General retreat of the head of the Organizational Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Volynsky - volina_g - LJ. “Olympic Complex “Luzhniki” is one of the largest sports complexes in Russia and the world Approximate word search

The love of beautiful women and money has ruined more than one brilliant career

Sergey Varnaev

Over more than twenty years of service, Vladislav Aleksandrovich Volynsky has risen to the rank of general’s stars and the position of head of the Organizational Inspection Department (OID) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The activities of this structure are practically invisible to those outside the police system. OID is, so to speak, a product for internal consumption. The department monitors order in departments, compiles reports, and monitors the implementation of plans. In short, a kind of service internal control. Therefore, OID members enjoy persistent dislike from their colleagues for drinking blood. On the other hand, having “auditors” as friends means a priori saving yourself from unnecessary headaches and unnecessary beatings from big bosses. Hence the occupational illness among those who serve in the department, provoked by frequent visits to restaurants, bathhouses and other entertainment establishments where strong drinks flow like a river.

But this is not the main advantage of serving in the OID. At the very least, you wouldn’t be surprised by such manifestations of loyalty on the part of Volynsky’s colleagues. During his service in the department, and the general only served as deputy for 10 years, Vladislav Aleksandrovich acquired acquaintances and connections with the help of which, if desired, one can solve almost any issue or problem. For example, help in not touching good people from the reputable consulting company Finserviceconsulting (FSK).

The story of the extortion of money from the management of this company by Volynsky’s subordinates caused a real fit of anger from the head of the department, Rashid Nurgaliev, who called this outrageous case “an unprecedented act of betrayal of the interests of the service.” The chief expert-consultant of the OID, Colonel Alexander Zharkov, was caught taking a bribe of 850 thousand dollars. Moreover, it was an advance. They asked for twice as much. For this money, the colonel promised to solve the problems of the FSK that arose after the visit of fighters against economic crimes. Consulting company was involved in a major case of cashing out money together with two other Moscow companies - Consulting Group and Sportinform. During the search at the FSK office, not only all financial and accounting documentation and hard drives were seized, but also counterfeit stamps, including those with the coat of arms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Several people were arrested.

A certain Alexander Skolkov, the general director of Capital Group LLC, which also did not disdain questionable financial transactions, was a witness in this case. But in narrow circles Skolkov is known not so much for this as for his strong friendship with the leadership of that same OID. The businessman, scared to death by the meticulous questions of the investigator, ran there.

“We will solve your problem,” the curator with big stars reassured Skolkov.

It is clear that after such assurances, the future no longer seemed gloomy to the general director of Capital Group. Moreover, his friends in uniform also offered him to make good money on the suddenly arising problem of FSK.

The role of the negotiator with management financial company were taken to Colonel Zharkov. It was he who opened the eyes of businessmen to the near future.

Now you are witnesses, and tomorrow you will be accused,” the colonel inspired. “But we can protect you.”

Protection services were valued at 1 million 700 thousand “green”.

Is it possible to return what was seized during a search? – businessmen were interested.

No question, another 250 thousand,” Zharkov increased the price tag, after which he ran to report his success in the negotiations to his superiors. What happened next is described in detail in the media. The colonel with the money was captured almost under the walls of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Bolshaya Yakimanka. Then they came for Skolkov. During interrogations from the SKP investigator, Zharkov did not pretend to be a Young Guard member and immediately pretended to be the boss. As a result, Volynsky had to explain himself. An obvious disclaimer! He doesn’t even know about some hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yes, Vladislav Aleksandrovich never held such money in his hands.

In general, we’ll take the general’s word for it. Moreover, there is nothing else left for us yet. After all, Volynsky is an extremely cautious person and before this incident he had never shown his full height anywhere. Except in gossip columns. And then Vladimir Aleksandrovich prefers once again not to put his face under camera lenses. The same cannot be said about his good friend Anzhelika Bogachevskaya.

In the late 90s, she introduced herself as a young fashion designer, now she is an expert on noble drinks. However, Vladislav Aleksandrovich is still capable of shaking up the old days and lighting up in some nightclub like the capital’s Kino on Olimpiysky Prospekt. It is noteworthy that the license plates of the Mercedes S-Class, donated by General Angelica, bear three letters “A”. As they say, it doesn't get any cooler.

