Games at the disco Youth Day. Scenario of an entertainment program for a disco (competitions) - “Disco Star”

Disco script "Dance and have fun."

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys! We welcome you today to our hall at the “Dance and Have Fun” game disco.

Today we will relax, have fun, play and most importantly dance! So let's start the same! Are you ready to rock?

The answer is “Yes! "Well, then let's go!"

Game "Snake". All those present form a chain or are divided into several command chains. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as he wants - waves his arms, lunges, goose-steps, etc. Everyone else must repeat the movements after her. When the “head” gets tired, she turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The competition lasts as long as the music plays.

Presenter: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our entire program. The one who is the most active today will receive a good prize! So it's worth the fight!

Our evening program:

First - dancing!

Second - fun dancing!

Third - fast dancing!

Fourth - slow dancing!

Fifth - dance until you drop! All in all:

Disco, disco!

This is fun, this is fun

Mountains of jokes, a lot of laughter!

This is what disco means!

I offer a gaming disco!

Dance game “Changing”. Everyone spins in pairs arm in arm, as soon as I say the word “Changing”, everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and also continues to spin arm in arm to the music, etc.

Game "Growing Dance". Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers separate, and each of them chooses a different partner. Now 2 couples dance until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

Game "Train". In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train – the “locomotive” – runs quickly and often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

I will name the part of the body that you should grab during movement (stomach, shoulders, ears, head, belt, etc.). Ready? The answer is “Yes! "Then let's go!

Presenter: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

All participants in this competition stand in a circle and put their hats on their heads.

Listen to me carefully and complete my tasks:

1 put your right hand on your neighbor’s head;

2 remove the hat from your neighbor with your right hand and put it on your head;

3 remove the hat from your head and shout “Hop”;

4 put both hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and close the circle;

5 take off your hat, bow and say "Mercy"

Ready? The answer is “Yes.” Well then, let's go!

Competition “Hats” (Props: 8 hats, 8 prizes)

Irga "Nesmeyana". Princess Nesmeyana is selected from the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyana laugh with their dance without touching her.

Game "Dancing by name". During the disco, the host announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now all Sashas and all Elenas are dancing. You can call several names at the same time.

Game "Tapes". The presenter asks a group of girls and boys to stand separately. He takes several ribbons in his hand (in the middle of the ribbon). Girls take the ribbons from one end, and boys from the other. The presenter releases the tapes and moves away. Boys and girls wind up the ribbons and meet, forming pairs for a slow dance.

"Dance game" The children form a stream of boys and girls. The usual game is in progress, accompanied by fast music(As soon as the music changes to slow, the resulting couples dance a slow dance)

Game "Object in a circle." Those who want to participate in the game form a large circle in the hall. An object is given to one of the participants: a ball, a balloon. A fast phonogram is turned on, and the object is passed from participant to participant in a circle. The melody suddenly stops, and the participant who is holding the object in his hands at that moment is eliminated from the game. Elimination occurs every time the tune stops until the last participant remains, who becomes the winner.

"Lovemobile Party"

The lights are dim. Projection on screen business card. Music is playing. The host and dance group are on stage. The mobile phone rings, the presenter's assistant, on roller skates, gives her the phone.

Presenter. Please excuse me (talking on the phone). Yes, I am listening to you. I can't talk now. Why? Because at the moment I am in a wonderful House of Culture, participating in the finals of the competition “...!” Bye bye!

(Addresses the audience) Oh, these mobile phones! They call at the most inopportune moment. You can, of course, leave it at home or turn it off, but why? Nowadays, mobile phones are an integral part, a necessary thing for every person, and you can’t imagine how we used to get along without them.

For the older generation, the telephone is a means of communication. For teenagers, the phone is not only a means of communication, but also prestige. For them, it is important what brand the phone is, what functions it performs, etc.

Our phones have a bright backlight, they can also be used as flashlights in case the lights suddenly go out, and you can create “mobile” lighting effects at a disco. Fortunately, we have this in order, but all sorts of situations can arise.

I have a suggestion. Now I will ask you to leave a minimum of light in the hall, and you, friends, go out onto the dance floor, turn on your mobile phones and create your own color music.

Dance music is playing. The presenter and the audience create “mobile” color music.

Presenter. I think it turned out great! But some phones glowed especially brightly. I will now invite the owners of these phones. Grigory, bring the most “bright” people of our meeting to me.

4 people are selected to participate in the competition.

Presenter. Dear friends, today you have a wonderful opportunity to top up your account. The best participant in our meeting will be awarded a card worth five dollars. Today is your day, be bright and positive!

The presenter introduces the participants and asks them to answer questions. next questions:

– How long have you had a mobile phone?

– How many numbers are in your phone book?

– How often do you change phones?

– What does a telephone mean to you?

Presenter. So, friends, everyone is assembled, we have learned a little about our participants, and we are starting!

The presenter addresses the meeting participants.

Presenter. I think that for the sake of such an event you will not mind parting with your mobile phones for a while. Please put your phones on the table.

Participants place their phones on the table.

Presenter. You are all professionals in speed dialing SMS messages. And now you have a great opportunity to show super speed in typing.

The presenter's phone number is projected on the screen.

Presenter. On the screen you see the phone number to which you need to send an SMS. The text is simple - the letter “I”. At my command, you run to your phones and type a message. And we will part with the one who does it last. So, Gregory, lead the participants to the strat line.

A competition is being held, according to the results of which the last contestant to send a message is eliminated.

Presenter. Unfortunately, we will have to part ways with one of our members. But you have a consolation prize from our program.

