The hero of the Uzbek folk tale is three watermelon seeds. Tale of three watermelon seeds

One day a watermelon ended up at a berry fair. We know that berries are something that can be collected in the palm of your hand, in a small bag or in a basket. What was the watermelon doing at the berry fair?

"Watermelon at the Fair"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Once upon a time, all the berries decided to get acquainted with each other and do it at a berry fair. The blue-eyed Blueberry, medicinal Cranberry, sun-loving Strawberry, northern Lingonberry, sisters Raspberry and Blackberry, and many more different berries came to the berry fair. The last one to come was Watermelon.

“They told me that I am a berry,” said Watermelon.

The guests of the holiday were very surprised.

“My named sister, Pumpkin, is not here yet, and she is also a berry,” said Watermelon.

The guests' amazement knew no bounds.

“Tell us about yourself, Watermelon,” asked those present.

— I was born where the sun burns in a special way - in hot Africa. My wild ancestors can still be found there. And they feel great. My relative, the wild watermelon, called the “Lord of the Desert,” is the best treat for elephants, rhinoceroses and other southern animals,” said Watermelon.

- Have you ever seen, my dear berries, ancient Egyptian frescoes? Most likely no. And my image is on these ancient frescoes! I am an ancient, healthy, sweet, vitamin fruit.

“I also have brothers in Japan, whose weight reaches one hundred kilograms,” reported Watermelon.

Berries listened dreamily.

It must be the way Mother Nature does it. She creates big and small, sweet and salty, healthy and tasty.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that the world is diverse and full of wonders. Mother Nature has unusual cultures. They are called berries, although their weight is not “berry-like” at all. These include watermelon, a favorite delicacy for children.

Questions for the fairy tale “Watermelon at the Fair”

Why did Watermelon come to the berry fair?

Why were the guests surprised that Watermelon is a berry?

Where was Watermelon born?

What is the name of Watermelon in Africa?

What berries do you like?

Once upon a time there lived a poor peasant. He had a small piece of land. Day and night, without knowing rest, he worked on this piece of land.

One day, when spring came, the poor man began to plow the land. He looks and sees a white stork flying across the sky. A stork flew up to a plowed field, screamed and suddenly fell to the ground like a stone. A poor man ran up and saw that the stork had one wing broken. He picked up the stork and carefully carried it home.

It is necessary, he says, to save such a good bird!

At home, the poor man examined the stork's broken wing and began to treat it. For a long time he cared for the sick bird. The stork recovered and flew away. The poor man looked after him and said:
- May this bird live long and never know trouble!

The next year, in the spring, the poor man finished plowing and went out into the field. sow. Suddenly the same stork that he had cured flew in and threw three watermelon seeds onto the ground. The poor man picked up watermelon seeds and planted them in the ground.

A few days later, the watermelons sprouted, green leaves appeared, vines stretched, and huge flowers bloomed.

The poor man worked sparingly: he weeded them on time, watered them on time. So the time has come to harvest the harvest. The watermelons ripened, and they were so big that they had never been seen in those places. The poor man picked three watermelons and brought them home.

Well, I can’t eat these watermelons alone! - he said.

And the poor man invited all his relatives and all his friends, the same poor people, to visit. Friends and relatives gathered.

And the owner took the watermelon and wanted to cut it, but he just couldn’t pierce it with a knife. Then he tried to cut the second watermelon - and again he could not. The third one was the same. The owner was surprised, and his guests were surprised. Finally, he hit the watermelon with his knife as hard as he could. The watermelon burst, and instead of pulp and seeds there were gold coins in it. They fell to the floor with a clang. The other two watermelons also contained gold.

The poor man was delighted, shook out all the gold and distributed it to his guests.

On each of the three watermelon vines, the poor man grew ten watermelons. He collected the rest of the watermelons, shook out a whole pile of gold from them, and from then on began to live in abundance.

And next door to him lived a rich man. He saw that his neighbor had become rich and wanted to know how it happened. He came and started asking:
- Tell me, why did you get so rich? What did you do for this?

The poor man told him, without hiding anything, how it all happened.

“Oh, I wish I had so much gold!” - thought the greedy rich man and went into the field to look for the stork.

A white stork slowly walked around the field.

The rich man slowly crept up and hit the stork on the leg with a stick.

The stork screamed and fell to the ground.

The rich man rushed to him, grabbed him and carried him home. He bandaged the stork's leg and began to treat him. The stork recovered and flew away.

In the spring, the rich man went out into the field and began to wait impatiently for the white stork to fly in and bring him wonderful watermelon seeds.

But there was still no stork...

Finally, the stork flew in and threw three watermelon seeds to the rich man.

The rich man was shaking all over with greed. He grabbed the seeds and immediately planted them in the ground.

Soon sprouts appeared, wide leaves unfurled, long green vines crawled across the ground, flowers bloomed, and then huge watermelons grew.

