Origami paper envelope templates for children. How to fold an origami paper envelope

Despite the variety of finished printed products, a do-it-yourself origami paper envelope, like any other hand made, is always appreciated and attracts attention. Money, a greeting card and even a mini surprise will be elegantly packaged and will delight the recipient, thanks to the ancient Japanese art. Each message has its own model, for example, on Valentine’s Day it is customary to give a variety decorated with a heart, and small gifts are “hidden” in a special envelope with a double bottom.

Easy and practical

Gone are the days when every home had stacks of postal envelopes. Letters are now written exclusively electronically, and messages are sent to family or friends through numerous instant messengers. But if necessary, it doesn’t cost anything to fold an exclusive origami envelope in a few minutes. You can use both special paper and packaging paper, for example, “borrowed” from the main gift, craft paper, and even a piece of wallpaper from an old renovation stock.

You will need one square sheet with a side of 21 cm. It will make a universal envelope for both a monetary gift and a postcard.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place the square with its apex facing you. If one side of the paper is white, you need to start there.
  2. Fold from left to right.
  3. Let's reveal.
  4. Fold from bottom to top.
  5. Let's reveal.
  6. Bend the left outer corner towards the center.
  7. We proceed by analogy with the right one. We also fold the top corner towards the center. Having outlined the fold line, we return it to its original position. Now we raise the bottom corner to the mark we just made. Iron the fold and open it.
  8. Fold the bottom corner to the line you just marked.
  9. “Close” the right and left parts of the workpiece to the same mark.
  10. We push the central flap forward and, making a reverse fold, place it on top of the side elements.
  11. We fold the lower part, as is usually done with envelopes, and put the central flap inward - it serves as a retainer so that the paper structure does not fall apart. If desired, you can glue the part, but this is not at all necessary.

Based on this simple model, you can make a charming origami envelope with a bow that even beginners can do.


The Japanese often make decorative ziplock bags out of paper called tato. You can put souvenir coins, magnets, jewelry and other relatively flat objects in them. The package does not open on its own and reliably keeps its “secret”. It looks original and stylish, and after the gift is removed, it can be used as Christmas decorations or pendants for interior decoration.

In the Russian-language version, the tato bags were nicknamed “Windmill” due to the similarity of the lock on them to a children’s toy windmill. This origami envelope is best made from paper with two different colored sides.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We will need a square 21x21 cm.
  2. We mark diagonal folds on it.
  3. Bend the bottom corner so that its top is 1/3 above the center. Precision is not needed here.
  4. Bend the top back to the fold line.

  1. Fold the flap towards the center.
  2. Repeat steps 3 – 5 for the remaining corners. Let's start from the right. Now we fold it 1/3 above the center.
  3. We bend the valve in the opposite direction, aligning it along the middle axis.
  4. And return the top to the center.

  1. The same algorithm applies to the top corner.
  2. Now for the left.
  3. However, we have not yet succeeded in making a mill.
  4. In order to fully assemble it, you need to reopen the left side and bottom of the workpiece.

  1. Now we make a reverse fold at the bottom and left, bringing the previously open part under the bottom.
  2. We beautifully straighten our “mill”, which holds the origami paper envelope together without any glue and prevents it from falling apart.

Secret object

Based on special Japanese menko cards, origami envelopes with a surprise are made. Their peculiarity is the presence of a double bottom, which allows you to hide a miniature gift or a secret note. For the model you will need a square sheet of paper measuring 21x21 cm.

Step by step guide:

  • Place the sheet with the white side up.
  • Fold the bottom right corner to the top left. We open the workpiece.
  • Bend the lower right corner towards the central axis.
  • This is the resulting figure (see Fig. 4).

  • Lower the upper left corner to the bottom edge.
  • We partially iron the fold line, only outlining it.
  • Fully straighten the workpiece.
  • Fold the left edge to the last fold we created.

  • We unfold the model.
  • Fold the right edge to the same mark.
  • We bend the lower part up to the first diagonal line.
  • We lower the top edge to it. As a result, we should have a grid of 9 identical sections.

  • Rotate the workpiece 90° clockwise.
  • Bend back the upper right corner.
  • Iron the fold well.
  • Unfold and do the same with the other three sides.