Presenter. Another mobile hobby among young people is the so-called “uploading” of pictures for the MMS messaging function. It's very nice to send or receive a funny picture to your friend. In this way we can express our feelings or mood. I suggest you get a little creative. Think now about your boyfriend or girlfriend. Draw your phone number on a piece of Whatman paper, and draw a picture on the display that will tell you about your feelings. Use your imagination. For those who are not involved in this competition, I suggest dancing.

Presenter. It's time to get acquainted with the creativity of our competitors. And it will be assessed by the most competent jury - you, our viewers and fans. But there is no need to applaud loudly, stomp your feet and shout. You have phones, after all. Based on the number of mobile phones raised up, we will determine the best work.

Presenter. And again we will have to part with one of our participants, whom we still will not let go without a consolation prize. Thank you for participating. Good luck and success to you!

The participant leaves the program.

But one condition - turn it on speakerphone, explain to the subscriber that he will have to congratulate everyone on the holiday.

Just don't forget to say where you are and what's happening to you.

Presenter. We listened to the congratulations, we thank our subscribers. Now we’ll find out which congratulation the jury liked best. Get your phones ready to vote.

Presenter (addresses the participant with the least number of votes)

We thank you for your participation. You have a prize from our program with Best wishes good mood, have a good time.

The prize is awarded and the participant leaves the program.

Presenter. And I congratulate the winner of our “love mobile” meeting! Let only pleasant, beloved voices come from your handset.

Call, meet, chat. Congratulations again! Amid continuous applause, I present you with a $5 express payment card! Thank you for participating!

Friends, the time has come for us to say goodbye! Don't forget to call and congratulate your friends and parents on the holiday. I think you managed to add my phone number to the phone book, I’m waiting for congratulations and pleasant SMS messages.

I wish you all a lot of happiness and a lot of good friends. You are young, beautiful, you have everything ahead. Enjoy your luck! Be bright and positive! See you! Bye!

A musical theme plays. The presenter leaves the stage.

Dance script entertainment program for young people
Entertainment program with application mobile phones. Cell phone is my friend. Competitions with phones, fun competitions using phones and their functions.


Scenarios for game programs for youth

The evening is held on an open area (stage), decorated with flowers, greenery, and balloons.

The song “Good Mood” is playing from the repertoire of the singer Yolka. On the stage there are two presenters and a dance group, which will illustrate all the musical numbers, “swinging” the audience to dance.

Presenters. Good evening, dear friends!

1st presenter. Hello! I think it’s immediately clear that this song is most directly related to our meeting today.

2nd presenter. Because we have an unusual program today! Summer is raging in the city, and each of us is in a great summer mood!

1st presenter. Summer mood means that things are going well, vacation is just around the corner, and the people around you seem nicer and kinder. Suddenly hidden reserves of wit and courage are revealed. For no particular reason you want to laugh, sing and dance - that’s what we’ll do now. I invite you to the stage... (name of the group).

The pop group performs a summer-themed dance song.

1st presenter. Yes, vacation is just around the corner! How are you going to spend your summer days to make them unforgettable, bright, and exciting? Surely there are already interesting outlines and routes? After all, you can’t sit at home all summer!

2nd presenter. I’m thinking of visiting different museums, wandering through the beautiful streets of our city, checking out the library, a couple of shops...

1st presenter. You know, there's not enough fun in all this.

2nd presenter. Where will you be in the summer, if it’s not a secret?

1st presenter. Of course it’s no secret - visiting my aunt, in a small private house...

2nd presenter. Hm... Not very impressive.

1st presenter. The whole point is where my aunt lives - and she lives on the Black Sea coast!

2nd presenter. Oh, this changes things! Soon you will be rocking the Black Sea! In the meantime, to tune in to the sea wave, let's listen to the song.

A song from A. Buinov’s repertoire “Let’s Light Up at the Black Sea” is performed.

After the song, the presenters conduct a mini-interview with the audience.

1st presenter. How and where did you vacation last summer?

The first guest speaks briefly.

1st presenter. How are you feeling now?

1st guest: Not bad!

1st presenter. Keep it up! I wish you that this summer will be generous with joyful events and fun travels!

2nd presenter. Tell us about the brightest summer experience from your childhood?

The 2nd guest speaks briefly.

2nd presenter. Great story! I think this summer will also be rich in positive impressions.

1st presenter. Thank you for your sincere answers. We congratulate everyone on the coming of summer! And on this occasion, everyone dances!

A summer dance song is played (at the choice of the organizers).

2nd presenter. Well, judging by the number of dancers, no one is discouraged, and that’s great! The mood is steadily rising, but we have not yet reached the peak. The next round - the mood is not just good, but sunny.

1st presenter. And how can we create it if it’s already evening?

2nd presenter. Now we'll play a little! The fun competition “Sunny, get up!” will help you create a wonderful sunny mood.

The presenters recruit two teams of 3-5 people each from the audience. The goal of the competition is to remember and sing as many songs as possible with the word “sun”. Each team can have a chosen soloist perform, or the whole team can sing in chorus.

At the end of the game, the winning team is awarded prizes - sunscreen, sunglasses, etc. Losers receive consolation prizes (for example, chocolates).

1st presenter. And now we invite a choreographic group with hot southern dance to the stage. Meet!

A dance number is performed in Latin American style.

1st presenter. There are many ways to combat blues and boredom. (Addresses the audience): What ways do you know to improve your mood?

Viewers offer options.

1st presenter. Wow, some fun options never even occurred to me. But we are unlikely to be able to use all these methods; we are still having an evening of cultural recreation. Therefore, first we will conduct a comic test. I invite you to the stage young man and a girl.

