Where to sell handmade gingerbread. Business in your own kitchen

The production of gingerbread is one of the most profitable types of business that even a person who is not very knowledgeable in the intricacies of the culinary art can do. Moreover, development prospects gingerbread business truly stunning. Thus, according to marketing research by STK Group, the capacity of the domestic market alone has prospects for a direct increase in consumption of about 3.7 thousand tons. finished products various kinds gingerbread and similar to them, according to the segment of the market and production technology, gingerbread. Do not forget about the possibilities of exporting products, which have been talked about a lot there lately.

Gingerbread Cooking Technology

Gingerbread is a confectionery product, rectangular, round, oval or complex shaped, made from special gingerbread dough, with the addition of jam, spices, crushed berries, nuts, honey or candied fruits. Usually on top of the gingerbread plate different ways an inscription or a simple drawing is minted and a layer of confectionery glaze is applied.

A feature of the gingerbread dough in the finished product is a long shelf life, which is why this culinary sweet is popular as a souvenir.

It should also be noted that domestic gingerbread houses have good and glorious old traditions, which are also known abroad. So, in particular, family gingerbread men from Tver, at the end of the 19th century, maintained their own branded stores in the main European capitals and made excellent money on this.

Pros and Cons of a Gingerbread Cooking and Selling Business

The most important, and in many ways the determining factor, is that this kind of production, of course, not on an industrial scale, can be placed at home. At the same time, a very significant item of expenditure is excluded, the rental of premises

Gingerbread dough, unlike yeast dough, does not impose increased requirements on the quality of flour. This is also a very important factor. Since when preparing a number of the same bakery products, the indicators of gluten and IDK in the grain of the food group and the flour obtained from it are decisive. First of all, we are talking about the possibility of using cheap flour of the 2nd grade.

The finished product is stored for a very long time, which allows reducing the acuteness of the issue of efficiency and speed of implementation by several orders of magnitude. finished product and its reserves

Pretty simple technological process preparations, operations such as proofing, maturation of the dough do not require increased requirements for temperature and humidity conditions

The main components for production are available and do not require special conditions during transportation and storage

The most time-consuming processes of kneading and shaping the dough are easily mechanized by available means.

It is clear that the gingerbread business, like any other, has its pitfalls and negative sides:

High competition, and many players in the market have long and proven production traditions. Entering the market and winning your niche is not easy

One of the conditions for winning consumer sympathy is the production of a product High Quality and exclusively on natural ingredients, which makes it possible to cut off large, but ordinary manufacturers who base their own recipes on various kinds of modifiers, essences and other ersatz products. It follows that your own recipe based on exclusively natural products will have an overestimated cost and, as a result, a reduced competitive potential.

In the case of using exclusively manual labor for kneading, shaping the dough, the fund grows significantly wages, if we are talking about attracting hired workers to production, the maximum possible mechanization of manual labor imposes increased requirements on the amount of initial capital

The production of food products causes certain difficulties in terms of compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, both for premises, transport, and personnel.

How much money you need to invest and how much you can earn in the manufacture and sale of gingerbread

Having weighed all the pros and cons of a purely organizational nature, one can begin to develop a disposition on the economic front.

The calculation will be made on the example of the recipe of the "Tula jubilee gingerbread", which is distinguished by technological simplicity and stability of the output of the finished product.

Flour of the 2nd grade - 100 kg, / of which 0.75 kg for molding table dust /

Sugar, for dough and glaze - 35 kg

Molasses - 45 kg, /in the case of using natural honey, the conversion factor is 0.45/

Margarine - 2 kg

Vegetable oil - 0.55 kg

Baking soda - 0.4 kg

Drinking water conditioned by moisture capacity - 26 l

A mixture of spices ginger powder, cloves and cinnamon crushed - 0.04 kg

Output of finished products 175 pcs.

Based on the fact that the prices for the products and finished products indicated in the recipe can vary significantly in the regions of the country, for an objective calculation, you should substitute the figures that are objective for your area, subtract the associated production and non-production costs and obtain the cost and projected profit.

So, on average in the Russian Federation, the average cost of a kg of finished product is 28.47 rubles, while the average selling price in retail is 62.74 rubles.