Well, what’s wrong with this, you ask, thank God, there are still noble officers in Russia capable of such sweeping gestures. The question of where the general got the money for a “business class” iron horse is usually not asked by decent people. He could rent out an apartment he inherited from his grandmother, or he saved up all his life.

In the end, Volynsky could have been given this money. Who? For example, a classmate at the Omsk police school, Sergei Ryapisov, who for some reason was identified as a member of the Omsk organized crime group (hopefully not active) in the operational affairs of the liquidated Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ryapisov’s police career, unlike Volynsky’s, did not work out, but in business he was much more lucky. True, his business is very specific. Others are imprisoned far and long for such “commercial projects.” A graduate of the Omsk school was one of key figures in the notorious investment company "Russia". All investment projects of “Russia” were implemented according to one key formula: came – saw – took away. This company, which would be more appropriately called a gang, has accounted for more than three dozen captured objects. It is no coincidence that the “Russians” are called the most “frostbitten” group of raiders. In addition, Ryapisov was noted for the seizure of Legprombank, Olimpiysky Bank, VILS OJSC and the Stupino Metallurgical Plant. In short, the former policeman’s gait is firm.

Another “casual” acquaintance of General Volynsky is simply called Farit. In the world he bears the surname Valeev. Although Farit did not graduate from the Omsk police school and did not even go there, he is an authoritative person. And in every sense of the word. Valeev breathes unevenly towards the horses. But this is not the only thing that unites him with Volynsky and other very close acquaintances of the general. Farit, together with Ryapisov, “took” Legprombank, VILS and SMK. But this gentleman was remembered not only for this. In 2001, Valeev led a group that stormed the administration of the Tula region, where the election commission was meeting. In such an extravagant way, Valeev demonstrated his support for one of the candidates for the post of governor. At the initiative of the FSB, a criminal case was then opened, but our hero inexplicably remained “beyond suspicion.” Although, if you take into account your acquaintance with some generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can guess who took care of Farit.

Of course, all this in no way puts an end to the career of General Volynsky. How many people, where and with whom did they intersect? For example, the fugitive US citizen Kuznetsov, who, as the Minister of Finance of the Moscow Region, warmed up this very region for several billion rubles, except that he did not kiss the head of one of the most powerful Russian special services in Courchevel. And both of them are still, as they say, on horseback. Why is Vladislav Alexandrovich worse?

Business card:

In 1981 he entered the Omsk Higher Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. After graduation, he worked as an engineer for special equipment and communications of the Internal Affairs Department No. 3 of the 8th Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1986 to 1988 - detective officer, and then senior detective officer of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs department No. 3 of the 8th department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Vladislav Aleksandrovich’s scientific activity began in 1988 with his arrival in the problem development department civil defense and mobilization training in the Department of Internal Affairs of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

In 1991, he completed his postgraduate studies at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, received academic degree candidate of legal sciences.

From 1991 to 1998 he successively held positions research fellow, senior researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, leading researcher at Research Laboratory-8 All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, leading researcher at the 2nd department of Research Laboratory-4 All-Russia Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, head of the 4th department at Research Laboratory-5 All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, deputy head of Research Laboratory-5 All-Russia Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Vladislav Aleksandrovich's sphere of scientific interests is criminology, criminal procedure, management organization.

In 1988, he was seconded to the apparatus of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In the same year, he was appointed deputy head of the Main Organizational and Inspectorate Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Since 2001 - Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Deputy Head of the Main Organizational and Inspectorate Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Since 2004, Major General of Police V.A. Volynsky is the first deputy head of the Organizational and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 29, 2008 No. 1417, he was appointed head of the Organizational and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer Russian Federation. Awarded the “Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” badge and a personalized weapon.

Last month, headquarters units in the internal affairs system celebrated their 90th anniversary. The history of their formation is rich in a wide variety of events, sometimes dramatic, sometimes threatening the very existence of the headquarters apparatus. But time gradually put everything in its place. Despite all the ups and downs, they withstood all the tests that befell them with honor, convincingly proving in practice their ability to quickly and competently solve the most complex problems in the fight against crime.

On the eve of Police Day, we met with the head of the Organizational and Inspectorate Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General Vladislav VOLYNSKY and asked him to answer the magazine’s questions.

