Ideas for business in the village for women. Overview of business ideas for doing business in the countryside from scratch

Many people get tired of noisy cities and dusty, gassed streets and want to find solitude in countryside. However, there is a problem - the almost complete lack of work. It is this moment that becomes a stumbling block for most people who want to change their place of residence. Let's try to understand the problem and find a way out of the situation.

The relevance of business ideas for the village and the countryside

Of course, there is little work in the countryside, and it is, one way or another, connected with physical labor. This is true, but you can create yourself workplace i.e. do business. In the countryside, a real expanse for an inquisitive person, the main thing is to carefully analyze all the possibilities, and a solution will be found.

In order to answer the question “what kind of business can be opened in a rural area?”, it is necessary to determine what, in fact, is in this area.

First of all, this Earth on which you can grow various plants or graze livestock.

There is people who need various goods, which means you can trade.

A village is a vast expanse of free land where you can build a small factory, do crafts or something else. That is, in the village there are opportunities for earning money and self-realization - you just need to discover and implement them.

Before you decide what kind of business to do in rural areas, you need to weigh the pros and cons, as well as analyze your capabilities. We will consider in detail business ideas suitable for the village, so that everyone decides for themselves what to do in the village in order to earn money.

Crop production as a business idea in the village

The simplest and least expensive financial point vision, a way of earning. It is necessary to find land for planting, process it and plant it.

In the countryside, there is sure to be an expert in crop production who will help at first, as people there and fruits from generation to generation.

Some of the grown products can be consumed by yourself, and the rest - for sale. The first buyers will be summer residents who know a lot about naturally grown products and take them with great pleasure. However, their number is small, and you won’t earn much money from summer residents.

Will have to find sales channels in other places, for example, in the nearest large locality where there is a market. Here you can organize a point yourself and sell goods on your own or be a supplier for someone else.

The choice of type of crop to grow depends on the area, conditions and competition. You need to proceed from the conditions already in place. To do this, you need to analyze everything and choose the most profitable types of cultivated plants.


  • easy to organize;
  • small initial capital;
  • flexibility (you can change the cultivated crop);
  • the opportunity to use the product;
  • it is easy to attract outside help (for work).


  • seasonality;
  • risks associated with weather affecting crop yields;
  • not always high profitability;
  • Difficulties in marketing products.

It is easy to become a farmer and start growing crops, but it is unlikely that you will be able to get a lot of income in the initial stages. This is where marketing issues arise. If several bags of potatoes, for example, are easy to sell, then several tons are already a big problem.

However, if it is possible to supply products to any enterprises or canteens, then you can get rich.

Sample business plan (growing potatoes)

Plot- 30 acres.

Initial investment:

  • walk-behind tractor - 40 thousand rubles;
  • equipment (plough, hiller, etc.) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of seed potatoes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • result: 70 thousand rubles.

yield- 250 kg per 1 weave.

General harvest- 7 500 kg.

Wholesale price per kg - 20-25 rubles.

Total income will be 150-180 thousand rubles.

Profit- 80-110 thousand rubles. for the season.

Animal husbandry: natural products from farms

However, let's move on to business. Doing business in rural areas is profitable for several reasons. reasons:

  • low competition;
  • a wide range of activities;
  • the ability to change the direction of the business depending on the conditions;
  • availability of natural products;
  • lack of superiors and pressure from above;
  • the possibility of self-realization.

Anyone who is accustomed to the frantic pace of cities, constant "drive" and stress is unlikely to fall in love with the village. This is a place for lovers of peace and quiet. Doing business is just as slow and measured. Here it is much easier to find yourself and realize your dreams in practice.

What kind of business can be done in the village? Who loves animals - will be engaged in animal husbandry, flowers - will be engaged in floriculture and so on. Everyone will be able not only to find something to their liking, but also to earn money on it. Just wanting is enough.