As a general information, it should be added that for a small production with a productivity of finished products of the order of 1000-1400 kg per month, the expected profitability level should be in the range of 45-60% and should not be lower than 35%.

Permission and OKVED code for a business selling gingerbread

It should be recalled that the production of gingerbread and gingerbread is regulated by OKVED 10.72.32. and before the start of production, it is necessary to acquire the necessary package of permits.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that starting with a small production of gingerbread, as an exclusively family business, the entrepreneur in a short time will be able to massively increase not only production volumes, but also the range of sweet pastries. It is worth actively seeking opportunities to reduce costs by optimizing costs and, of course, looking for new sales markets, not dwelling on already well-developed ones. Excellent safety of products, their excellent transportability and resistance to adverse factors opens up very broad prospects for both qualitative and quantitative growth of your company.

A step-by-step plan for starting a business for preparing the sale of gingerbread

The organization of a gingerbread business is not much different from other activities related to baking confectionery. The Entrepreneur Action Plan includes:

  1. Registration of activities in tax service, obtaining permits.
  2. Rental of premises and its arrangement in accordance with the norms of regulatory authorities.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Buy raw materials.
  5. Find a market.
  6. Conduct advertising, create a website.

holding marketing research, drawing up a business plan will greatly simplify the work of a novice entrepreneur. Having an action plan in hand, starting the production of gingerbread is much easier.

How to choose business equipment

For automated process making sweets, you will need to purchase special equipment:

  • Apparatus for kneading dough;
  • Boiler for cooking gingerbread;
  • Apparatus for product design;
  • Electric oven for baking products;
  • Equipment for packing.

The equipment is purchased depending on the needs of production. In addition, it is necessary to buy furniture for arranging a warehouse, a special uniform for staff. For delivery of gingerbread, you will need a car.

What documents are needed for business

The first thing to do is to arrange individual entrepreneurship or LLC. Next, you have to get approval from the SES for the premises, approve the recipe and production plan. In addition, the entrepreneur must conclude agreements for the removal of garbage, disinfection of premises.

Many enterprising women think about how cool it would be to sell their culinary products. True, few have enough endurance and pressure to turn desire into business. Taya Slavuta, the heroine of today's column "", managed to do this by founding the SmakoTaya gingerbread workshop and told us how her business story began.


READ ALSO - How to make money in your kitchen: the story of a mother of two children

At 20 I didn't really want to be an entrepreneur. Will explain. In my student years, many friends dreamed of having their own business, but I didn’t want to at all. Since childhood, I grew up in an entrepreneurial environment. Parents ran a business in the field of seed production and medicinal plants. In her free time from school, she helped: she processed shipments of goods, making up accompanying documents Yes, in principle, as best I could, at that level and at that time, I tried to help with the development, as it is now correctly called, of the brand :). And at the same time, there was plenty of manual labor. This is probably why entrepreneurship did not seem very romantic to me.

To desire motivated to do business banking crisis. I have a financial education and 8 years of banking experience. And 2008 was a turning point for me, when I was simply laid off as an experienced and promising employee and sent to the stock exchange ... and there were many like me in the labor market. At that time, even in vacancies they wrote “we need an economist with work experience (not banking :). Because I love cooking very much, and especially confectionery, so I took up cakes, mastic, with figures, but I always strived for the fact that not only the form is important, but also the content.

At the time of the opening of our gingerbread workshop, I didn’t have a penny in my soul. my starting capital there was a stove bought for me by my dad, a refrigerator, a table and 6 chairs :) I borrowed the workshop that was correct according to all sanitary standards. The only thing I had was a quality product that was actively in demand.

The most difficult in the first 365 days was the execution of permits. Unfortunately, our government bodies they perform not a consulting function, but a controlling one. No one to ask anything. For all the only answer is "Read the legislative acts." And my continuation of the remark “and we will come, check and if you did something wrong, we will punish you” ...

But the most difficult thing was, and probably remains to this day, is a clear systematization of all working moments, starting from technological maps in production and ending with the formulation (implementation) of plans in business processes.

In the first year of birth“of our own business”, we, with the whole team, outside the city, did yoga, played volleyball, ate seafood in honey-creamy sauce and drank white Macedonian wine.

As such, I did not have large investments and all investments paid off in almost 5-6 months. But further development occurred only at the expense of profit.

