enemies. According to recent research, ostriches often eat and look for food with their heads down. They also often lay their eggs in mud where the temperature is ideal. From the outside, caring for offspring may seem like sticking your head into the ground. Some scientists believe that ostriches can disguise themselves as bushes by simply lying on their side. However, if it is impossible to avoid the threat, these birds can perfectly stand up for themselves, masonry or chicks, fighting with their powerful legs even with large opponents.
Their eggs are the largest in existence today.

Medium sized masonry

Ostriches are the largest flightless birds on the planet. Therefore, it is logical that their eggs are the largest. The absolute record was reached in 2008 on a farm in Sweden. Farmers found an egg weighing 2.3 kg (its size is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records). The average ostrich egg is many times larger than what we are used to eating for breakfast. So, one ostrich fried egg will replace a dish of 20 chicken eggs.

It may seem like a crazy idea, but in the US, Europe and even Russia, ostrich farms are gaining popularity. It is believed that the meat of these birds is terribly dietary, and even scrambled eggs can satisfy even the most demanding gourmets. Despite the high price, you can feed a whole family with one egg, although this will bring some inconvenience: these eggs have a very thick shell and sometimes you even have to use a drill. In addition, in order to bring an ostrich egg to readiness, it must be boiled for two hours.
Ostriches sleep like platypuses

A sleeping ostrich can even walk

Ostriches survived thanks to habits that are contrary to the laws of common sense: they sleep standing up with their heads held high and blinking frequently. Previously, scientists thought that birds fall asleep like this, but it turned out: at this time they already have a phase of deep sleep. Most often, it is not even clear whether the ostrich is sleeping or awake.

Also, these birds have an important feature: they can very quickly move from one phase of sleep to another. This allows them to get enough sleep in short periods of time and not be caught off guard. In this, ostriches are similar to platypuses and echidnas. Only in this trio the sleep mechanism works in a similar way. According to the researchers, the ability to quickly switch between deep and REM sleep existed in all animals in ancient times, but over time was lost in the course of evolution.
Ostrich races are popular view sports in some African countries and even in the USA

Most people think of horses or dogs when they think of horse racing. Surprisingly, there are also races such as ostrich races. They were popular among African tribes as part of an initiation, but over time, riding these birds became a sport and gained popularity even in the States. So, in the town of Chandler, Arizona, a festival is held annually, the highlight of the program at which is racing on fast ostriches.

Such a sport is very dangerous, since falling off a huge bird is much easier than falling off a horse. And if you consider that the ostrich accelerates to a speed of 70 km / h, then the matter looks very serious. In any case, if you want to feel what it's like to be a rider of a two-legged creature, go to Arizona or go on special tours in African states.
They eat stones to crush food in their stomachs.

Ostriches eat up to 10 times a day

If you have seen ostriches on farms, you might have seen a strange picture: the bird eats stones, pieces of glass and other unappetizing things. Don't worry, it's normal. Moreover, if the bird is not allowed to complete this process, it may die. The thing is that ostriches eat a lot of food that requires additional processing: their stomach cannot cope, and there are no teeth in their beak. Therefore, they act in the same way as platypuses (they eat gravel to grind food).

Herbivorous dinosaurs also acted, eating large stones. Ostriches use sharp stones and glass as a meat grinder. Over time, "extra" items are erased into dust, so you need to constantly "update" them. Stably, their mass in the stomach should be one and a half kilograms so that the ostrich can eat normally. Hard, but necessary for survival.
The evolution of ostriches and other flightless birds followed a special path

A flock of ostriches in the savannah

Ostriches are one of the few surviving flightless birds. During the megafauna, there were much more representatives of the ostrich species. For example, in New Zealand, huge birds called Moas were common. They reached a height of 3.6 meters. It is believed that they were exterminated by the warriors of the Maori tribe in the middle of the 15th century.

It was previously thought that large flightless birds were a separate genus at the time when the Gondwana supercontinent existed. Over time, their differences between members of the genus were to develop minor differences. Modern research has shown that after the individual continents formed, birds still traveled through the air and only then became flightless.
Ostrich farms in the US have failed, but they may rise from the ashes

Ostrich farm in Kansas

In the 1990s America was overwhelmed by the fight against beef and cholesterol. Then an alternative was called ostrich meat, which contains almost no fat - solid protein. You can even fall in love with a specific taste, but there were not a large number of fans. Therefore, many farmers who wanted to make money on newfangled meat went bankrupt.

Over time, people got used to the fact that a huge and cute bird can be a delicious lunch, so in recent years, the popularity of ostrich meat has begun to grow again. Demand creates supply, so it is possible that in the next decade all of America will switch to flightless bird meat, given its nutritional value and nutritional properties.
Males dance for females, moreover, very extravagantly

Ostriches, although they do not have such elegant plumage as those of ostriches, but they know how to stand out from the crowd in their own way. Moreover, it is surprising that males dance this unrealistic dance not only for females, but also for females of other species, including humans. Each ostrich brings individual features to the movements, so the dance is always different and it's really worth seeing (it's better if you and the bird are separated by a fence).