The specificity of rural life dictates its own conditions for those who plan to start an entrepreneurial career. Most business projects implemented in large and densely populated cities will not bring any benefit to the entrepreneur in the village. So what should be the idea of ​​​​a business in the village, so that it will surely work and bring the desired profit? We'll talk about this later in the article.

Prospects for the Russian countryside

Despite a lot of problems that are still characteristic of the socio-economic and demographic situation of modern villages and villages, there are still prospects. So, within a few recent years At the federal level, special targeted programs have been adopted:

  • "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period up to 2020";
  • "State Program for the Development of Agriculture<…>" etc.

Their goal is to improve the quality of life of rural residents, attract investment, organize jobs and much more. Within the framework of these projects, conditions are being formed for attracting young specialists to the countryside - they are allocated housing and land for construction on preferential terms. In addition, grant support is received farms engaged in animal husbandry, fish farming, crop production, etc.

The programs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation have already borne their first fruits, entrepreneurial and interested citizens, having enlisted the support of the state, return to the villages and participate in the implementation of various projects, and the “import substitution course” declared since 2014 only reinforced the emerging trend.

In this regard, we can conclude that under the current conditions, rural areas have good development prospects, and perhaps right now is the right time to decide what kind of business you can do in the village and open your own.

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How to choose the right business for the village

Determining what kind of business can be opened in the village will help identify needs local residents, as well as residents of nearby villages and villages. If you also live in a rural area and plan to establish a business in your locality, start with yourself. Analyze what you are missing. Think about what products or services could solve your problems, answer your customer needs, etc.

So, if the area where you live does not have enough retail outlets to provide the population with everything they need, and the range of available stores is scarce and monotonous, you can try to organize an outreach trade. For example, it has mostly positive. With a relatively modest budget, you can organize a profitable enterprise in a short time.

In addition to existing needs, attention should also be paid to the geographical and climatic features of the settlement.

What kind of business to do in the villages, where, for example, there are vast agricultural lands? Consider raising pets that feed primarily on greens and roughage as an example. The specificity of the nutrition of these animals makes it possible to save on their maintenance, since in summer they can be grazed on a pasture, and in winter they can be fed with hay prepared in advance. Earnings will consist of income from the sale of milk, cheese, meat, wool and fluff.

What else is worth relying on when deciding which business to open in the village - on the availability of material resources.

If you have a small plot of land intended for personal subsidiary farming, and 20,000-30,000 rubles, try it. You can start with a small livestock, and over time, having gained enough experience and established marketing channels for products, expand the farm and take part in one of targeted programs.

If you are interested in a business in the village worth 100,000 rubles, consider the production and sale of canned and frozen berries, vegetables and fruits. Such products are in high demand among urban residents, especially in winter period time. To implement this idea, it is desirable that you have at your disposal a car that allows you to deliver goods to outlets.

Thus, there are three main criteria for right choice business ideas are: the needs of the local market, the characteristics of the locality and the available start-up capital.

Business ideas for the village and village

Open own business in the countryside is not only realistic, but also quite profitable, especially if you have special knowledge and skills in a particular area directly related to rural life. Undoubtedly, it is better to do what is familiar and closest in spirit. But this does not mean at all that you cannot try yourself in something new, unknown. Since in the conditions of a small settlement, a small business most often starts with small investment, then the risk of incurring losses will be minimal. We present to you a few topical business ideas for the village and village.

Growing champignons

Mushrooms are in high consumer demand due to their beneficial dietary properties, relatively low price and a kind of versatility in cooking. They can be added to various snacks, fried, marinated, cooked julienne, etc.

Meanwhile, these mushrooms are quite unpretentious, they are easy to grow. All you need:

  • a spacious room protected from moisture and sunlight;
  • bedding - compost with soil;
  • mycelium with mushroom spores.

Cellars, cellars, greenhouses and various households can be used as premises. the buildings. The main thing is to observe the temperature and humidity conditions - 15-25˚С at a humidity of 60-80%.