Tagline my "business": Feel the taste of happiness!

We always try to find out the need - give the customer the best, and often this is more than what he expected. We were in a bad mood active sales because I don't like to praise myself beforehand. Now there is already something to show and something to brag about, there are positive reviews from large eminent clients, and with great pleasure I give sales into the hands of marketers, and I myself take care of the foundation of our activity - the quality of our product.

Gingerbread became not just edible amber sarcophagi of Russian roots, they also became the opposite, the antonym of the extremely common sadomasochistic pleasures of the pedagogical system of Tsarist Russia and modern Russia. Stick and carrot, misconduct and praise, pain and pleasant sweetness in the mouth. Probably, cooking gingerbread is cooking Russian happiness, compassion and hope for tomorrow. To find out for sure, we spoke to the maker of "dream gingerbread Pryansk"— Nikita Putmakov.

Why do you say in the title that your gingerbread is with a dream?

Once, a few years ago, my wife and I and then two more daughters went for a month and a half to travel to different Indian cities. And when we came back to our February Novosibirsk, we suddenly realized that we had several new “understandings”.

We realized that we absolutely do not want to live in a metropolis.

Moreover, this was not some kind of logical conclusion, under which there was some well-thought-out sectarian theory. It was just an unmotivated feeling that the metropolis (and it doesn’t matter if it’s Russian Novosibirsk or Indian Mumbai) is an environment completely unsuitable for a normal human life with children.

We realized that we want our circle of contacts to include not only our compatriots, but also people from other countries.

It was a revelation for us to discover that with some people living on the other side of the border, you can have more in common than with some on this side.

We realized that we really miss the normal simple fire-cooked food and fresh produce.

And in general, that we want to know our cuisine, history and culture better. After all, you must admit, it is an abnormal situation that we live in Russia, a country that claims to be one of key roles in the world, but at the same time we have no idea what food from a Russian oven is. As my friend told me: “Russian cuisine? Does she even exist?" We must do something about it!

We began to think about how we could combine all this and decided that a guest house or, in an international way, a guesthouse would be the ideal solution to all these problems. And we decided to start realizing this dream of a guesthouse with rye gingerbread - one product that we would not be ashamed to meet guests from other parts of the world right now. That's why.

Why did you decide to bake gingerbread and not another product in order to build a guesthouse?

Until the guesthouse was built, a product was needed that could be served outside the home. The gingerbread fit well. But there was another story that made us pay attention to gingerbread. One day two travelers from Germany stayed with us. As a gift, they brought us world-famous Nuremberg gingerbread, their most popular type is Elisen-lebkuchen, which are made from almond flour and candied fruits.

It was incredibly delicious!

And I thought, is there really no normal gingerbread in Russian cuisine, but there is only this something that is sold in supermarkets and which I personally have never liked?

We picked up the preserved recipes, tried to cook. And it turned out that in our kitchen there are also delicious gingerbread cookies.

Still, for you, gingerbread is a tool or a hobby where you can realize not only culinary, but also creative potential?

Probably all at once. Since while I am combining this whole "gingerbread project" with my main job as an interior designer, then from this point of view it can be called a hobby. On the other hand, since we want to grow a new large project with a guesthouse from this small seed, then this is a tool. In general, looking at people who give the impression of being successful and harmonious, I came to the conclusion that most of them do not have a separation between work, hobbies, business and leisure - they gradually make their lives more and more holistic, combining all their talents, interests and needs into a single process of their self-realization. We are striving for the same.

What is the peculiarity of the production of "Pryansk"?

The peculiarity is that, firstly, gingerbread is made exclusively from rye flour, which is what gingerbread should be in real Russian cuisine.

Secondly, they add a lot of taiga honey, which we take from our friend from an apiary in the taiga in the north Tomsk region, thirdly, I add my author's composition of 10 freshly ground spices to the gingerbread.

And who comes up with slogans when designing a product?