First, the male kneels, which bend in the opposite direction, straighten the feathers and begin to shake them. Then he begins to swing his whole body in different directions, nodding and generally behaving as if he was possessed by a demon. During one dance, an ostrich can demonstrate its abilities to several females. If he sees the interest of one of them during a certain movement, then he repeats it until his complete victory. Everything is like with people - men on the dance floor behave in exactly the same way.
The ostrich is the fastest bipedal creature

The running ostrich is really fast

As already noted, ostriches are extremely fast and can reach speeds of 70 km/h. In one throw, they can run a distance of 20 km without rest. Such endurance is due to necessity: in native Africa there are too many predators who want to eat a large bird. A frightened ostrich is second only to a cheetah. He easily leaves all other enemies on the horizon.

Where does such a rush come from? The fact is that ostriches have very flexible joints. Long legs allow you to take large steps, and powerful muscles push a perfectly balanced body forward. Scientists plan to take the natural mechanism of flightless birds to make robots fast. Perhaps then you really should be afraid of the uprising of machines.
He can kill a man and even a lion with a kick.

Ostrich paws and powerful claws

Ostriches are quite peaceful creatures, but in a critical situation they are ready to stand up for themselves: if something threatens their life or the health of their offspring. In this case, powerful legs and claws are used, with which they inflict very deep wounds.

In the past, ostriches easily coped with lions and even people. Birds try to get into the neck as the most vulnerable spot. Therefore, be careful: if the ostrich sees you as a threat, he can do everything possible to neutralize it.

Ostriches are wonderful and unusual creatures, but hunting and pollution environment make a man their life in wild environment difficult. If you do not make an effort, ostriches will be destroyed in the same way as moas. I would like to believe that a bird that has survived millions of years will live no less in the future.

We'll have to repeat at the very beginning, probably for the thousandth time: OSTRICHES DO NOT bury their heads in the sand! Blame the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder, whose opinion "ostriches represent that when they put their head and neck into the ground, their whole body seems to be hidden" was considered an indisputable truth for centuries. Over time, incorrect information was transformed into a phraseological unit that characterizes a person who does not want to face danger.

    Ostriches tend to lower their heads low to the ground on three occasions. First, of course, when they are looking for food. Secondly, when they swallow small pebbles, so that they grind food in the stomach to improve digestion - after all, the ostrich has no teeth. Thirdly, when, after a grueling chase, the ostrich is exhausted so much that it is no longer able to even keep its head up on its long neck.

    Often, in pursuit, the ostrich emerges victorious - that is, it saves its own life. First of all, extraordinarily strong legs help out, covering a distance of 4 meters in one step, and when running, they develop speeds of up to 70 km / h. But predators are usually much faster than their prey. And then the ostrich comes to the aid of its two-meter wings, which cannot fly - due to poorly developed pectoral muscles. They help when running to abruptly change its direction without slowing down. A predator that has overshot due to inertia, as a rule, is much more difficult to resume the chase.

    Well, if an ostrich, as they say, is driven into a corner, or protects its territory from an uninvited guest - then beware! Legs immediately turn into a deadly weapon, and this is literally. For comparison, a horse's hoof strike is estimated at 20 kg per square centimeter, and an ostrich's paw strike is estimated at 30 kg! Such a force easily bends an iron rod one and a half centimeters thick, crushes human bones, breaks the skull of a lion. With a fatal outcome for the latter.

    For this reason, a farmer who breeds ostriches needs to be very careful. Giant birds, whose weight can reach up to one and a half centners, know their breadwinner, but, having excellent eyesight, they react nervously and unpredictably to any sudden movements. The main thing is the rule "who is higher - that is more important." To a person taller than them (even with a hand raised up), ostriches are respectful. When their height exceeds 2 meters, the farmer has to tie a structure made of a mop and a scarecrow put on it.

    Ostriches live in harems, consisting of one male and several females. All lay eggs in a common nest - a hole dug by the male in the ground or sand. One of the females is necessarily dominant - it is with her that the male forms a pair and incubates the eggs. When the laying is completed, the dominant female drives the rest of the females away from the nest, then transfers her own eggs to the center of the nest, distinguishing them by texture, and proceeds to incubate.

    The number of eggs in a clutch can range from 15 to 60 eggs, and not all of them will last until the end of one and a half months of incubation. This has its own cruel, but practical meaning: many birds and animals hunt for large, up to 2 kg in weight, ostrich eggs. So the extreme ones are put up as if to be slaughtered, while the central ones are guaranteed to be protected. If they are not stolen, they, almost always unfinished, perish. But even in this case, they will be useful. When the chicks hatch, the adult ostrich will break the spoiled eggs. Flies will flock to the feast - and they themselves will become food for young ostriches.

    And the ostrich feather is unique. There is no such thing in nature anymore. Take a closer look: the rod divides it into two equal halves - unlike all other representatives of the bird world. It was this uniqueness of the ostrich that almost killed him, because man, since the time of the pharaohs, declared the ostrich feather a symbol of justice and truth. The gallant XVIII century announced a special demand for ostrich feathers - and almost led to the complete extermination of ostriches. Fortunately, in the middle of the 19th century they began to be bred on farms. But the subspecies of the ostrich that lived in the Middle East has disappeared forever.