For the preparation of compost, you can use straw and agricultural waste - manure, poultry droppings, urea, sawdust, etc.

Mushroom mycelium can be purchased in specialized stores, from agricultural companies engaged in mushroom growing. It is usually sold with compost or on a substrate. The cost is an average of 15,000 rubles. for 1 ton.

With this amount of raw materials, you can harvest about 200 kg of mushrooms in a few months. The average price of champignons in Russia is 280 rubles. per 1 kg, and in some regions it reaches up to 400 rubles. for 1 kg.

Obviously, such production will bring good profits, especially if you use your own growing room and by-products of a personal backyard for making bedding.

For more information on how to make money growing champignons, see the following video:


What you can earn only in the village or in the village is the production of honey and other bee products. There is no way to organize such a business in the city. In order to obtain natural environmentally pure product, insects need to provide a suitable area for collecting and processing nectar.

To open a beekeeping business, you will need:

  • hives to accommodate bee colonies - they can be purchased at the store or made independently;
  • bees - it is advisable to buy them in the spring, experienced beekeepers recommend starting with 6 families;
  • equipment for work - honey extractor, smoker, frames with honeycombs, chisel, etc.;
  • auxiliary equipment and special clothing.

The apiary can be both stationary and mobile. In the latter case, it is necessary to take care of the availability of a special van or car with a trailer, on which it will be possible to transport the hives.

The cost of keeping bees is minimal - in the warm season they provide their own food, in winter they need to be fed with flower honey or sugar syrup. The main thing is to properly take care of insects, maintain the required microclimate in the hives, replace old queens in time, build nesting combs, etc. Internet networks.

If everything is organized correctly, then a small home apiary can recoup the initial costs in one season and even reach a good level of profit. There are usually no problems with the sale of honey, since this product is highly valued in almost every family. The average cost of bee honey today is about 500 rubles. for 1 kg. Being engaged in beekeeping, the farmer will provide himself and his family with a very useful product and will be able to earn good money.

And you can find out how much profit pig farming can bring at home at this address:.

Leisure business

It is more expedient to open this type of business in those settlements where the majority of the population is made up of people up to retirement age. Since there is usually a lack of recreational facilities in rural areas, this idea, if properly organized, can be a great source of income.

How to make money in the village by choosing the sphere of leisure organization:

  • organize a beer bar or with seats;
  • organize a small cozy cafe in a rustic style;
  • build a banquet hall for various celebrations;
  • open a small pizzeria, etc.

Any of these projects requires careful preparation, study of the size and composition of the population and the development of a detailed business plan. In addition, their implementation will require significant start-up capital.

But what if there is a desire to do business, but there is no money to organize any enterprise? Are there any ideas that are cost-free to implement?

Business in the countryside without investments

Rural territories are unique in that they are rich in natural component resources: plant, soil, mineral, etc.

How to make money in the village without starting capital? A small business can be organized literally from everything that surrounds you.

Today, many city dwellers leave their apartments in the cities and move to live in villages, which are simply innumerable in Russia. However, the question immediately arises of what kind of business to open in the village. After all, the issue of earnings is an urgent problem even for those who seek to be closer to nature. In this article, you will learn what kind of business to open in the village from scratch without having start-up capital.

Is it possible to make money without initial capital?

If you think about what kind of business to open in the village, associations immediately arise about growing vegetables, animal husbandry or a bee apiary. However, what if there is no start-up capital that would allow you to invest in a business? In fact, there is a way out of any situation. The main thing is to show imagination and not be afraid of difficulties.

Any innovation can be perceived by the villagers not very friendly due to the peculiarities of the mentality. However, if you prove to people the usefulness and effectiveness of your work or services, you can get a very good profit. Starting a small business, you can accumulate quite a lot of capital to start a big business.