When the watermelons were ripe, the rich man invited all his relatives to visit. His family and friends, also rich people, gathered. As soon as they hit the watermelon with a knife, it cracked, and a whole swarm of angry bumblebees flew out of the middle. And these bumblebees were like large nuts. They began to buzz and sting both the rich man and his relatives. Everyone's cheeks became swollen, their eyes swollen, their lips swollen, and they all ran away cursing and screaming.

Unique designation: three watermelon seeds (fairy tale)
Designation: three watermelon seeds
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fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a poor peasant. He had a small piece of land. Day and night, without knowing rest, he worked on this piece of land.
One day, when spring came, the poor man began to plow the land. He looks and sees a white stork flying across the sky. A stork flew up to a plowed field, screamed and suddenly fell to the ground like a stone. A poor man ran up and saw that the stork had one wing broken. He picked up the stork and carefully carried it home.
“It is necessary,” he says, “to save such a good bird!”
At home, the poor man examined the stork's broken wing and began to treat it. For a long time he cared for the sick bird. The stork recovered and flew away. The poor man looked after him and said:
- May this bird live long and never know trouble!
The next year, in the spring, the poor man finished plowing and went out into the field. sow. Suddenly the same stork that he had cured flew in and threw three watermelon seeds onto the ground. The poor man picked up watermelon seeds and planted them in the ground.
A few days later, the watermelons sprouted, green leaves appeared, vines stretched, and huge flowers bloomed.
The poor man worked sparingly: he weeded them on time, watered them on time. So the time has come to harvest the harvest. The watermelons ripened, and they were so big that they had never been seen in those places. The poor man picked three watermelons and brought them home.
- Well, I can’t eat such watermelons alone! - he said.
And the poor man invited all his relatives and all his friends, the same poor people, to visit. Friends and relatives gathered.
And the owner took the watermelon and wanted to cut it, but he just couldn’t pierce it with a knife. Then he tried to cut the second watermelon - and again he could not. The third one was the same. The owner was surprised, and his guests were surprised. Finally, he hit the watermelon with his knife as hard as he could. The watermelon burst, and instead of pulp and seeds there were gold coins in it. They fell to the floor with a clang. The other two watermelons also contained gold.
The poor man was delighted, shook out all the gold and distributed it to his guests.
On each of the three watermelon vines, the poor man grew ten watermelons. He collected the rest of the watermelons, shook out a whole pile of gold from them, and from then on began to live in abundance.

And next door to him lived a rich man. He saw that his neighbor had become rich and wanted to know how it happened. He came and started asking:
- Tell me, why did you get so rich? What did you do for this?
The poor man told him, without hiding anything, how it all happened.
“Oh, I wish I had so much gold!” - thought the greedy rich man and went into the field to look for the stork.
A white stork slowly walked around the field.
The rich man slowly crept up and hit the stork on the leg with a stick.
The stork screamed and fell to the ground.
The rich man rushed to him, grabbed him and carried him home. He bandaged the stork's leg and began to treat him. The stork recovered and flew away.
In the spring, the rich man went out into the field and began to wait impatiently for the white stork to fly in and bring him wonderful watermelon seeds.
But there was still no stork...
Finally, the stork flew in and threw three watermelon seeds to the rich man.
The rich man was shaking all over with greed. He grabbed the seeds and immediately planted them in the ground.
Soon sprouts appeared, wide leaves unfurled, long green vines crawled across the ground, flowers bloomed, and then huge watermelons grew.
When the watermelons were ripe, the rich man invited all his relatives to visit. His family and friends, also rich people, gathered. As soon as they hit the watermelon with a knife, it cracked, and a whole swarm of angry bumblebees flew out of the middle. And these bumblebees were like large nuts. They began to buzz and sting both the rich man and his relatives. Everyone's cheeks became swollen, their eyes swollen, their lips swollen, and they all ran away cursing and screaming.

Reading lesson in 3rd grade.

Topic: Work on the Tajik folk tale “Three watermelon seeds”



    Summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about folk tales, the features of their construction, language, and characters;

form a stock of literary artistic impressions, show them to children amazing world fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty


    Develop forms of imagination that are based on the interpretation of a literary image; develop individual literary preferences, develop a sense of humor; develop intonation expressiveness of speech; develop the ability to build dialogue between fairy-tale characters; enrich vocabulary


    cultivate respect for the origins of the culture of their people, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to make decisions.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentations, individual cards, coloring books for preschoolers.

During the classes:

1. Organizing time.

Slide 1

The musical intro "Visiting a Fairy Tale" plays Against the background of music, the teacher reads Valentin Berestov’s poem “Fairy Tale”.

No wonder children love fairy tales.

After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale,

That there is a happy ending in it

The soul already has a presentiment.

2. Updating knowledge, problem statement.

Guys, what do you think we will talk about in class today? (about fairy tales).

Every person from the very early age gets acquainted with fairy tales. They teach us kindness and courage. After all, the Main Law in fairy tales is (children finish the sentence - good always triumphs over evil)

How many of you know what a fairy tale is? (A fairy tale is a fiction. A fairy tale is a miracle!)

Tell me, do people need fairy tales? Why are they needed? (People dream of a better life, make fun of their shortcomings)

When did fairy tales appear? (A long time ago)

Who invented fairy tales many centuries ago? (people)

How are fairy tales divided by content? (magical, everyday, about animals).

Now we will check how our guests know fairy tales.

Slide 2

What fairy tale are these characters from?

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house...

Who were these

Small children?

(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day.


Miracles happen in fairy tales. Animals talk, cheat and even dance.

Physical education minute

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

And today we will be introducing you to a Tajik folk tale.

Tajik fairy tale, explain how you understand these words?

Slide 3.

Tell me, who tells the best fairy tales? (That's right, storytellers). Let's see how the storyteller tells us this tale.

A). Watching a cartoon excerpt)

B). Teacher reading a fairy tale

Who is the story about?

IN). Independent reading by students.

G). Content work

Who is the fairy tale about?

What did you read about in the first paragraph of the fairy tale?

Explain the meaning of the words “fell like a stone to the ground”?

This means to fall rapidly, with lightning speed. It is similar to how a thrown stone falls.

What did the poor man do?

Who is a poor man?

What is a poor person by character?

Was the poor man able to help the stork?

How did the stork thank the poor man?

Explain the meaning of the words “live in abundance”?

4. Reflection.

Did you like the fairy tale?

How else can you call it?

What does she teach us?

On the second In the lesson we are working on the expressiveness of reading part 1 of the fairy tale (being in the text and reading interrogative and exclamatory sentences)

Lesson three - introduction to part 2

Lesson four(lesson - theater). - expressive reading of an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Best Reader”;

- “Live picture”

Once upon a time there lived a poor peasant. He had a small piece of land. Day and night, without knowing rest, he worked on this piece of land.
One day, when spring came, the poor man began to plow the land. He looks and sees a white stork flying across the sky. A stork flew up to a plowed field, screamed and suddenly fell to the ground like a stone. A poor man ran up and saw that the stork had one wing broken. He picked up the stork and carefully carried it home.
“It is necessary,” he says, “to save such a good bird!”
At home, the poor man examined the stork's broken wing and began to treat it. For a long time he cared for the sick bird. The stork recovered and flew away. The poor man looked after him and said:
- May this bird live long and never know trouble!
The next year, in the spring, the poor man finished plowing and went out into the field. sow. Suddenly the same stork that he had cured flew in and threw three watermelon seeds onto the ground. The poor man picked up watermelon seeds and planted them in the ground.
A few days later, the watermelons sprouted, green leaves appeared, vines stretched, and huge flowers bloomed.
The poor man worked sparingly: he weeded them on time, watered them on time. So the time has come to harvest the harvest. The watermelons ripened, and they were so big that they had never been seen in those places. The poor man picked three watermelons and brought them home.
- Well, I can’t eat such watermelons alone! - he said.
And the poor man invited all his relatives and all his friends, the same poor people, to visit. Friends and relatives gathered.
And the owner took the watermelon and wanted to cut it, but he just couldn’t pierce it with a knife. Then he tried to cut the second watermelon - and again he could not. The third one was the same. The owner was surprised, and his guests were surprised. Finally, he hit the watermelon with his knife as hard as he could. The watermelon burst, and instead of pulp and seeds there were gold coins in it. They fell to the floor with a clang. The other two watermelons also contained gold.
The poor man was delighted, shook out all the gold and distributed it to his guests.
On each of the three watermelon vines, the poor man grew ten watermelons. He collected the rest of the watermelons, shook out a whole pile of gold from them, and from then on began to live in abundance.

And next door to him lived a rich man. He saw that his neighbor had become rich and wanted to know how it happened. He came and started asking:
- Tell me, why did you get so rich? What did you do for this?
The poor man told him, without hiding anything, how it all happened.
“Oh, I wish I had so much gold!” - thought the greedy rich man and went into the field to look for the stork.
A white stork slowly walked around the field.
The rich man slowly crept up and hit the stork on the leg with a stick.
The stork screamed and fell to the ground.
The rich man rushed to him, grabbed him and carried him home. He bandaged the stork's leg and began to treat him. The stork recovered and flew away.
In the spring, the rich man went out into the field and began to wait impatiently for the white stork to fly in and bring him wonderful watermelon seeds.
But there was still no stork...
Finally, the stork flew in and threw three watermelon seeds to the rich man.
The rich man was shaking all over with greed. He grabbed the seeds and immediately planted them in the ground.
Soon sprouts appeared, wide leaves unfurled, long green vines crawled across the ground, flowers bloomed, and then huge watermelons grew.
When the watermelons were ripe, the rich man invited all his relatives to visit. His family and friends, also rich people, gathered. As soon as they hit the watermelon with a knife, it cracked, and a whole swarm of angry bumblebees flew out of the middle. And these bumblebees were like large nuts. They began to buzz and sting both the rich man and his relatives. Everyone's cheeks became swollen, their eyes swollen, their lips swollen, and they all ran away cursing and screaming.