Vladislav Aleksandrovich, during the celebration of your service, readers of the “Militia”, we believe, had the opportunity to familiarize themselves in sufficient detail with the history of its creation. We propose to build a “bridge” to today. What do you think about the process of forming the vertical staff service? Is it completed?

Mostly completed. Although some changes in the structure of headquarters units and the tasks they perform will still occur, the goal is the same - further improvement of the activities of headquarters.

In the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the functions of the headquarters are performed by the Organizational Inspection Department, which combines organizational and analytical, control and planning and organizational and staffing work, carrying out inspections and control checks, as well as comprehensive documentary checks and audits of the financial and economic activities of local internal affairs bodies.

At the same time, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is entrusted with the functions of coordinating the actions of departments and internal affairs bodies during large-scale complex operations, as well as in the event of aggravation of the operational situation, emergency circumstances and in the context of the introduction of a legal regime of emergency or martial law.

In addition, the department ensures the work of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, coordinates the activities of scientific and practical sections of departments of internal affairs bodies, carries out work to provide them with organizational, methodological, advisory and practical help, takes part in the development of regulatory legal acts aimed at improving legal regulation management in the field of internal affairs.

It is the versatility and breadth of competence of the department and local headquarters units that open up real opportunities for ensuring optimal management in the system of internal affairs bodies, make it possible to establish proper interaction between various services, and improve business relations with other law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments.

There is an opinion that some services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies were “jealous,” so to speak, regarding the increase in the status of headquarters...

And they saw a threat to their independence... So, today we can say with confidence that such fears were not justified. Headquarters have become a reliable tool for overcoming departmental disunity. All tasks facing the internal affairs bodies as a whole are equally important to them. They are able to develop comprehensive measures to solve any problems in the law enforcement sphere.

The vesting of headquarters with new powers and the expansion of the range of tasks they solve served as the beginning of a radical restructuring of the management system, the essence of which is the transition from sectoral to integrated management activities of internal affairs bodies. The concentration in the headquarters of the main levers for managing the forces and means of the Ministry of Internal Affairs helped to significantly increase the level of organization of the activities of services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies and, as a consequence of this, improve the results of their functioning and maintain control over the criminal situation.

Could you tell us about the department's work aimed at improving government policy in the field of internal affairs?

This is one of the most important areas of our activity. The department has prepared and sent to the appropriate authorities numerous proposals for a number of projects federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of meetings of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the State Border Commission, the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation. In addition, several departmental target programs have been developed.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs' Action Plan for administrative reform, designed for the period until 2010, is being successfully implemented, the purpose of which is to optimize management activities, ensuring the rule of law, developing openness and accessibility of information about the work of the police.

The regulatory legal framework has been significantly updated. In order to optimize the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, orders have been prepared “On measures to increase the efficiency of inspection and control checks activities of internal affairs bodies”, “Issues of assessing the activities of internal affairs bodies, individual units of criminal police and public security police, preliminary investigation bodies and internal affairs bodies in transport”, “On the organization of planning in the system of internal affairs bodies of Russia Federation”, “On approval of instructions on the procedure for receiving, registering and resolving applications, messages and other information about incidents in internal affairs bodies”, “On unified registration of crimes”, “On the procedure for organizing implementation and conduct of experiments in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" and a number of others, including interdepartmental, regulatory legal acts.

- How do you evaluate the work of headquarters units in the field?

Overall satisfactory. However, I would like to point out some shortcomings in their work that require prompt elimination.

As you know, one of the most important areas of activity of headquarters at all levels is information and analytical work. The validity and effectiveness of the adopted management decisions. Without knowing the real state of affairs, without mastering the operational situation, it is impossible to timely identify problem areas and prevent negative trends, quickly maneuver forces and means, and effectively influence the organization and final results of the agency’s activities. internal affairs.

It is the headquarters that is called upon to carry out a system-wide analysis and assessment of the operational situation, primarily the factors causing its changes, the results of the operational and official activities of services and units, and to prepare on this basis comprehensive management decisions aimed at achieving systemic significant goals and objectives of the internal affairs body.