Features of business in the village

It must be understood that the mentality villagers fundamentally different from the city. And this is not about any cultural or social differences. After all, the environment itself obliges to lead a different way of life. In villages, people need to get up early to take care of their household, travel tens of kilometers to work and work tirelessly to feed their families. That is why when planning a business, you need to take into account the needs and pressing problems of people.

In addition, you should prioritize for yourself personally. Decide how much time and effort you are willing to spend on running the business. Also, take into account your professional skills and experience in various fields. Your own village should bring not only monetary profit, but also moral satisfaction.

So what kind of business to open in the village? We will talk about this in more detail.

How to start planning your own business?

Before choosing the direction of the future business, a thorough analysis is required, which will include the following:

  • The level of wealth, and the total number of local residents.
  • The remoteness of the settlement from the city and the availability of transport links.
  • The number of food, hardware and household stores and their range.

Once you have a general picture of the condition of the village and the basic needs of its inhabitants, you can begin to draw up a plan of action and choose the direction of work.

What kind of business to open in the village without investments?

It is not always possible to invest a large amount of money in your own business. Therefore, one has to look for any possible ways. But what kind of business to open in the village? Ideas can be very different. After all, there are many options for doing business without initial capital.

For example, you can offer people the service of a dairy products distributor. Many villagers are known to keep goats and cows at home for milk. At the same time, people have a problem with the sale of products, because it can be very expensive to travel to the market on your own. And if you have a car or a bus regularly runs through the village, then you can take the goods to the city market every day and sell it at a very large margin. After all, everything natural is valued by city dwellers much higher than store counterparts. The same goes for honey, eggs, meat and other animal products.

A lot of young people live in modern villages, because the country's demographics are growing rapidly. At the same time, everyone wants to dress stylishly and fashionably. So why not become an organizer of joint purchases? It has long been known that this profitable business does not require any investment. In addition, the price of goods from China is quite affordable for people even with low incomes. And information about your services will quickly spread throughout the village.

What kind of business to open in the village in winter?

In winter, villagers need hay more than ever. After all, it is required to constantly provide food for horses, cows and rabbits. That is why hay making great idea for business in a tree. In addition, no investments are required for its implementation. After all, you can stock up on hay in any field near the village. And the profit can be divided in half with a person who has a special harvester for forming bales.

In villages remote from cities, there is a big problem with transport links. Buses often refuse to run in winter due to heavy snow. So why not offer people a taxi service if you have a car? It is enough just to hang up ads in the village - and soon you will receive the first applications.

Rural residents always complain about the lack of entertainment, which is especially true in winter. Therefore, you can become the organizer of discos and holidays. In any village there are clubs or houses of culture, which can be rented from local organization. And for a disco you need only high-quality equipment, minimal decorations and new year holidays you can organize a matinee for kids and schoolchildren, which young mothers will be incredibly happy about.

in the village

Undoubtedly, the most demanded business in the village is the opening of a food or hardware store. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly travel to the city. The same goes for pharmacies, clothing stores and even dental services. However, all these ideas will require considerable investment. Therefore, only businessmen with a considerable starting capital can afford to engage in serious business.

How else can you earn while living in the countryside?

In fact, not all people who leave the city are wondering what kind of business to open in the countryside. Freelancer reviews prove that you can earn good money even through the Internet, because now it is available in almost every outback. A specialist does not need any investments to make money on copywriting, web development, design and much more. In this case, professional skills will not be lost. And working in unity with nature will bring pleasure.

If you nevertheless decided to move to the village and answered your own question about what kind of business to open in the village, be prepared for any outcome of events. But the main thing is not to despair at the first difficulties and go only forward. After all, even the craziest business idea can become very useful and timely for a resident of the outback.

The conventional wisdom that it is difficult or problematic to open a business in a village from scratch is rather just a delusion. Today, this direction is much more dynamically developing than business in the urban environment. Here are some tips to help you decide where to start a business in the countryside.

Ideas for business in the village can be divided into several conditional areas:

  • livestock business and products of its processing;
  • business related to cultivation vegetable crops;
  • so-called green tourism, the main idea of ​​which is to attract tourists to the village;
  • services sector.