Each participant gets 3 questions (or both participants answer each question in turn).

Complete the following sentences correctly:

1. Napoleon had on his head...

2. Alexander the Great’s horse’s name was...

d) Nikita Sergeevich

4. The sports equipment is called...

d) Clubfoot bear

5. A modern girl doesn’t leave home without...

6. It’s great that we are all here today...

d) Where are we anyway?!

At the end of the competition, each participant is given a compass - with the wish to find the right direction in any situation.

Scenarios for game programs for youth
Scenario of a summer entertainment program for youth and adults. Fun competitions with prizes and gifts, games with spectators, songs and dances. Festive evening ends with a disco.


Scenario of the competition and game program for Youth Day “We are the pride of Russia!”

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We are young and we are indomitable

Blood rushes through our veins

Ah, these daring impulses.

Ah, this first love.

We are youth, in fact, we are big children

After all, everyone was once young

And children are the tomorrow of the whole planet

We will put the whole world in their hands!

and everyone stretches out their hands to him. To achieve greater effect, you can release pigeons on the sides of the stage at the end.

Hello, everyone who came to this wonderful holiday!

We welcome everyone who is young in body or soul!

chapter rural settlement Kirichenko SN..

It's a wonderful time to be young

Be beautiful both in appearance and in soul

And dress fashionably, and always

I wish you to look good

When you live to the fullest,

When you overcome boredom

This is how you get younger,

Join the flash mob here now!

Number 2 Wheels flash mob

Incendiary music is playing, a fitness trainer is on stage with

his group conducts a simple preparatory lesson, at the end everyone dances together.

We spread our wings boldly

We are gaining strength in the skies

We are eager to fight for our cause

And we glorify the Motherland in verse

And we know the strength is behind us

The truth is behind us, we are yours

Reliable and strong, Russia,

We are the wings on which you fly!

Number 3 Dance number feather

In the background of the music, play the phonogram of the announcer's text:

NARRATOR: “Columbia Pictures, together with the Baba Yaga and Campaign TV channel, presents the mega-project “Star Factory” on the edge of a forest hut”

Musical announcement for Baba Yaga's departure - the sound of a flying engine

Baba Yaga appears on a broom and raps:

Baba Yaga. They used to call me Yaga,

They teased me with a bone leg

Now I live in a modern fairy tale,

I'm into rap and go to fitness.

Oooh, kamon, kamon

And now all together:

Oooh, kamon, kamon

The heroes of fairy tales respect me,

They call me a star producer.

I opened a star factory on the edge of the forest,

Right on the edge of a forest hut.

Oooh, kamon, kamon,

Oooh, kamon, kamon

Baba Yaga. I wandered around, I ran into each other,

Finally I'm home,

I ended up in Dudachny.

My sense of smell does not fail me:

I feel, I feel the human spirit.

Yes, I was joking, I was joking. And in general, I now have a modern hobby, I am now this, well, what’s her name – a fan. Fan of the TV show “Star Factory”. I looked and looked and decided: shouldn’t I create my own “Star Factory “On the edge of a forest hut” and become its producer. I have already recruited teachers. The best performer of romances in the entire distant kingdom, our vocal teacher...

/Whistles. Music announcement of the heroes' appearance, chicken clucking, owl hooting/

A hut on chicken legs! Applause!

Something strange is happening here

All this is not according to the script.

And as always, you little yagulicha got the wrong address.

And there was no point in bringing the vocal teacher here.

How wrong I was

Isn't it your holiday?!

A holiday is a holiday

But not about your honor.

Today is youth day

And it won’t be fairy-tale heroes who will perform.

And ours, the Dudachen youth!

Youth is youth!

How can they compare with my experience!

I can smell talent a mile away!

(Turning away, he says: this time my instincts let me down)

No, Yagul didn’t let me down,

Better join our viewers

And we will show you our “Dudachensky Factory of Stars”

I'm afraid it will be difficult to surprise me,

But let's see, let's see.....

Meet, the rap will be read now

And this verse will be pleasant to you

He composed it - honor to him,

Parviz sings for you.

Presenter: What goals and aspirations do you, young people, have?

for happiness, good studies, for helping the elderly and sick people, for mutual support and understanding!

Presenter: It’s summer now, many people have vacations and rest. And when did it appear free time, then you need to spend it on good deeds, on self-education, and also on communication with peers!

Presenter: And now we invite everyone present to play a little and receive memorable gifts as a prize.

Host: Let's start with you. Go!

This day was quite a success (emphasis on the “a”),

He called himself a youth

Let's celebrate it

Run, jump and scream,

Conduct all competitions

Well, drink a little beer,

Regarding the latter, separately,

I'll tell you straight away,

Then let the wine be here!

You are young people, you need to be entertained,

I want to tell you riddles,

There will be a prize for whoever answers correctly

Well, let's hurry up, all for an encore!

Twice a day, you rub with her,

Start before you go to bed, then when you wake up,

And it needs a pinch of white paste,

What I'm talking about? (Answer: toothbrush)

Long, soft, about 20 meters,

You tear it up every day,

And you will never be able to part with her,

Even though it’s once a day, it’s still needed.

(Answer: toilet paper)

In the morning, with a deep hangover,

You need her

Your beloved, dear,

(Answer: aspirin tablet)

There's no way to drink without it,

Of course he's a simpleton at all times,

Neither girl nor boy

(answer: plastic cup)

With him, you will charge your brains,

What is this? (answer: Snickers neither)

And it instantly melts in your mouth?