  • This is what we should get.
  • “Close” the right side to the left.
  • Open the middle part upwards, as shown in the figure.
  • Straighten the bottom of the figure. We create a semblance of the basic form “Windmill”.

  • Pull the leftmost point down.
  • We press and smooth the resulting “blade”.
  • We extend and straighten the left side, continuing to act according to the “Windmill” scheme.
  • The top of the figure needs to be opened a little in order to fold the last “blade” of our conditional mill.
  • Smooth out the straightened part.
  • We get a shape very similar to “Windmill”, but with an envelope in the center.

  • Turn the workpiece over.
  • Bend the right corner to the left, overlapping it with the central part.
  • We lift the bottom one up.
  • Bend the left corner to the right
  • Top - down.
  • We insert it into the “pocket” of the right section.

The result is an unusual model with two “compartments”, like a purse. You can put a gift in one, and a congratulatory note in the other. Ready-made origami menko envelopes look sophisticated, especially if made from paper with an oriental pattern:

Mini models are often used for jewelry:


A “heart” theme is a traditional choice for Valentine’s Day, but it doesn’t have to be limited to just this holiday. Any note with warm words of love will touch the recipient even more if it is enclosed in an origami envelope decorated with a heart. Its design is simple, so the folding process will not take much time. Even in the morning, while running off to work, you can have time to make a “message” and leave it on the table or refrigerator door.

You will need a rectangular sheet, A5 or A4 format, if you need an envelope for a standard postcard. It is advisable to use paper with differently colored sides.

Fold the sheet in half along the long side and open it. Bend both upper corners towards the central axis. Turn the workpiece over. Fold the bottom part up along the fold line indicated in the figure. Return the model to the front side. Bend the sides towards the middle line.

We open the outer corners and, using the reverse fold, bring them inside the figure. Turn it over to the reverse side. We fold the upper part into a “valley” along the line indicated in the diagram. We bring the outer corners of the already developed “heart” inward. We bend the inner ones. The origami envelope is ready. Notes or postcards are placed in the pocket under the “heart”.

An elegant model for all occasions

An origami envelope decorated with an elegant leaf will be appropriate for any occasion: anniversary, wedding anniversary, declaration of love, gift to loved ones or friends. It is also suitable for effectively presenting money. The model is assembled without glue, from one sheet of A4 paper.

Gift envelopes in Japan

In Japanese culture, it is customary to treat gift wrapping with great care. Even the most beautiful and valuable things, if not wrapped and tied properly, will not only not bring joy, but will also be perceived as an insult. Each case has its own packaging, bearing a certain symbolism. This could be a good wish, an expression of gratitude, respect, admiration, and so on.

One of the most popular gifts among the Japanese is money, which is usually placed in special envelopes - noshi-bukuro. Similar packaging exists all over the world, but the inhabitants of the “Land of the Rising Sun” have brought it to perfection. It is thanks to the envelope, which is a work of decorative and applied art, that money is perceived as a full-fledged gift, and not as a way to show a minimum of attention.

Noshi-bukuro envelopes use paper self made“Washi”, which is classified as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. Thanks to a unique manufacturing technology that originated in the 8th century AD. e., the sheets acquire an expressive, noble texture, their quality is considered unsurpassed. The envelope must be decorated with mizuhiki knots made of thin colored twine. This is not just an exquisite decorative element, but an encrypted message. Depending on what event was the occasion for a monetary gift, the weaving combines different colors and patterns. The etiquette in this regard is so complex that they issue board books with recommendations from experts.

To make life easier for modern Japanese who want to give money, they sell special handmade kits for folding beautiful envelopes, which already have everything they need - from paper and diagrams to a suitable mizuhiki. The packaging, like classic origami, does not use glue; it is held in place only by carefully thought out folds. The cost of the finished envelope should be no more than 2% of the amount invested inside. For example, with a package price of 100 yen (about $1), you will have to give at least 5,000 yen.

Have you ever received letters? Maybe yes. Did you notice the envelope? What did he look like? Most likely, it is folded from ordinary white paper. The address of the sender and recipient is written on the front side. Nothing surprising. But in ancient times, this paper bag had an unusual appearance.

This romance from the past can be transferred to our modern times. This opportunity is provided by an origami paper envelope. What is it, how to make it and what is the value of the craft? In this article we will address each of these questions.