Let's talk about each of these areas in more detail.

animal husbandry

Cattle breeding

Raising livestock for slaughter is one of the most common areas of the village business. Both large livestock (cows, sheep) and small livestock (poultry) are raised.

livestock business

  • lack of seasonality, you can receive a constant income all year round. Food is not something Russians skimp on, even in hard times;
  • does not require large investments. Livestock is unpretentious in food and living conditions, it is easy to take care of it;
  • the possibility of organizing a full-cycle agricultural business, namely the cultivation of livestock for meat and milk, as well as the cultivation of fodder for it.
  • requires a large amount of work, at least several people are needed to care for livestock and sell meat;
  • payback periods for this business at least three or four years.

Sale of furs

This service sector can also be attributed to one of the most profitable businesses in the village. It is distinguished as high profitability, low competition, and large coverage of territories. It can be Russian clients - ateliers, fur shops, and foreign ones.

Profitable business - selling furs

The main disadvantage is the impossibility of doing this business all year round. The problem is that the main season for furs is winter, and it is required to keep and feed the animals all year round. Moreover, some of them require special conditions of detention, such as, for example, the muskrat.

Breeding rabbits

Recently, more and more farms have appeared in Russia where rabbits are raised. In connection with the development of technology, their breeding began to develop by leaps and bounds. Meat and rabbit fur are in high and stable demand in the market. The rabbit farm is also easy to make - you only need to connect a few racks and tiers.


Among rural destinations This business is perhaps the most massive. A profitable business, the possibility of selling both wholesale and retail, the possibility of obtaining additional income from the sale of beekeeping products. In addition, honey is now used in many areas of activity, including healthcare, cosmetology.

Despite the ongoing urbanization and the outflow of people and capital to the cities, the countryside still remains an attractive place for investment. Even a person who has no experience in running a business can try to open a business in the countryside.

Important nuances

Not all of the ideas listed below are equally applicable in different settings. Before developing a business plan, you need to carefully study all the characteristics rural settlement: population, its composition, main types of employment, purchasing power; the size and number of streets; distances to regional and regional centers. It is necessary to assess not only the situation in the selected locality, but also the conjuncture of the entire region as a whole.

If the case is organized in the field of agriculture, the condition of the soil and the possibility of growing certain crops are assessed.

The assessment of competition in the chosen niche is also milestone. In many cases, small business in the countryside does not imply a large coverage, so the direction may not be profitable even if there are one or two entrenched competitors in the market.

The search for suppliers of raw materials and buyers of products is carried out before the implementation of the plan, and not during it, since it is impossible to make money without having regular and reliable customers in any field of activity.

Important to know: in order to avoid fines from the state, the case must be officially registered in the form individual entrepreneurship or household farm.

Key Ideas

A large number of opportunities open up before a potential entrepreneur in the countryside: business can be done in agriculture and at home, with minimal and medium investment, with and without the use of professional skills.

Ideas with minimal investment

Agriculture and livestock

The main directions of agricultural activity are presented in the table:

Idea Investments, rub. Labor costs and qualifications Approximate profit, rub.
in greenhouses 30,000 for a greenhouse, 60,000 for inventory and fertilizer. You need to be able to take care of plants and devote time to this, you also need to maintain financial accounting and accounting for materials. 100-150 thousand per season
Breeding of laying hens (for sale of eggs) Chicken price - 100

Maintenance costs - 30/month

Arrangement of the farm - 60-150 thousand.