Unfortunately, work in this area in individual departments is lame on both legs. The results of inspection and control checks indicate that in the majority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, criminological analysis is carried out in a simplified manner - as a rule, this is only a comparison statistical indicators, which is not always accompanied by any deep conclusions and specific proposals. Factors directly or indirectly influencing the state of crime, as well as data judicial practice are not taken into account. The narrowness of the information base, naturally, negatively affects the quality of decisions made, which, unfortunately, are sometimes not adequate to the emerging criminal situation.

The assessment of the results of the activities of the internal affairs department, its services and units suffers from one-sidedness. In many regions, contrary to the instructions of the minister, the long-canceled “total percentage of detection” indicators, various ratings, rankings, etc. are still widely used.

As they say, you don’t have to look far for examples. The head of one of the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Tyumen region introduced planned targets for his subordinates according to the number of administrative offenses suppressed. In 2007, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Ast-Rakhan region Tapilin A.A. obligated each city district agency to register and solve at least 20 crimes every day, and also to receive at least five confessions from suspects.

Unfortunately, there are many such examples. The inertia of individual managers in the issue under consideration, coupled with ignorance of the current regulatory and legal framework, leads to the management decisions outlined above. And it is not surprising that such simplification, if not distortion, of the ministry’s requirements is willingly and rightly criticized in the means mass media, appeals from citizens. We ourselves give a serious reason to the public to believe in the existence of a “stick system”, planned indicators for various areas of operational activities. It is in such situations that the role of the chief of staff should be traced, whose task is to promptly prompt the leader that his instructions contradict departmental regulations legal acts, and where necessary - show integrity.

The task of the headquarters is to organize work so that the content of all incoming regulations is communicated to all employees, especially managers, in a timely manner. It would seem: this is an elementary thing that does not require reminders. But checks show that this is far from the case.

For example, during an inspection of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Rubtsovsk, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Altai Territory established that in the city police department “Severnoye” of the said department there are completely no regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Altai Territory and Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Rubtsovsk. The head of the department gets acquainted with them only at the city police department, and no extracts are made.

A similar situation arose in territorial department police of the Department of Internal Affairs in the Leninsky district of Barnaul, where the members of the commission were presented with only 2 orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and one - of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Altai region. Similar examples can be given for other regions.

Unfortunately, there are cases when the heads of staff units themselves do not know the contents of even those regulations that should have become their, so to speak, reference book.

- How does the department carry out control functions?

The most important lever for successful operational and administrative activities is control. Its ultimate goal is not so much to identify deviations and miscalculations in work, but to prevent them, as well as eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to them. This topic is quite extensive and requires a separate and detailed discussion. I will note only two points: these are the issues of establishing special control and the institution of supervision.

Numerous shortcomings in this area in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation indicate a distortion of the very concept of “special control,” which now often means only a formal procedure. The measures implemented within its framework are often ineffective and untenable. The most common of them are requests for certificates and rare visits to controlled bodies to sum up results. The requirements of Order No. 580 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of 2005 are violated at all stages - from the moment of establishing special control to its removal.

There are often cases when the basis for placing under special control is only a rather vague formulation “decrease in the results of operational and official activities”, while on-site visits are not carried out, the true reasons for the deterioration of the situation in a particular internal affairs body are not clarified .

The quality and timeliness of planning activities carried out during the implementation of special control does not stand up to criticism. For example, in the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Samara Region, an action plan to exercise special control over the activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Sovetsky District was approved only three months after its establishment.

The number of divisions and areas of activity for which special control is established often exceeds all reasonable limits. In the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Penza Region, the number of supervised bodies and units reached 60, in the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Volgograd Region - 56, while in 34 of them (61 percent) no one from the Main Internal Affairs Administration staff traveled.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Jewish Autonomous Region did not practice visiting bodies under special control. And vice versa, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Adygea carried out more than 50 visits to subdivisions under their control, but the provision of practical assistance was never the purpose or content of the business trips.

A situation that attracts attention is the situation in which, in violation of the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the activities of a significant number of city and regional authorities or their structural divisions have been subject to special control for several years to no avail. It is not surprising that the removal of special control often occurs on formal grounds, and the results of the work of half of the controlled bodies are then assessed negatively. At the same time, none of the managers bears any disciplinary liability.