In ancient times, as soon as writing arose, people somehow needed to exchange information. This was not always possible to do verbally, especially if distance was a barrier to communication. Therefore, people came up with an envelope in which a sheet of paper with a written letter was placed, since sending the sheet itself was risky. Firstly, dirt could get on it. It is unlikely that in this case it was possible to make out the message. Secondly, the letter enclosed in the envelope maintained confidentiality. If the seal was broken before receipt, the messenger risked not only losing his monthly salary, but could also lose his head.

In addition to preserving the integrity of the letter, the envelope was also used for other purposes: the recipient’s address and his first and last name were indicated on the front side. The messenger began to be called the postman. His job was to deliver messages to the specified addresses.

The role of envelopes in the modern world

Of course, now many people use an electronic mailbox. There is no need to buy an envelope separately to send your letter. But in the business world, classic etiquette still exists: people have not stopped using envelopes. They were even divided into corresponding types. Letters can be official business, congratulatory, personal, etc. This means that the envelope must also correspond to its contents. As you know, not only letters can be sent via mail, so the envelope is suitable for other tasks. For example, you can send funds, postcards, correspondence, etc. in it. Of course, now there are options for a wide variety of envelopes, but it’s more interesting to make it yourself. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the types of envelopes and the principle of their manufacture.

Self-produced envelope

Before you start creating an origami envelope from paper, you need to acquire all the necessary materials. You need to start with paper. Just her choice is quite large. It can be plain white or double-sided, vintage, colored, textured paper. The manufacturing process itself will not take much time. And besides, it’s already very exciting! Let's start with the simplest thing.

Regular envelope

Depending on your desires, choose the color and size of paper you need. The leaf should be square. Then you do everything point by point:

  1. Take the piece of paper in your hands and fold it in half, just don’t bend it too much.
  2. Pay attention to the bottom of the leaf: it needs to be bent towards the main deflection.
  3. Now you should bend it again to the middle of the sheet.
  4. After you have folded the bottom, you can start working on the sides.
  5. The corners at the top should be larger, unlike the bottom ones.
  6. The result is a triangle that needs to be closed.

In this way, you created the most ordinary origami paper envelope. As you have seen, no special effort is needed here, just like auxiliary materials. But the next option will be a little more complicated.

Unusual envelope

If you want to congratulate your family or friends on some important event, but cannot do it in person, send a congratulatory letter. To make the product you will need a pencil, ruler, glue, paper, scissors. This work should be done in stages:

  1. Place a sheet of A4 paper on the table. From the left and right corners below mark 72 mm. Mark the distance with light dots.
  2. Place the ruler on a piece of paper and draw a pencil from bottom to top. Do the same with the right corner. Only in the upper region should the line rush to the lower center.
  3. Now you need to use scissors to make a cut according to the pencil marks. Cut out the marked edges. After which a figure like a parallelogram is obtained. So, the main part of the envelope is already ready.
  4. Place the envelope on the table so that the two top and bottom corners can be folded toward the center without overlapping them. We smooth the bent corners well.
  5. We bend the lowest corner to the other two in the center. He needs to cover them.
  6. The last step is the glue. Apply it to the bottom corner and carefully glue it to the other two.

Soldier's envelope

This option resembles a military cap: the shape of the origami envelope is similar to a triangle. The product is easy to make, and the result is a very original version.

You can make a soldier's envelope as follows:

  • You need to take a piece of any color so that it is rectangular.
  • Then combine the short side of the sheet with the long side.
  • This creates a triangle, but there will be some extra paper left over. The extra scrap will resemble a rectangular ribbon.
  • The resulting triangle must be bent in half to form an isosceles triangle with the same stripe.
  • Now you need to take hold of the strip that was in the way before. Turn its corners to the base of the triangle itself.
  • The formed tongue can be tucked into the upper pocket.

During times of war, this style of paper envelope was used by the military and civilians.

English envelope

An aristocratic style English envelope is an elegant and very convenient means for sending letters.

  • Before you send someone a love message or words of congratulations, write the text on one side of a rectangular piece of paper.
  • Maintain padding at the top and sides.
  • Bend a piece of paper to the height of the text. The deflections must occur three times, and you will end up with a stripe.
  • You bend it, and then combine the two sides with glue.
  • As a result, your text will remain hidden from prying eyes, and only the person to whom this message is addressed will reveal it.