It is necessary to regularly care for the birds, conduct their examinations (including veterinary ones), collect and pack eggs. 100 per month from one laying hen, 100-150 thousand per year from the farm.
mushroom cultivation 60-70 thousand (oyster mushrooms)

140 thousand (mushrooms)

Mushrooms are sensitive to the correct preparation of the substrate and mycelium. Up to 500,000 per year.
Breeding geese for meat, eggs and feathers. Up to 300 thousand It is necessary to ensure proper feeding of birds, monitor their health, organize the work of farm staff Up to 600,000 per year.
hay packaging 5000 for 500 kg. It is difficult to carry out packing work alone, as they are quite exhausting - it is better to hire assistants. 8-10 thousand with 500 kg of feedstock.
Beekeeping 100 000 The arrangement of the apiary requires the adoption of additional precautions - bee venom is deadly for some people. Up to 300-400 thousand per season
Crayfish breeding 100 000 The advantage of a business is the ability to achieve profitability of a business on a small scale, since crayfish is a niche product. But arranging a habitat for these animals requires labor. 150-300 thousand per year.
Breeding of pheasants (for the sale of meat and live individuals) 70 thousand The pheasant is an exotic bird that is bought by hunting grounds, and its meat is appreciated by gourmets. But the maintenance of this bird is not cheap and requires spending 300-400 rubles per month (for one individual) Depending on the breed of bird, one live pheasant can cost up to 60,000 rubles.
Milk production 200000 for 3 cows It is necessary to obtain medical certificates for both cows and their products. Each batch of milk must be checked separately. Self-milking takes a lot of time - it is better to hire other people for this. Up to 500,000 per year
Repurchase of milk The purchase price varies greatly - somewhere milk can be given almost for free, but some owners of cows can inflate the price up to retail It is easier to implement this idea than the idea of ​​self-production. The main requirements are the availability of spacious transport and reliable buyers. Depends on the purchase price
Fish breeding (carp, trout) 150 thousand The arrangement of an artificial reservoir requires technical knowledge. As with the breeding of other animals, veterinary control is mandatory. 300-500 thousand
Freezing and sale of vegetables and berries Purchase of refrigeration equipment - 40-50 thousand.

Prices for vegetables and berries depend on their varieties.

It is important to be able to handle refrigeration equipment and know the optimal temperature regime for each type of plant. Up to 50-200 thousand depending on the amount of work
Feed production Up to 1000000 Need an organization production process and hiring skilled workers. The idea is on the border of small and medium business. From 250 thousand per month
Cheese production A mini-cheese factory costs 50-60 thousand, milk can be purchased at a price of 10-30 rubles per liter. Must have knowledge of production technology modern equipment largely automated Up to 30000 per month
Pig breeding Up to 500000-1000000 for a small pigsty Pigs require regular feeding and veterinary control, mating of animals also needs to be carried out. Up to 1-2 million per year from the sale of piglets and adult meat

Important: for the production of food products, you must obtain a permit from Rospotrebnadzor.

In my house

If own land plot is not fertile enough to conduct business on a large scale, and there are no funds for rent, then. Some of the ideas listed above can be implemented at home: growing flowers and seedlings, freezing vegetables and berries, breeding worms. There are other interesting projects as well.

  1. Renting out housing. This idea is relevant in those regions where rural tourism. If the house is in good condition and has the necessary amenities, then no investment is required. Profit depends on the quality and size of rented housing and can reach up to 30-40 thousand rubles a month.
  2. Needlework. Independent production of souvenirs and small household appliances can not only be profitable, but also a pleasure. Especially popular are trinkets made from natural materials (wicker baskets, phone cases, match souvenirs). Such a craft requires a certain skill, but anyone can learn it. The income of an experienced master can be several tens of thousands of rubles.
  3. A more profitable (but also labor-intensive) version of the previous idea is making wooden souvenirs. The main expense item is the purchase of woodworking equipment (30-50 thousand rubles). Materials for work are taken in their own garden or purchased at the sawmill.
  4. Breeding cats. Siamese, Bengal, Siberian breeds, sphinxes and Persians are popular among collectors. The main disadvantages of the idea are high competition and the inability to maintain at home a large number of cats. One thoroughbred individual costs an average of 10,000 thousand rubles, its monthly maintenance costs 7,000 rubles. In a year, one cat brings 15 kittens, profit is calculated from this fact.
  5. Breeding chinchillas. At home, you can easily contain 80 individuals. The purchase of animals and the organization of the premises will cost 100-200 thousand rubles. Annual profit reaches 500-700 thousand rubles.
  6. Earnings on the Internet. Website building and blogging is a competitive niche, but still a profitable one, and you can do it anywhere with an internet connection. Average popularity bloggers earn 10-30 thousand rubles a month.
  7. Production and sale of marinades, pickles, jams. If you put this business on stream, then the revenue will be 10-20 thousand rubles. per month.