They played riddles with you,

And everyone is a little tired,

Now it's time to eat

Everything that is on the table here!

Musical break according to the script.__________________________

Now it's time to show

Who can dance the best here?

You change the music, don’t be surprised at all,

Try to dance to each one,

And so that it was just class,

So that we can choose you as the winner!

Competition for Youth Day “Dancing”. Everyone comes out. Their task, on command (the start of the music), is to start dancing, but in such a way that it matches the theme. And the themes are as follows: cancan, lambada, cha-cha-cha, oriental, striptease, gypsy girl. Those who fail to cope are eliminated, and so on until the last, until the winner. Prize: dance disc.

How many different songs

And the mother said to her son:

Oh, how beautiful our songs are.

Song, how everyone knows this word.

– Modern youth are very passionate about the Internet and various youth sites. What ever-changing and trendy things do you post on your page?

- Of course, status. These short lines very clearly express the mood and also reflect the worldview of modern youth.

– Then we have no choice but to announce a competition called “The Wittest Status”!

Interested participants go on stage and say their statuses. The winner is determined by voting and receives the diploma “The Youngest Sage of Russia.”

– It’s great that today’s youth are so energetic and active. After all, as you know, movement is life. And our guys shouldn’t sit still for a minute!

– The first burn is always wonderful,

Love for each other of the younger generation!

Your faces are so sincere and tender,

When the juice of love rushes through the veins.

And there is no more honest and tender feeling,

There is no finer and more open art,

Than the young lovers of Russia,

How pure and beautiful you are!

- Your youth is young and beautiful,

Like streams flowing from the mountains.

Love tenderly, kiss passionately,

Everyone is ready for great achievements.

Your youth is always witty,

Full of subtle hints and thoughts,

Bold and even crazy at times,

But without doubt in judgment she is smart

– If your heart is kind and there is fire in your eyes,

Then youth walks with a smile on its lips!

We have no doubt that you are the best

Are the youth of Russia always waiting? (Pause), (Hall - success).

Scenario of the competition and game program for Youth Day We are the pride of Russia!
Download: Script of the competition and game program for Youth Day “We are the pride of Russia!”


Scenario of a game program for students in grades 5-8

Merry party (game program)

Description of work. During the holidays, schools operate a vacation school, which allows schoolchildren, pupils of clubs and sections, to express themselves, show their capabilities and reveal their talents. This entertaining game program was developed jointly with students of the VIA “Stimul”; musical accompaniment was organized by the participants of the circle.

The methodological development of the “Merry Party” event is intended to help teachers and educators in preparing and conducting extracurricular activities during school holidays. Using this script and supplementing it with other materials will allow teachers (additional education teachers) to active participation schoolchildren (pupils of clubs) to hold a good, impressive, memorable event. The form of the event is a game entertainment program.

The program is designed for students in grades 5-8 aged 12-15 years.

The event consists of the following stages:

1. Introductory part. Greetings. Division into teams.

2. Main part. Completing tasks.

Name and motto.

1 part. Mass dances.

Task 1. Chant.

Task 2. Words from songs.

Part 3. Party stars.

Task 1. Transfusions.

Task 2. Theatrical.

3. Summing up. Rewarding.

1. Formation of communication skills and sense of humor.

2. Development of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual

3. Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.

1. identify the creative and artistic abilities of students;

2. create a festive atmosphere.

2. interactive whiteboard (screen).

5. Microphones for presenters with amplifiers.

6. Didactic handouts.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear guys! Happy holiday to you! Happy holidays!

Presenter 2: Today we will hold an event called “Fun Party”. We will dance, laugh, have fun, and, well, hang out.

Presenter 1: Before we start our event, guess the riddles about our school:

· How old is our school?

· How many head teachers work at the school?

· This year to ped. new members have joined the school staff interesting people. What is their name and position?

· These people work at our school. You know their present. And who they were in the past. Look at the photo and name the school employees (3 photos).

· What is the name of the children's organization at school?

· Who heads the children's organization?

· Tell me, how many boarding school students study at school?

· Name the teacher who was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

(those who answered the questions correctly are invited to the stage, draw a number with the numbers “1” or “2”, thus forming teams of 5 people)

Presenter 2: Congratulations! You have become participants in the “Merry Party” game program.

Presenter 1: So, we have formed 2 teams and we are happy to invite them

Presenter 1: The teams are all ready, and they will be judged by a strict but fair jury consisting of:

Presenter 2: Let's wish the teams the best of luck.

Presenter 1: Our party is opening.

Task 1. Name and motto.

Presenter 2: Task one: come up with a name and motto for your team. Time to complete the task is 3 minutes. The task is graded using a 3-point system.

Presenter 1: While the teams are completing the task, the audience and I will play. I will ask questions, and you try to answer them. The viewer who dialed large quantity correct answers, he can donate his points to the team he supports.

Presenter 2: Now let's see what happened with the participants. The name and motto of the first team is..., the second team is...... (team performances). We ask the jury to evaluate the teams' work.

Presenter 1: Let's move on directly to the competition. They consist of several parts. The first part is mass dancing.

Presenter 2: The first competition of this part is a train.

You must perform the dance as a whole team in an original, unusual way, but in such a way that one would think that a train is coming. Both teams start at the same time to the music. Time to complete -3 minutes. The jury evaluates your artistry and originality of execution.

(completing the task. Music: rap, lambada, Russian folk “There was a birch tree in the field”, “There is nothing better in the world” from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”, waltz, “Gymnastics”, “Antoshka”).