In the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Samara Region, after five years (from 2001 to 2006) of being under the special control of the head office, the activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Kinel-Cherkassky district, when inspected by a commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2007, were assessed unsatisfactorily.

A similar situation is noted in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the republics of Tyva, Buryatia, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Novgorod Region, the Western, Azov-Black Sea and Transbaikal Internal Affairs Directorates, where, based on the results of the inspection, the official activities of subordinate internal affairs bodies, who were recently removed from special control, were assessed by the commissions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia unsatisfactory.

In many regions, the institute of supervision practically does not work. Instead of providing practical assistance in areas of activity, a constant positive impact on the organization and work results, the supervising heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate and the OVDRO in best case scenario They are busy with the usual collection of various certificates and feel practically no responsibility for the state of affairs in the internal affairs body they supervise.

Just think about it: what could be the use of 20 curators assigned to each line internal affairs agency of the Azov-Black Sea Department of Internal Affairs if they practically did not appear there during the year?!

Here’s another example: in four inspected city district authorities in the Vladimir region, there were no notes on inspections by curators even in the inspectors’ record book located in the duty station.

Over the past five years, the Inspectorate for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has carried out 87 inspections and 36 control checks, made more than 300 targeted visits to the regions for the purpose of thematic checks and providing practical assistance. The activities of 21 internal affairs bodies were placed under special control. Currently, it is carried out by the work of five bodies (Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Ingushetia, Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Nizhny Novgorod region, Transbaikal Department of Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs No. 53 and Department of Internal Affairs No. 185 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia).

The inspection methodology was born several decades ago, back in Soviet time, and did not endure significant changes. Although technology information Technology have stepped far forward and dictate the need to make appropriate adjustments to the organization of work in general and, of course, to the inspection process in particular. The Organizational and Inspection Department has begun to develop new approaches to inspecting and verifying the operational and service activities of the internal affairs department, the main goals of which are:

Maximum savings Money and human resources by significantly reducing the inspection time and the number of inspectors, as well as more clearly regulating the procedure for canceling an inspection or replacing it with a targeted visit to study certain areas of work;

Objectification of inspection results by shifting the focus of the inspectors’ work from the analysis of predominantly statistical data to taking into account other factors that reflect the real situation in the internal affairs department as a whole and in certain areas of operational activity. In other words, when going on a business trip, employees should focus their attention on checking those issues that cannot be recorded in statistics.

The development of the situation in the North Caucasus region is monitored on an ongoing basis. Work is underway to develop draft regulations and management decisions aimed at increasing the effectiveness of counter-terrorism measures, the effectiveness of carrying out operational and service and combat missions of the bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as part of the Joint Group of Forces. Monitoring is continuously carried out over the implementation of a set of measures to prevent sabotage and terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian Federation.

- How do you assess internal control?

I would like to note that while the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are taking measures to improve it, then at the level of city and district authorities the situation is changing quite slowly.

My opinion is this: it is necessary to reconsider the system of zonal control and supervision in terms of expanding the powers of curators and determining the degree of their responsibility for the state of affairs in the subordinate operational zone in the form of an appropriate regulatory legal act. This regulatory act should clearly regulate the goals and objectives of zonal control, the concept of supervision in internal affairs bodies, the rights and responsibilities of zonal supervisors, as well as the list of KND materials on the implementation of zonal control.

Inspections need to constantly monitor the operational situation and processes occurring in the assigned internal affairs bodies, timely summarize information and bring it to the supervisors, and then, together with them, prepare draft relevant decisions for management. I also consider it advisable to more often practice hearings of the heads of city district authorities at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

- Is there a problem with so-called paperwork in the internal affairs bodies?

I believe that it is necessary to take more active measures to reduce the flow of documents in the internal affairs bodies. Many decisions have been made in this regard, but they have not yet given the desired effect. Of course, a lot here depends on the integrity and perseverance of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to change the situation for the better. The heads of individual divisions of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia practice a paper style of leadership, bombarding regions with letters and instructions, which end with the requirement that the results of completing a particular task be considered at an operational meeting or at a board meeting. Add here the excessive parliamentary activity of the local leaders themselves, and then something like this will emerge.