Children's envelope

If parents want to give something not bulky to their children, it would be wise to place such a surprise in a beautifully decorated envelope. It differs slightly in manufacturing principle from previous versions, however, it is a very original envelope that has all the useful functions of the main envelope. For example, for children, official envelopes are too plain and inconvenient, and the children's version can even act as a small wallet. There the child, if desired, puts aside his money for expenses. Children are more early age They can simply play with this craft: paint it in different colors or glue various paper parts.

You can make an origami envelope for children as follows:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper again. The two upper corners need to be bent down towards the center in such a way as if you were making an airplane.
  2. Fold the resulting upper corner down to create a parallel between the bottom and top of the sheet.
  3. Now repeat the same on the other side. The workpiece must be turned 180 degrees. Then connect the bottom to the top so that the fold lines intersect with each other.
  4. Flip the folded envelope down and you will have a rectangle. Unfold the previously folded strips so that the front of the envelope resembles a rectangle, with only one cut. Then you open the cut and fold the envelope.

Standard style

As mentioned above, you can send a Valentine's card or congratulations in an envelope. They also store discs, which is quite convenient. Let's look at the option of creating a congratulatory envelope.

Heart envelope

The materials you will need are decorative, cardboard and thick paper 30 by 30 cm. You can use beads, artificial flowers, ribbons, etc. as decorations.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Draw the outline of a heart on the cardboard with a pencil. Then cut along the drawn lines.
  2. Attach the cut out part to decorative paper. Then indent the top edge by one centimeter.
  3. From the top side of the sheet, draw a line at a distance of 12 cm. After that, draw a second line parallel to the first at a distance of 10 cm. Now it remains to draw vertical lines that will begin and end at the end points of the two horizontal ones.
  4. Cut out the heart according to the indicated drawing.
  5. The last stage will be decorating the craft. This is exactly what you saved beads, leaves and ribbons for. An envelope secured with a ring will look very elegant.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

Articles written

Envelope- This is just a shell or packaging for inserting various objects or papers. Basically, we are used to thinking of an envelope as a “packaging” for letters or documents. But there are also envelopes made of thick fabrics or blankets for newborns.

Today we will learn how to do envelopes for different needs and let's start, perhaps, with the most common envelope - a paper envelope.

How to make an envelope out of paper?

The simplest envelope can be made from a square sheet of paper by folding the corners towards the center. To do this, you will need a square sheet of paper of the desired size, a ruler and a pencil.

1) Check the very center of the sheet point, measuring the distance to it using a ruler.

2) Fold the left and right sides inward so that the corners touch center point.

3) Then fold the bottom side up so that it covers the center and can be glued to two already folded corners.

4) Apply glue to the bottom sides of the envelope as shown in the photo. You can also use double-sided tape.

5) Fold the top corner down. The envelope is ready! This envelope can be made in just a couple of minutes. It is based on the simple principle of adding angles. Here are a few more schemes for making envelopes from sheets of different shapes:

Diamond envelope

Envelope "from the heart"

Envelope with a square

Beautiful envelope with your own hands

To make your envelope look beautiful and original, it can be made from several types of colored paper. The easiest way to decorate an envelope is to use different types of paper for the outside and inside.

To work you will need:

- 2 sheets of colored paper

Old envelope as a template (optional)

Double-sided tape or glue

Ruler and pencil

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Cut from a sheet of colored paper blank for the outside of the envelope. To do this, you can use a ready-made template, or draw a template yourself using a ruler and pencil. Choose the size of the envelope at your discretion, depending on what you are going to put in it.

2) From another sheet of colored paper, cut out blank for the inside of the envelope.

3) The inner part should match the size of the outer part, but should be slightly smaller so that it can be easy to stick inside.

4) Using tape or glue, glue internal part.

5) Fold the edges of the envelope inward and seal them so that to prevent glue from getting into the inside.

Envelope templates

With this template you can make envelopes from colored cardboard:

By adding a ribbon, you will have envelopes for different occasions: For greeting cards, money, invitations, etc.