Presenter 1: You completed this task. But can you cope with the task called “Parrots”. Now the teams will draw 3 cards. After this, the teams will dance, and must dance so that the part of the body that was indicated on the card is the most active in the dance. Let's say you come across a card called “head” - it should be the most active in your dance. While one team is completing the task, the second is trying to determine what was indicated on the card. For the correct answer - an additional point in your score. We draw out cards. The jury does not forget about its responsibilities; we evaluate using a 5-point system. So let's begin. Let's dance.

Cards: hands, mouth, eyes, feet, index finger, hair.

Presenter 2: We successfully completed the tasks of the first part. Let us summarize the preliminary results. The floor is presented to the jury.

Presenter 1: the teams danced, now it’s time for songs, and the second part of our party is called “Songs”.

Presenter 2: The first task is chanting. Execution time - 5 minutes.

Presenter 1: Now each team will sing a song. We start at the same time. And we'll see which team does it better and louder. The jury evaluates using a 3-point system.

The first team sings the song “There was a birch tree in the field.”

The second command is “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Presenter 2: The teams completed the task in the first part of the second part, let’s move on to the second task, “Words from Songs.” 7 minutes are allotted for this task, the jury awards 1 point for each correct answer.

Presenter 1: I will pronounce expressions or words from songs, and the teams will take turns continuing the song. In case of a hint from the audience, the correct answer is not counted.

Without you, without you...

(Everything has become unnecessary

From dusk to dawn without you,

I need you so much, my beloved (“Without You”, Stas Mikhailov)).

Where does childhood go...

And where can we find a remedy?

To get there again.

It will go silently

While the whole city is sleeping,

And he won’t write letters,

And he's unlikely to call. (“Where does childhood go?”, VIA Slivki, from the film “Vesnukhin’s Fantasies”)).

You should be nearby...

(You must forgive everything

You chose empty dreams

Even if I accidentally became more desperate

Our love, life is not so simple. (You should be nearby”, Dima Bilan)).

You see, I left then out of spite...

(You see, I couldn’t find the words then

You don't know - we're just unlucky

It was possible, but it passed. Understand

Understand. (“You Understand”, Factory)

Let's go there with you

Where there is no snow or rain...

(Where will we stay together

Where it's just you and me

Let's go there

Let's go here

Let's go together

Let's go here

Let's go there

Come with me common (“La-la-la”, Zhanna Friske)).

(Living on it is easy and simple,

Living on it is easy and simple, Chunga-Changa.

Our happiness is constant

Chew coconuts, eat bananas,

Chew coconuts, eat bananas, Chunga-Changa (“Chunga-Changa” from the cartoon “The Boat”)).

we didn't pass...

(We were not asked this.

We didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this.

Pa-rum-pum-pum Pa-ram-pum-pum. (“Antoshka’s Song” from the cartoon “Antoshka”)).

There was a birch tree in the field...

(Curly stood in the field.

Lyuli Lyuli, stood,

Lyuli Lyuli, stood (“There was a birch tree in the field”, folk)).

Light in your window

How I need him...

(Light in your window

Like the sea to a ship

Light in your window

Sun beam on the snow

Light in your window

How I love you (“The Light in Your Window”, Alsou)).

Black boomer black boomer...

Black boomer black boomer

If you can, catch up

Black boomer black boomer

Rides under the window

Black boomer black boomer

The girls really like it (“Black Boomer”, Seryoga)).

Presenter 2: The teams did an excellent job with all the tasks of the second part. Let's give the floor to the jury to sum up the results of the second part.

The third part of "Party Stars"

Presenter 1: The third part of our party is called “Party Stars”.

1st competition – “Transfusions”. I suggest the participants take a little rest. There are two glasses of juice on the table. There are straws nearby (according to the number of participants). The task of the competition participants is to drink the contents of the glasses as quickly as possible. The team that empties the glass the fastest wins. The winning team gets 1 point.

Presenter 2: Second “Theatrical” competition (cards with tasks). 3 participants are invited from each team. They are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. The jury evaluates the best performance and artistry using a 3-point system. You need to go like this:

· woman with heavy bags;

· gorilla in a cage;

· girl in a tight skirt with high heels;

· sentry guarding the food warehouse;

· a baby who has just learned to walk;

· guy in front of an unfamiliar girl.

Presenter 1: The teams completed the tasks of the third round. It's time to take stock. The jury gives the floor.

(speech by the jury, announcement of the results of the program)

Summarizing. Rewarding. Performance of the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today” by students of VIA Stimul).

Scenario of a game program for students in grades 5-8
Fun party (game program) Author: Vladimir Arkadyevich Kuzikov, history and social studies teacher, additional education teacher, head of the VIA Stimul club, municipal government agency general

(Competitive and entertainment program)

Decor: on the back of the stage there is a large star painted and written: “Disco Star”.
The host and DJ comes out against the background of disco music and lighting effects.

LEADING: Hello to all disco fans and non-fans! My name is Oleg. Many of you know me as a DJ, but today I will be in a slightly different role. I was entrusted with holding the “Disco Star” show competition. Most of our youth go to the disco, this the only place, where you can dance, jump, shake, scream your favorite song at the top of your lungs, go wild with all your heart, and for us adults they all seem the same, faceless, despite their age, clothing style, behavior. But each of them has its own personality, its own zest and is interesting in its own way. And today, you, dear friends, have to prove how interesting each of the participants in the “Disco Star” show program is.

LEADING: As in all competitions, the performance of the participants will be assessed by a distinguished jury.

(The jury's presentation is accompanied by a musical soundtrack).