In the internal affairs body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, taking into account the current requirements of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as due to the need to make its own management decisions, more than 50 board meetings and operational meetings with the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate. And this despite the fact that, in addition, there are a significant number of joint decisions with other law enforcement agencies. In such a cycle of papers, any real business can be drowned.

It is known: one of the most important tasks of headquarters is the organizational and staffing support of internal affairs bodies. How is it solved today?

This work is based on criminal and demographic situations and real workloads. However, in a number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Department of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this tool is used ineffectively.

So, in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Sverdlovsk region Over the past 10 years, the number of security and escort units has been halved, which has led to a discrepancy in staffing levels for this area of ​​activity. As a result, the chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court was forced in September of this year. contact the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding this issue.

The ministry continues to receive unfounded requests for the allocation of additional personnel, increasing the number of deputy heads, and creating territorial bodies in other regions.

Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan in August of this year turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a request to allocate additional staffing of security and escort units. At the same time, for the period 2003-2008. The staffing level of temporary detention facilities and security and escort units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan was reduced by 10.6 percent. At the same time, as a result of organizational measures, there was a significant decrease in the number of positions supported by funds federal budget(from 48.1 to 9.3 percent).

In March of this year The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) applied to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a request to create an operational investigative unit of the criminal police of the republican ministry with a location in Moscow with the functions of operational services for budget-forming enterprises of the republic, whose offices are located in the capital city. gion. This indicates ignorance or ignorance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation on issues of formation government agencies, delimitation of their tasks and functions, as well as the regulatory framework of internal affairs bodies.

The Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Perm Territory and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic petitioned for the introduction of a third (additional) position in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, “deputy chief of department,” although, as the analysis showed, additional functions were not assigned to these units, the number of accidents increased roads per 10 thousand vehicles and victims per 100 thousand inhabitants are significantly lower than all-Russian indicators.

- What are the horizons of the department’s scientific activities?

In the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 183 scientific and practical sections of the Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on science and best practices have been created and are successfully operating, the activities of most of which are organized by headquarters units.

At the same time, an analysis of the main results of scientific support shows that the measures taken to increase the efficiency of scientific support for the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have not yet brought the expected results.

Some positive results of the work being carried out, as they say, are obvious. At the same time, there are a number of serious shortcomings in the organization of scientific support for the operational activities of internal affairs bodies.

In a number of divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, regulatory requirements regulating the organization of work on scientific support of internal affairs bodies continue to be grossly violated. Some heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the Department of Internal Affairs have not taken comprehensive measures to unconditionally comply with the requirements of regulatory legal and administrative documents regulating the organization of scientific support for operational activities.

An alarming situation with the organization of scientific support for operational and official activities has developed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the republics of Mari-El, Sakha (Yakutia), Tyva, and the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Irkutsk region.

The organization of work on scientific support in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the republics of Ingushetia and Dagestan does not meet the requirements.

Interaction with scientific research and educational institutions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Samara Region, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Amur, Ryazan, Penza, and Yaroslavl regions. The implementation of the results of scientific research in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the republics of Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia is extremely weak.

The main reason for the absence in a number of divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of a high-quality system for bringing scientific developments to the lower level of internal affairs bodies continues to be an extremely low level professional qualifications employees appointed responsible for identifying and analyzing problems that require scientific development, generating applications for their research, implementation scientific products and best practices in practice.

As a consequence, activity plans for scientific support of subordinate bodies and final reports are drawn up formally, and their content does not reflect current problems operational and service activities that require scientific development, and does not contain measures aimed at actually increasing the efficiency of operational and service activities.

A similar situation was noted in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the republics of Adygea, North Ossetia-Alania, the Department of Internal Affairs for the Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Territory Autonomous Okrug, Kirov, Ryazan, Sakhalin and Tula regions.

The area under consideration does not receive due personal attention from the heads of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the republics of Karelia, Khakassia, Altai, Chuvash Republic, Main Department of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk regions, Department of Internal Affairs for the Murmansk, Magadan, Chita, Tomsk regions.

At the same time, the continuing practice of ordering and carrying out scientific developments that are obviously of low relevance is causing serious concern. practical application in the internal affairs bodies.

- How soon is scientific research implemented in practice?

Unfortunately, the acceptance of scientific research results leaves much to be desired... There is a lot of formalism, and sometimes, to be honest, falsification.