This, apparently, is about the stickers that we stick on the boxes of gingerbread for the holidays. It all started on February 14, when we realized that we were bored with making gingerbread in line with the usual "cute" "Valentine's" gifts. We decided to offer an alternative view of the issue.
And they made gingerbread cookies for those who currently have no one to give Valentines, as well as for those who are "forced to celebrate", but secretly hate this holiday. I googled a bit looking for different sayings that would fit my idea of ​​what is missing in the usual assortment of "Valentine" gifts. So there were gingerbread with stickers “let's hate everyone together!”, “I love you because you don’t care about February 14”, “I don’t know who to give a Valentine to myself or me” and the like. People liked it. Then they made similar alternative series by February 23 and March 8. In general, somehow slogans appear like this - first an idea, then “ok, Google” - and forward.

What can your gingerbread tell foreigners who have encountered Russian culture for the first time?

If gingerbread men could talk, they would probably tell their story. rich history, about how about a thousand years ago in Russia they began to make the first ritual cakes from honey and rye flour. How, around the 13th century, merchants began to bring spices from India and Central Asia, which they also began to add to these cakes, which they began to call gingerbread. The fact that by the beginning of the 20th century, many different gingerbreads were produced in the Russian Empire, which were very popular with us, and were also exported to Europe.

The fact that merchants kept gingerbread recipes in secret and did not write them down, so after the revolution, most of the recipes disappeared into oblivion.

When you build a guesthouse, will you continue to cook gingerbread?

Why not. We generally love to cook. In the city, it is almost impossible to cook on a live fire, except perhaps on gas, if there is one. In the summer at the dacha, we usually cook in a cauldron. It would be cool to build a Russian wood-burning stove in the guesthouse. As we see it so far: half of the menu would be dishes of real non-pop Russian cuisine, and the other half - various other dishes according to recipes brought from travels.

Finally, give a gingerbread recipe that everyone can make at home.

First, make caramel syrup: melt 120 grams of sugar over high heat, pour 50 grams of boiling water there and cook a little so that the caramel dissolves in the syrup.

Separately, melt 300 grams of honey and put 5 grams of a mixture of spices there so that the spices give their aroma to the hot honey. Spice mixes may vary. The most basic gingerbread spices are cinnamon, ginger, and cloves.

Pour the hot spiced honey into the caramel syrup. Brew 250 grams of rye flour with this mixture. Add 90 grams of butter, stir and leave for 30 minutes to cool to room temperature.

Then put 1 egg and 2 yolks there (leave the whites - they will come in handy), a pinch of soda and another 200 grams of flour. Knead the resulting dough well. It is desirable that the gingerbread dough stand for at least a couple of hours - it will be more elastic.

We form gingerbread cookies and bake - 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees, depending on the size. We make icing from 1 protein and 140 grams of powdered sugar and grease the gingerbread cookies that have not yet completely cooled down. Waiting for everything to cool down.

Better yet, we are waiting for the next day and… trying real Russian cuisine!

A new tradition - gift painted gingerbread - is gaining popularity in Russia. Tula businesswoman Elena Nikishova decided to build her own business on the production and sale of beautiful and sweet treats.

Elena's story is like thousands of others. After the birth of her second child, she went on maternity leave, and when it came time to go to work, it turned out that, in fact, there was nowhere to go - her company was closed. After being unemployed for a couple of months, Elena came to the conclusion that she needed to start her own own business. But what? And then a chance turned up: when she came to her friends' birthday, she received a beautifully packaged colorful gingerbread in the shape of a flower as a gift. When asked where they get these, they explained to her that they ordered from the master and that this pleasure is not cheap. Elena decided to learn how to bake such gingerbread.

“I found out where they teach the skill of baking gingerbread,” says Elena. “I went to 10 classes in Moscow. My husband had to fork out. they are voluminous figures like gingerbread houses. In principle, for any woman who knows how to cook and handle the oven, there is nothing super complicated. "

The first orders, as it always happens, were distributed among relatives and friends. Within two months, Elena "tricked her hand" and earned an image from potential clients. She didn't have to buy any special equipment. She already had a quality oven. The only thing that had to be redone was one of the kitchen cabinets - for a gingerbread dryer. And of course buy various forms for baking, as well as a syringe for applying glaze. Soon real orders began to arrive. That fifty "strawberries" for children's holiday, then "cars" with a logo for a corporate party.

“I started selling my gingerbread in the spring of 2015,” Elena recalls. “It was just before Easter. I was asked to make gingerbread in the form Easter eggs, Easter cakes, Easter bunnies and chickens. She baked during the day, painted gingerbread cookies at night. Tired. But in the end, it turned out that I earned about 40 thousand rubles. And after that, after weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to register an individual entrepreneur.