LEADING: The jury has been introduced, and the exciting moment of getting to know the contestants has arrived. I invite participants to the stage.

(Participants are being introduced.)

LEADING: Well, I think the contestants have made themselves known and you have a little idea about them. While they are preparing for the first competition, the lead singer of the group sings for you (…….)

LEADING: Thanks to the group (……). And we are starting the first competition, which we called “FEN-ERUDITE”.
Fandom is multifaceted and multifaceted, like youth itself, like life itself, and just as vast. That’s why we decided to test our contestants’ knowledge of music, but the test will be unusual and quite simple. For each contestant, we recorded three phonograms in different languages; after listening to them, they will have to remember, recognize or guess in which language this or that phonogram is performed. For three correct answers they receive 3 points, for two - two points and for one - 1 point, for three incorrect answers - zero points. So, go for it, our “erudite fans.” No feather or fluff to you!

(The first competition is taking place).

LEADING: Well, the guys did well in the first competition. It is clear that they love music, they know languages, if not completely, then, in any case, they can tell the difference. While they are preparing for the second competition, he sings for you (……..)

LEADING: We are starting the second competition, which we called “DISCO OUTFIT”. As a rule, guests are greeted by their clothes and seen off by their outfit, but outfit and outfit are different. For some it is a way of life, for others it is just clothing, and nothing more. And, of course, you don’t have to dress “according to the music”: punk means a leather jacket, and a rapper means dropped pants. But young people, unlike adults, want to look special, to be different from others, to conquer everyone around them, and if not to conquer, then, in any case, to attract attention.

LEADING: And now we will find out how much the contestants will conquer both you, dear viewers, and you, dear jury, with their imagination, invention, and their disco outfit. I invite participant number 1 to the stage in my disco outfit. Meet!

(The second competition is underway.)

LEADING: Yes, our contestants are masters at inventing and imagining, but we’ll see how much strength they have to improvise. In the meantime, he sings for you (……).

LEADING: As you already understand, dear viewers, the next competition will be related to improvisation. The guys prepared for almost all the competitions of this show, but we did not reveal the idea of ​​the third competition for them, i.e. they know the essence of it, that soundtracks will sound for them. What kind of phonograms these are, and who will get which, the contestants do not know. After listening to them, they must improvise a dance, thereby showing you and me how much they control their body and know how to improvise.

(The third competition is underway).

LEADING: I think you will agree, dear viewers, that our contestants are great improvisers! And while they are preparing for the fourth competition, a group sings for you (………).

LEADING:“Disco stars,” I think, should not only dance well, control their bodies, improvise, and be erudite in music, but also have an ear, rhythm, be able to sing and hold themselves on stage. And our next competition is to determine how much our contestants have hearing, rhythm, voice, and the ability to hold themselves on stage.
Each contestant will be given a fragment of a famous song, and he will perform this song along with a soundtrack. At a certain point, the sound will disappear, and the participant must continue to sing, and when the soundtrack starts again, he must fall in time with the soundtrack of the song. So, I invite participant number 1 to the stage.

(The fourth competition is underway.)

LEADING: Well, the contestants coped well with the role of pop stars. And while they are preparing for the final competition on stage - dance theater (......).

LEADING: And now the last competition “Artistic”, in which we will try to identify the artistry and creative skills of the contestants. So, I invite participant number 1 to the stage.

LEADING: Thanks to the competitors. Each of them deserved applause for the right. While they are preparing for the final exit, the jury sums up the results. And the lead singer of the group sings for you (………).

LEADING: Friends! The most interesting and exciting moment of our program has arrived. Now we will find out the winner of the “Disco Star” competition. We invite competition participants to the final exit. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury.

(Phonogram, the chairman of the jury comes out. Announcement of results, award ceremony).

LEADING: We congratulate the winner of the competition, thanks to all participants, because thanks to you, the audience today good mood. We were happy for you and, of course, we were worried if something didn’t work out. Thanks to the sponsors (list of sponsors), thanks to the jury, and also a huge thank you, dear friends, dear viewers, for staying with us these two hours and supporting the contestants with your friendly applause.
Goodbye, see you again!

5. Scenario for a youth disco “Summer is the time for the young”

Presenter: Hello! Hello to everyone who came to our disco today to celebrate the long-awaited summer together. And even though the weather doesn’t spoil us with warmth, I still think nothing can ruin our mood. It is so?

I see that the youngest, the most cheerful, the most energetic, the most charming, the most attractive, or rather the most, have gathered here today. And I welcome the most extraordinary youth of the Orsha tourist center.

Summer! Summer is the time when the most wonderful feelings awaken. Girls start running around the shops, buying cosmetics, fashionable outfits, stylish shoes, dyeing their hair in strange colors, while the boys are working on the beauty of their bodies, showing off in fashionable sneakers, talking on their cell phones. And all this in order to get attention. So let's not deny each other this attention.

And so that you can get to know each other better, relax and get into the right rhythm for this evening, I suggest dancing a little. And we will make every effort to ensure that you spend this evening fun and carefree.

Dance block No. 1.

Presenter: You are not tired? Good mood? I think your mood will become even better, because we are now going to hold a comic auction.

Auction Prizes:

Oxygen cushion (ball)

· Thing for sugrevu (mustard plaster)

· Dental trainer (chewing gum)

· A thing that can endure anything (toilet paper)

Incendiary item (matches or lighter)

· A thing that not everyone can handle (nut)

· Round joy with a hole (steering wheel)

· Round joy without a hole (lollipop)

Presenter: I don't think anyone was offended by this little joke. And we continue to have fun and I say - let's go! Yes, we didn’t just go, but in a comic form. For this I need two volunteers. So, we have two volunteers, and let's get to know them. Here they are, our drivers, their task is to make the train as long as possible, i.e. While the music is playing, you need to attach as many carriages to the locomotive as possible. It's clear? Begin!

The game is taking place - "MACHINE DRIVERS"

Presenter: Great! So, our team won, whose driver was (la) ...

And now it sounds to you musical composition.

Dance block No. 2

Presenter: I see that the atmosphere in our hall is heating up, and it will soon become very hot, especially after the competition that we are about to hold, it is called “Two Ropes”. Many guys are ready for the most romantic feats for the sake of love for a girl. They are even ready to climb a rope to the fourth floor to leave a bouquet of flowers on the balcony of their beloved. I think that now not every guy going for such a feat will have a rope with him, so in this competition we will practice making a rope from improvised means. To do this, we will divide the entire hall into two halves, so we will have two teams. We will choose a captain for each team. The task of the teams is to knit the longest rope out of clothing. To do this, you can use all available means: scarves, sweaters, jackets and even laces. The team with the longest rope wins our competition.

The game is being played - “TWO ROPES”

Presenter: So the team on the left side of the hall won our competition. We congratulate you and have a dance break for you.

Dance block No. 3

Presenter: Great dancing! You all have no equal. And I think you can be encouraged a little for such fiery dances. Our magic box contains 4 wonderful prizes. But first you need to guess what it is. Each prize will begin with the letters that make up the word SUMMER. Good luck to you, because the most sagacious ones will receive prizes.

Prizes from the box: L - spoon, E - spruce paw, T - notebook, O - cucumber.

Presenter: And now, for those who were lucky enough to win our prizes, as well as for everyone else, a musical composition sounds.

Dance block No. 4

Presenter: Kisses are like postage stamps: some stick, others don't. But we must make every effort so that not a single kiss can peel off from tender lips and get lost in the noisy crowd of young people. Therefore, I am announcing a competition for the longest kiss. During the slow composition, the couples will kiss, and my assistants will watch to ensure that the competition is fair. You can’t tear yourself away from your partner even for a second. The winning couple will receive a prize from us.

There is a kissing competition. The winners are awarded a prize.

Presenter: You all know that the topic is very relevant nowadays healthy image life. Everyone probably knows that by doing physical exercise, we become stronger and more resilient. Now we will train the muscles of our arms and legs. And we will need this in the next competition, which is called “VOLLEYBALL”. To hold this competition we need to divide the hall into two volleyball teams. To do this, my assistants will stretch a rope that will replace the volleyball net, and at the same time divide the hall into two parts. I will give out 5 balloons to each team. While the music is playing, you play volleyball, i.e. throw the balls onto the opponent’s playing court. As soon as the music ends, you stop playing. Whose court has the fewest balls wins.

The game is being played - “VOLLEYBALL”

Presenter: Well done! You simply mastered this task. So, the team on the right side of the hall won. And the following composition sounds for them.

Dance block No. 5

Presenter: Everyone has always been interested in what awaits us ahead, how this or that event will end. Now I suggest you rely on your intuition and do a little fortune-telling, as it was done before, when there were no different astrologers and manuals for looking into the future. Therefore, today I will be the prophet. And in order to find out how this evening will end for you, you just need to throw your fingers from one to five and listen to what I predict for you.

1. Will dance with everyone

2. Declares his love (if a guy), receives a declaration of love (if a girl)

3. Will be the most fun of the evening

4. Meet the girl (guy) of your dreams

5. Will not remember anything

Presenter: But we will find out whether this is true or not only at the end of our evening, but for now our program continues. And I invite you to dance a little. Perhaps not everyone noticed and appreciated your dancing abilities, so I suggest demonstrating them again.

Dance block No. 6

Presenter: I think at our disco there are guys and girls who celebrate their birthdays in the summer. There are such? Send your orders for congratulations and we will definitely congratulate everyone individually. In the meantime, we want to congratulate all the birthday people and give them the following musical composition.

Musical composition

Presenter: You are having such a great time that I just want to give everyone a prize, but we still have one, the main prize, which will be the highlight of our evening. While the musical composition is playing, you will pass this ball around the hall. As soon as the song ends. The one who has the ball left will come up to our stage and receive the main prize.

The game “Highlight of the Evening” is played.

The winner is given the zest on a small plate.

Presenter: Our game is fair. I promised you the highlight of our evening and you got it.

Well, dear friends, the last prize of the evening has been drawn and our competitive program has come to an end, but the disco continues. Don't forget to send requests for congratulations and songs you like.

Presenter: Youth is a dream. This is faith. This is a feat. These are big plans for the future. This is the beginning of all beginnings. We want your hearts to expand and expand. So that they contain all the wonderful sounds of the universe, all bright colors the universe, all earthly love. After all, only a young heart can contain all the colors of happiness. Therefore, dance, have fun, give each other smiles, say a lot of tender and affectionate words to your loved ones. And let there be joy and love in your hearts.

All the best! See you again!

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Autumn is ending - a sad, but at the same time extraordinary time. It gives us not only an abundance of fruits and vegetables, but also fairly warm weather. If you have a holiday or an outing planned for this period , you will like itcompetitions on the theme of autumn.

Cool competition - “between two foreheads”

The dancing couple must hold the apple “between their two foreheads” for as long as possible. The couple that lasts the longest is the winner. Don't forget to give gifts to the dancers.

A fun competition for young people - “bite off the apple”

We choose two willing people. You need to string the apples on a string in advance and hang them within reach of the contestants’ heads. Important: participants' hands must be tied behind their backs. We record the time (3 minutes) during which the contestants must bite the apple as many times as possible. And this is not so easy to do. A gift to the most clever person - a package of apple juice or some nice little thing.

Competition - autumn quiz

Several people, two or three, are selected to participate. Contestants need to name which holidays are celebrated in the fall. The host names the date, and the contestants answer what day it is and what it is famous for. The following dates can be suggested:

If desired, you can add religious holidays, for example, September 21- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, October 14- Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Autumn competition for young people - “come on, sing us a song”

For anyone who understands music, it will not be difficult to remember songs with the word “autumn.” Divide your company into 2 teams, and let them compete with each other, naming a line from a song and the artist, you can even sing it. First, the presenter gives a little time to think, the competitors can make a blank on paper, and then take turns naming pieces of music. The winning team is awarded souvenirs or sweet prizes.

Birthday competition - “twelve notes”

The competition is not new, it is already about 50 years old, but it will undoubtedly appeal to young people who decided to celebrate the Indian summer in nature. You need to split into two teams and get the first landmark from the driver. Then a new note is in place indicating a new search object. The host will have to draw up a route and write notes an hour and a half before the guests arrive, but this is quite realistic, since the preparation of the picnic site and dishes is carried out in advance. It is very convenient to hide notes in fallen leaves.

Each of us has a birthday once a year., and I want it to be remembered not only for new culinary innovations and healthy toasts, but to become a pleasant surprise for everyone who came. That is why the host of the feast should stock up on interesting entertainment. When choosing them from all the variety, take into account the age of the guests, gender and the degree of their acquaintance with each other. Prepare souvenirs or small gifts for guests, they will be very pleased! As gifts, buy key rings with names, magnets, and pens.

Competition with forfeits

A very simple game, the essence of which is that everyone sitting at the table takes turns taking out a forfeit from a hat or other container and completing the task indicated there. Forfeits should be prepared in advance, tasks should be written in such a way as not to offend anyone or harm your health. Here are 10 sample tasks for forfeits:

  1. Draw an animal.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Say a nursery rhyme while standing on a chair.
  4. Draw a boiling kettle, a train, an airplane.
  5. Crawl under the table.
  6. Dial a random phone number and play a prank on your interlocutor.
  7. Sing a song.
  8. Ask guests for alms.
  9. Tell a tongue twister quickly.
  10. Move the money with your nose along the table to a certain landmark.

A fun competition for young people - a comic horoscope

Find out in advance which zodiac signs the guests belong to and read to them comic horoscope. It needs to tell what wonderful prospects await them, and mention several character traits of each participant in the feast. After reading, you can organize a competition for the most truthful prediction and award a prize to the owner of the winning Zodiac forecast.

Not a single event is complete without funny competitions. They will not only amuse guests, but will also allow them to start communicating and create a more comfortable and friendly holiday environment.

This competition is suitable for any audience, even children. Two foot pumps are needed, inflatable balls are connected to them, respectively, two assistants hold the balls with their hands. The pumps are placed on chairs, two people are chosen to sit on the chair with the pump and, jumping, inflate the ball. Everything is very simple. The one who inflated the fastest becomes the winner and receives a prize.

Entertaining competition - “Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka”

The essence of the competition is for each of the participants (there may be 2-3) to squeeze water out of an ordinary medical glove as quickly as possible. You need to attach them to the chairs in advance and make several small holes in each finger, then pour water into the gloves and begin the “milking” procedure. If the contestants have already had a fair amount to drink, the process becomes more fun and ridiculous. Don't forget to present the winner, he did such a hard job!

Funny competition for young people - “funny interview”

This competition is an incredible success both corporate events, and at home. To conduct it, you need to prepare sheets of paper with questions and answers in advance. Of course, the questions should not coincide with the answers, but in general express a thought of a certain nature or have subtext. Sample questions which you can use:

  • Do you often leave work early?
  • Do you like to eat well?
  • Do you snore at night?
  • How often do you shower?
  • Do you like cognac?
  • Sample answers might sound like this:
  • This is my favorite activity.
  • I will never give this up.
  • My finances don't allow me to do this.
  • At any opportunity.

We put cards with questions and answers in different hats, one person takes out the question, the second takes out the answer. The number of questions and answers must be the same. You can continue these funny interviews until your stomach hurts from laughing or until you get bored.

If the contingent of your event is young people, you should also stock up on spicy competitions. Please note that such entertainment should not be carried out at the very beginning of the party; young people should drink a little and relax. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.

Active competition - “kangaroo”

The presenter invites a volunteer, who is taken to the next room. There he explains the task: the contestant must portray a kangaroo. At this point, guests are informed that under no circumstances should they “understand” that they see a kangaroo in front of them.

So, the “kangaroo” begins its actions. Guests sort out all the animals except kangaroos. The poor participant jumps until he loses his patience. At the same time, you can find out whether his nerves are strong. The audience is bursting with laughter.

An interesting competition with lemons - “lemon paradise”

The girls lie down on the table and place lemon slices on a napkin all over their bodies. Place one slice in your mouth (you can’t eat!). The guys are blindfolded, and after choosing their girlfriend, they start eating lemons. The slices can be washed down with water or vodka if it is difficult to chew. The winner is the one who finishes all the lemon pieces first.

Competition with chairs - “soft place”

Objects of different shapes are placed on the participants’ chairs to inspire their imagination. Girls blindfolded sit on a chair and determine by their sensations what kind of object is there, what shape and purpose it is. The winner takes what she found under the “soft spot”.