Ideas for the whole year

The agricultural business has one big minus - most of its industries are tied to the seasons, in winter their profitability drops. But there are projects that are implemented with the same efficiency at any time of the year.

  1. Conducting excursions. A talented storyteller and connoisseur of nature can easily sell his services to guests from the city. The profit from this business depends entirely on the tourist attractiveness of the village and its environs. Guided tours can be combined with rental housing.
  2. carpentry workshop. A small machine can be equipped at home, and residents of any village have a need for tables and chairs (and their repair). You can earn 5-20 thousand rubles on such a craft. per month. The average price of the machine is 40,000 rubles.
  3. Car repair. In your own garage, you can carry out simple work (replacing tires, windows) and carry out large-scale repairs if you are qualified. The profitability of this business increases significantly in cases where a highway runs through the village. The main items of expenditure are the purchase of parts and tools.

Working Ideas

A small selection of ideas that are more or less reliable. In fact, whether this or that idea will work or not depends on a lot of factors, including the mood of the entrepreneur:

  • Private transport. It is unlikely that this service will be in demand among local residents, but it will find demand among tourists. Since the distances in rural areas are small, one should not hope for high profits (no more than 10-15 thousand rubles per month in favorable seasons). It is convenient to combine transportation with other recreational activities.
  • Water transportation. The condition of most bridges in villages and villages is deplorable, often they do not exist at all. A small boat is inexpensive (30-50 thousand rubles), in the presence of a constant flow of people, its cost pays off in the first months.
  • Delivery of goods from the city to stores. The idea is relevant if the quality of the road surface leaves much to be desired, and the entrepreneur has a truck with good cross-country ability. With a regular commodity flow, monthly revenue reaches 50-60 thousand rubles.
  • Opening a pharmacy. The need of villagers for medicines is high, which is due to the high proportion of older people in the rural population. Without large investments, you can open a pharmacy kiosk where over-the-counter drugs and hygiene products will be sold.

Important to know: to implement the idea, a state license for dispensing medicines is required.

  • Opening a small rural cafe or club. The idea is feasible only in relatively large settlements with a population of more than 1000-2000 people. Investments of 30-100 thousand rubles are required, the profit depends solely on the number of visitors.
  • Grocery store opening. Even in small settlements, this niche is usually occupied. But if the residents have a need for additional food supply, the store will make a profit. Costs - 500,000-1,000,000 rubles. Estimated monthly revenue - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Drilling of wells and wells. The idea is suitable for implementation in those villages where there are a large number of new buildings. Drilling rig with additional equipment will cost 70-80 thousand rubles. But the main difficulty of the business lies in the need to obtain good qualifications both in the drilling itself and in carrying out work to find water. Average profit- 40,000 rubles. per month (including the cost of expendable materials and employee salaries).


This is far from complete list business ideas for villages and villages. New niches are constantly opening up, and old ones are losing their relevance. The above list contains only the most reliable and stable projects.

Video Compilation

The first video is a fairly relevant video that briefly describes 20 ideas from the People's Business channel

The following video is an inspiring story of a millionaire farmer. Remarkably, the hero of the video aroused the ardent sympathy of commentators, usually the audience does not spare critical remarks.

A useful video for those who like the "sweet business", one of the best reviews on the web of all the nuances of beekeeping, ideal for beginners.