Sample long envelope:

Envelope template on A4 sheet:

You can decorate envelopes colored lace or appliqués:

Can be used beads and threads to close the envelope:

Envelopes are sometimes decorated with various paper parts, made in various techniques: origami, quilling, scrapbooking, etc.

More details about quilling technique you can read.

More details about paper flowers you can read.

DIY origami envelope (video):

DIY money envelopes

What could be more banal? gift in the form of money, but sometimes this is the only thing that comes to mind. To make your gift unique, you can place it in handmade envelope. The envelope can be beautifully decorated and signed like a postcard.

Money envelopes are usually made of cardboard and have an elongated shape so that the bill could fit in it completely. You can draw the templates yourself or use ready-made templates:

Envelopes for money (templates):

We offer you some useful ideas on how to make and decorate money envelopes that will become great gifts along with their contents.

Gift envelope for money

Going to a birthday, wedding, christening or other event? Then an envelope for money will come in handy! This original handmade gift will definitely please your loved ones.

Option 1:

This simple money envelope can be made from colored paper in several colors and satin ribbons. It looks very festive, and its production will not take you much time.

To work you will need:

- 2 sheets of colored paper (one with a pattern, the other plain)

Ruler and pencil

Satin ribbons in 2 colors, 1 cm and 0.5 cm wide

Matches or lighter

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Prepare paper and ribbons so that they match each other in color scheme. The author of this master class used to make an envelope regular wallpaper, the trimmings of which remained after the repair.

Before you begin, measure the desired size of the envelope, its width and length. In this case, a rectangle of plain paper was used measuring 20 by 40 centimeters. Fold a sheet of paper with the edges inward in the center, as shown in the photo:

2) Fold sides inward to the center.

3) Unfold the sides and fold in the corners in the form of a triangle.

4) Unfold the envelope and stick on a rectangle of colored paper measuring 20 by 23 centimeters in the center of a sheet of plain paper.

5) Fold superfluous inside the envelope.

6) Side corners in the form of triangles stick with glue to the bottom of the envelope.

7) Satin ribbon 1 centimeter wide glue in the center on the back and front of the envelope, leaving the ends to make bow.

8) Place a narrow tape over the wide one 0.5 centimeters wide, also leaving the ends for the bow.

9) Process the ends of the tape fire so that it doesn't fall apart.

10) Tie ribbons with a bow. Your original money envelope is ready.

Option 2:

Envelopes for money or other surprises can be made not only from paper, but also from fabric. We invite you to learn how to make an original gift felt envelope, in which you can place money or a discount gift card.

To work you will need:

- Several small sheets of colored felt

Thick wool thread for knitting


Ruler and pencil


- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Using a pencil and ruler, measure width of the future envelope depending on what you put in it. If it will be a discount card, attach it to the felt and measure on both sides 1 centimeter for seam.

2) Cut rectangular piece of felt, then bend the lower part and pin it with pins. Insert the card inside to determine the size of the lid.

3) Cut off the top superfluous.

4) Finish the edges with threads, making U-shaped stitches. It is better to use threads in a contrasting color.

5) Cut out of green felt three small Christmas trees or any other details.

6) Glue the Christmas trees with back outside of the envelope. Sew small buttons on the tops of the trees.

7) From the outside of the front of the envelope at the bottom sew on a button, and attach to the edge of the lid threads so that the envelope can be closed and tied with a bow.

Money envelope scrapbooking

This envelope using the scrapbooking technique is easy to make at home using parts cut out of paper. Scrapbooking– a technique for decorating photo albums, as well as various other products using paper applications, beads, etc.

To work you will need:

- White cardboard (23 by 23 centimeters)

Colored paper (23 by 20 centimeters)

Colored paper of a different shade or pattern (8 by 14 centimeters)

Plain thin white paper or thin lace

Satin ribbon 35 centimeters long

Details for decorations (butterflies, rhinestones, beads, etc.)

Ruler and pencil

Matches or lighter

Sewing machine and thread

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Using ready-made template, cut out of white cardboard blank for the future envelope.

2) Cut out of colored paper two rectangular blanks, which will match the tops of the envelope. The blanks must be by a few millimeters less base so that they can be easily glued and so that they do not extend beyond the edges.

3) Cut out from paper of a different color two more blanks of the same width, but shorter - this will be the middle of your envelope.

4) