Background for a presentation on the Dymkovo toy. Presentation "Dymkovo toy"

MBDOU No. 74 Educator: Loskutova D.V.

The technique for making a Dymkovo toy is very simple. The toys are made from red clay mixed with river sand. The shape is sculpted in parts. The individual elements are connected to each other with liquid clay. The seams are wiped with a damp cloth.

After sculpting, the toy is dried and fired.

The next stage of work is bleaching. The toy was immersed in a solution of ground chalk diluted in milk. The toy turned into dazzling white and was ready for painting.

Then traditional patterns were applied: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots.

The Dymkovo lady is very elegant. On the head there are certainly curls, hats, kokoshniks. There is a cape on the shoulders and puffy sleeves. There are frills at the bottom of the skirt or apron. In hands - a handbag, an umbrella, a dog, a rocker, etc. white background the craftswomen generously “scattered” circles, cages, large and small peas. Look how beautiful this soul girl is, her scarlet cheeks are glowing, her outfit is amazing.

Dymkovo cavaliers, dignified generals, with a sense of self-esteem. More often they are depicted on horseback or paired with a lady. With ribbons and bows, Arm in arm with dandies, We walk in pairs, We swim by as peahens.

Clay horses race on stands as hard as they can. And you can’t hold on to the tail if you lose the mane.

An unknown bird has appeared - everyone marvels at it. It doesn’t sing or fly, Everything is on fire and blazing... This bird is not simple, Painted, golden. It’s just a miracle - a trinket, Its name is a folk toy!

To this day, the Dymkovo toy continues to delight us with its brightness, colorfulness, and festivity. The Dymkovo toy craft is preserved thanks to Dymkovo craftswomen from the city of Kirov. We are famous toys, Foldable and ok, We are famous everywhere, You will like us too!

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Dymkovo toy

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Dymkovo toy (Vyatka, Kirov toy), Russian folk artistic craft; has long existed in the settlement of Dymkovo (now on the territory of the city of Kirov). A Dymkovo toy is sculpted from clay, fired and painted over the ground with tempera, and gold leaf is included. Depicts animals, horsemen, ladies in crinolines, fairy-tale and everyday scenes. The artistic originality of the Dymkovo toy is determined by its massive, laconic plasticity, emphasized by harmonious decorative painting in the form of a large geometric pattern (circles, cages of different colors, etc.).
Tea party

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The Dymkovo toy is perhaps one of the oldest crafts in Russia. It arose out of love for the pottery tradition of the Vyatka lands in ancient times. The name of the toy comes from the settlement of Dymkovo, today it is a district of the city of Vyatka. According to many researchers, the development of the Dymkovo clay toy is associated with the ritual spring holiday “Whistle Dance”, which was dedicated to the sun. To take part in the holiday, you needed a clay whistle and a painted clay ball that could be thrown around.

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The Dymkovo Vyatka toy has long become a folk sculpture. The difference between this artistic craft and other Russian folk crafts is that each toy is the author's creative work craftswomen hand sculpted and paintings, and exists in a single copy. Traditionally, the Dymkovo toy industry does not have mass production.

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The whistles had the shapes of various totem animals: bear, goat, ram, deer, but in essence they were very simple, so their main function was magical, not decorative. Despite the ritual significance of clay whistles, some irony is noticeable with which the craftsmen sculpted them. A bear, for example, could play some musical instrument, a goat could be dressed in funny pants. Such clay whistle figures were sculpted by women and girls long before the holiday. This work was considered exclusively for women.

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Almost all the toys are whistles, festively painted on white clay with multi-colored stripes and lines, rings and dots, circles that look like flowers.

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In ancient times, the most common types of figurines were animals and “women” - female symbols of fertility. Only in the 19th century did “women” dress up in bright clothes, pick up dishes with pies, babies and birds, and sit in boats and on benches. Multi-figure compositions appeared with names like “Sleigh Ride”, “Tea Party”, “Walking with Children”, “At Night”.

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In the 19th century, the holiday turned into a lively whistling fair, with the obligatory whistling. The magical meaning of the festival was lost. The whistles were preserved, but acquired more and more elaborate, decorative forms. If in ancient times the main subject was animals, then in the 19th century women appeared in elegant clothes, with babies, birds, with baskets of pies, with rockers, on benches and in boats. Later, the masters of Dymkovo toys turn to urban subjects: ladies of fashion, townspeople, officers, merchant women, buffoons.

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Whatever the Dymkovo toy depicts, it can always be distinguished by its unique elegant coloring. On a white background, blue, cyan, green, yellow-orange, and crimson colors look very fun. There can be up to ten of them. The ornament is always simple: cells, stripes, circles, dots, diamonds, zigzags in different combinations. But these simple geometric patterns carry some information. For example, a blue wavy stripe means water, crossed stripes mean a well frame, a circle with an asterisk in the middle means the sun and other luminaries.