Why IP? Elena considered that it would be much more profitable: there are less reporting, fixed taxes, and there was not much to collect documents for opening, and everything cost 800 rubles. Mom - an accountant - helps with reporting. So, since July 2015, her micro-enterprise has been fully operational. Incomes have become fairly stable. Elena did not give any additional advertising: she relied on word of mouth, plus social networks in which her friends acted as advertising agents.

All production is located in the kitchen - so, no rent and additional costs.

Elena's smallest gingerbread costs 30 rubles, the largest and most painted can cost 1000 or more. Gingerbread houses go for 1500-2000 rubles. Elena sets prices herself, but with an eye to competitors, who, for example, have appeared quite a lot in Tula this year alone.

“A separate topic,” Elena shares, “is the production of glaze. “At first I tried standard recipes from powdered sugar and proteins, plus dyes. But there were many problems with it. Therefore, I switched to using ready-made sugar-protein drawing mass - icing made in Italy. I have to go to Moscow for it, but it is much more effective and reliable. I also buy spices in bulk there, because in real gingerbread, in addition to ginger, cloves are used , cinnamon, anise, coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, pepper, dill, orange peel (bitter orange), mashed bitter almonds, lemon, mint, vanilla, cumin, salt and, of course, honey. boxes for packing sets and constantly bribe new interesting cut-outs for figurines.

Before pregnancy, she worked at the Jaguar/Land Rover service center as a service coordinator and now bakes and sells gingerbread.

START. When Anya was expecting a child, her husband died. Ideas about the ideal family collapsed. Anya needed an occupation in which she could express herself. This is how the idea to go into cooking came up - to make gingerbread cookies.

It took several months from conception to implementation. Anna baked her first gingerbread cookies when her son Seryozha was three months old - now he is almost six months old.

COOKING. Zakharenko tried several dough recipes found on the Internet. I settled on the one I liked the most. It contains honey, butter, cinnamon, ginger, egg, flour and sugar.

Dyes are imported, they do not spoil the taste of gingerbread when painting.

Painting is done with glaze. Anya cooks it herself. Working with icing is the most painstaking: you need to carefully apply the drawing, there is no room for error, otherwise the gingerbread will be spoiled. If Anya applies a decoration or letters from a glaze of a different color to a layer of glaze of one color, then she first waits for the base to dry. The drying process of all layers lasts 12-14 hours.

Because of this, many surfaces are required on which gingerbread can lie. Therefore, the family of Anya Zakharenko allocated the largest room for her to work. It has several tables and shelves.

Price. Depends on the size and complexity of the design. The smallest cost 40-50 rubles, the largest - 300 rubles. You can buy a set, for example, Easter costs 600 rubles.

BUSINESS. Anya Zakharenko makes gingerbread cookies by hand, she does not use traditional forms for cutting out dough. Her assortment includes gingerbread in the form of the emblem of football clubs, strollers, bottles and nipples, cars, bees, tulips. The novice confectioner posted photos of gingerbread in social network Instagram. There, these photos were seen by her friends and colleagues. They were the first customers.

Anya asks customers to order two days in advance. Usually gingerbread is ordered for birthdays, Easter, March 8 and February 23, weddings. The author thinks over the design of future products, bakes and paints them. All this time, her mother is babysitting Anya's son, Seryozha.

“Sometimes I get so carried away with work that I forget about food. I remember only when my mother reminds me that I need to eat so that there is milk to feed my son, ”says Zakharenko.

The whole family is involved in making gingerbread. Dad, along with Anya, goes to buy groceries, mom nurses Serezha and sometimes delivers orders to customers.


"Mom scolds me for low prices. But I don’t want to bully them for more profit, ”the girl notes. The cost of her gingerbread is really lower than in the market.

Anya earns an average of 25-30 thousand rubles per month on gingerbread. The maximum so far is about 45 thousand rubles, which fell on the celebration of Valentine's Day and on February 23. This is net profit. In addition, she spends an average of about 30 thousand rubles on ingredients.

Now the young mother is thinking about staying in business after the end of the decree. “I would really like to open my own confectionery, where everyone could buy my gingerbread. There is something to work on,” says Anya.