Thus, in the Department of Internal Affairs in the Bryansk region, as a result of the implementation of the results of the dissertation research “Administrative and legal regulation of detention and prohibition of exploitation vehicle", carried out at the Bryansk branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, at the end of 2007 there was a reduction of 26.3 percent in road accidents due to vehicle malfunctions. And what? It turned out that the work in question was accepted only on October 31, 2007!

Another problem... Certain divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs do not have information about previously ordered scientific products.

For example, in the interests of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Voronezh Region, the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia carried out 6 research projects. However, information about the acceptance of only 2 was provided to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, at the request of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Voronezh Region, completed 29 research projects. At the same time, according to information from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, only 15 research projects were accepted and implemented into operational activities; information about the acceptance and implementation of 14 works was not received by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

These facts indicate that in many divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a bureaucratic approach to organizing activities for scientific support and implementation of the results of scientific developments into practice continues to be maintained; no attention is paid to the adequacy of the measures taken to provide scientific support to the internal affairs bodies of the emerging operational environment.

Concluding the conversation, I would like to note that the volume of tasks performed by headquarters units today is quite significant. Perhaps there is no such unit in the structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs whose activities would be so broad and diverse. And, we must pay tribute, for the most part the staff apparatuses quite successfully cope with the numerous functions assigned to them.

In October, when the anniversary was celebrated, more than 5 thousand employees and veterans of the service were encouraged, including those presented state awards 141 people, more than 2 thousand employees - departmental.


The other day, the first meeting of the presidential commission to clean up the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by Sergei Naryshkin, took place in Moscow. (This commission will have to re-certify all police generals.)

The very fact of the meeting was widely announced, but the public never learned about its results. Meanwhile, the results of the commission are extremely revealing and instructive.

As MK learned, three generals from the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not pass recertification and were hacked to death. Among them is Vladislav Volynsky, head of the Organizational and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (in other words, headquarters).

Major General Volynsky.

Major General Volynsky is a very remarkable figure in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not without reason that he is considered the right hand of the department’s chief reformer, Deputy Minister Alexander Smirny. It was together with Volynsky and the forces of his subordinates that Smirny prepared all his plans, which have now been refuted by life itself. Professional practitioners were not allowed to participate in brainstorming sessions on principle.

And the new structure of the “renewed” Ministry of Internal Affairs is also the fruit of the creations of Smirny and Volynsky. As if in mockery of all the mantras of Minister Nurgaliev, what they wrote staffing table completely at odds with presidential instructions.

For some reason, operational units were cut first. According to the initial version, approved by Nurgaliev in February, the Criminal Investigation Department and the Transport Department were cut by 40% (instead of the required 22%). In the Department economic security laid off 400 people - almost half.

But the headquarters structures and the apparatus itself were either cut down very slightly or even gained weight. From the organizational inspection department, Volynsky and Smirny even managed to create two independent departments...

During recent years, through the efforts of Smirny, the police headquarters turned into main center attraction. Here the main decisions were made, here the personnel policy. In just two years, more than 20 people from Omsk, the family nest of Smirny-Volynsky, became heads of the regional police departments.

The Jesuit reporting system these people created allowed them to keep the entire system at bay. Not a single leader dared to argue with the headquarters: otherwise, a hastily dispatched inspection would easily draw up a devastating report. Juggling with numbers was on stream.

However, General Volynsky was famous not only for his managerial talents. Repeatedly, the chief staff officer found himself at the epicenter of corruption scandals.

In 2009, his subordinate Alexander Zharkov was detained while receiving a bribe in the amount of 850 thousand dollars. During interrogation, the colonel said that he was carrying the money “upstairs.” Immediately after this, Vladislav Volynsky was summoned for questioning by the UPC.

Another dirty story appeared in the press, when the general director commercial firm“Quadro Telecom Group” Evgeniy Ukhabin directly accused Volynsky of aiding the raiders and paying him bribes for many years. An inspection carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs' own security confirmed the correctness of many of the accusations. In particular, it was documented that Volynsky at least used Ukhabin’s Range Rover.

By the way, Volynsky also had the warmest relations with the notorious Lieutenant General Alexander Bokov, the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. (Bokov once provided Volynsky with protection.)