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Dymkovo toys

made in the city

From the high bank of the Vyatka River you can see the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo. In winter, when

The stoves were heated, in the summer, when there is fog, the whole settlement seemed to be in a haze. That's why

the name is like that. Here, in ancient times, the Dymkovo fishery originated

G de de la Yu T yes m co V With ki e And G RU w ki ?

This is what Dymkovskaya Sloboda looks like today.

And the workshops in which toys were made moved to the center of Kirov.

Red clay for toys was usually collected in the spring after a flood on the Vyatka River and mixed with fine, clean river sand so that it would not crack during firing. The finished clay is rolled into balls, from which pancakes are made, and the basic shape of the desired toy is rolled using a well-known technique.

The pancake is rolled up and you get the bell of a skirt for the lady. The waist, arms, and head will be “adhered” to it.

Decorate with molded frills, twisted braids, kokoshnik, and hat. No matter how hard you try, you won’t notice the marks: with a sharp splinter, the craftswoman deftly cuts off excess pieces of clay, and with a damp rag she constantly “smoothes” the toy, and it turns out even, smooth, as if not made by hand, but cast in a mold.

The next stage of work is whitening. The toys were immersed in a solution of finely ground chalk diluted in milk.

The red clay toy turned into dazzling white and was ready for painting. The patterns on the toys were inspired by traditional ones that go back to ancient origins: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots.


What is Dymkovo famous for?

With his toy.

There is no smoky color in it,

And there is the love of people.

She has something of the rainbow in her,

From drops of dew.

There's something about her

Thundering like bass.

Elena Dmitrieva
Presentation “Dymkovo toy”

Dymkovo toy- one of the oldest crafts in Russia, it has existed on Vyatka land for more than four hundred years.

Emergence toys associated with the spring holiday Svistunya, to which the female population of the settlement Dymkovo sculpted clay whistles in the shape of horses, rams, goats, and ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the fishery not only survived, but also received further development. Dymkovo toy is a decorative clay sculpture up to 25 centimeters high. Craftswomen sculpt red clay toy, they whiten it with chalk diluted in milk and paint it with paints. Heroes Dymkovo toys: Ladies, nurses, gentlemen, men, townswomen, merchant women, officers, buffoons, animals, birds. For painting use contrasting combinations of bright colors: red, crimson, yellow, orange, blue, green, indigo and black,

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Dymkovo toy History of development to the present day

Ancient Slavic symbolism Female figurine - mother earth, bird - water or air element, horse - sun

Whistles The origin of the Dymkovo toy comes from a clay whistle

Vyatka 18-19 century

Pandemonium Festival

Cavaliers Young Ladies

Beliefs, customs, traditions Around the sculpted sun god Yarila and the goddess Rozhenitsa, people depicted what they wanted to have with the arrival of spring: domestic animals, birds, babies.

Dymkovo lady Gradually, the goddess of the house The woman in labor turned into a lady in the hands of Dymkovo masters

This Dymkovskaya Sloboda is the place where they made clay toys, was at the beginning of the 20th century. From the high bank of the Vyatka River you can see the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo. In winter, when the stoves were lit, in summer, when there was fog, the whole settlement seemed to be in a haze. That's why the name is like that. Here, in ancient times, the Dymkovo toy industry originated. Where were Dymkovo toys made?

The images and paintings in the Dymkovo toy remained traditional in the 19th century

Tea drinking Carousel With the development of the craft, many subject compositions appeared: everyday, fairy-tale, historical, with elements of landscape, architecture

Composition for the fairy tale “Turnip”

Clay mining

Manufacturing process

Clay, ready for use Wide variety of prepared clay masses for modeling

In the process of creativity

A Dymkovo toy is made from clay, then dried, first on the table, then fired in the oven.

The figurines that come out of the oven are hardened, strong, and sonorous. They are whitened with chalk diluted in milk and begin to be painted. Patterns emerge from under the brush: dots, circles, straight and wavy stripes, checkered patterns, spots. The colors are crimson, red, green, yellow, orange, blue - colorful and cheerful, like in a round dance.

And the finishing touch is that the craftswoman “plants” the gold: she wets the brush in a raw egg, lightly touches the golden square or diamond and “plants” it on Right place: for young ladies and water bearers to buy hats and kokoshniks, for roosters to buy combs... Now our toys have lit up and become brighter.

Where are toys made now? The city of Kirov - Vyatka, where the factory for the production of Dymkovo toys is located

For the preservation and development of the fishery In 2011, a museum was opened in Kirov - “Dymkovo Toy

Kirov “family” Since 2010, in the center of Kirov, near the puppet theater, citizens and guests of the city have been greeted on a bench by a lady with a baby, a boy with a whistle and a brave fellow with an accordion - all this makes up the sculptural composition “Family”

Dymkovo Lady in Moscow The “Kirov family” has an older Moscow relative - a sculpture of the Dymkovo Lady, installed in 2007 on the street of 26 Baku Commissars.

At the Olympics in Sochi In 2014, at the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, among other treasures of Russian art, a Dymkovo toy was presented.

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