Unfortunately, no conclusions were made in hot pursuit either then or after Bokov’s arrest. The only thing that the DSB achieved with the support of the FSB was the non-awarding of Volynsky to the next general rank: now he will forever remain a major general of the non-existent police...

The removal from service of one of the most influential generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, without a doubt, means that clouds are gathering over Alexander Smirny. Our sources say that the presidential administration unofficially recommended Nurgaliev to “refrain” from nominating Smirny for re-certification. Otherwise, the minister may end up in embarrassment.

If this happens and Smirny, following Volynsky, leaves the fertile granary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will be possible to state the triumph of justice. Those who, because of their own stupidity and ambition, destroyed the building, themselves died under its ruins. That's where they go...

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate Search words

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

The other day, the first meeting of the presidential commission to clean up the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by Sergei Naryshkin, took place in Moscow. (This commission will have to re-certify all police generals.)

The very fact of the meeting was widely announced, but the public never learned about its results. Meanwhile, the results of the commission are extremely revealing and instructive.

As MK learned, three generals from the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not pass recertification and were hacked to death. Among them is Vladislav Volynsky, head of the Organizational and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (in other words, headquarters).

Major General Volynsky.

Major General Volynsky is a very remarkable figure in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not without reason that he is considered the right hand of the department’s chief reformer, Deputy Minister Alexander Smirny. It was together with Volynsky and the forces of his subordinates that Smirny prepared all his plans, which have now been refuted by life itself. Professional practitioners were not allowed to participate in brainstorming sessions on principle.

And the new structure of the “renewed” Ministry of Internal Affairs is also the fruit of the creations of Smirny and Volynsky. As if in mockery of all the mantras of Minister Nurgaliev, the staffing table they wrote is completely at odds with the presidential instructions.

For some reason, operational units were cut first. According to the initial version, approved by Nurgaliev in February, the Criminal Investigation Department and the Transport Department were cut by 40% (instead of the required 22%). The Department of Economic Security laid off 400 people—almost half.

But the headquarters structures and the apparatus itself were either cut down very slightly or even gained weight. From the organizational inspection department, Volynsky and Smirny even managed to create two independent departments...

Over the past years, through the efforts of Smirny, the police headquarters has become the main center of attraction. Here the main decisions were made, here the personnel policy was formed. In just two years, more than 20 people from Omsk, the family nest of Smirny-Volynsky, became heads of the regional police departments.

The Jesuit reporting system these people created allowed them to keep the entire system at bay. Not a single leader dared to argue with the headquarters: otherwise, a hastily dispatched inspection would easily draw up a devastating report. Juggling with numbers was on stream.

However, General Volynsky was famous not only for his managerial talents. Repeatedly, the chief staff officer found himself at the epicenter of corruption scandals.

In 2009, his subordinate Alexander Zharkov was detained while receiving a bribe in the amount of 850 thousand dollars. During interrogation, the colonel said that he was carrying the money “upstairs.” Immediately after this, Vladislav Volynsky was summoned for questioning by the UPC.

Another dirty story was heard in the press, when the general director of the commercial company Quadro Telecom Group, Evgeniy Ukhabin, directly accused Volynsky of aiding the raiders and paying him bribes for many years. An inspection carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs' own security confirmed the correctness of many of the accusations. In particular, it was documented that Volynsky at least used Ukhabin’s Range Rover.

By the way, Volynsky also had the warmest relations with the notorious Lieutenant General Alexander Bokov, the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. (Bokov once provided Volynsky with protection.)

Unfortunately, no conclusions were made in hot pursuit either then or after Bokov’s arrest. The only thing that the DSB achieved with the support of the FSB was the non-awarding of Volynsky to the next general rank: now he will forever remain a major general of the non-existent police...

The removal from service of one of the most influential generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, without a doubt, means that clouds are gathering over Alexander Smirny. Our sources say that the presidential administration unofficially recommended Nurgaliev to “refrain” from nominating Smirny for re-certification. Otherwise, the minister may end up in embarrassment.

If this happens and Smirny, following Volynsky, leaves the fertile granary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will be possible to state the triumph of justice. Those who, because of their own stupidity and ambition, destroyed the building, themselves died under its ruins. That's where they go...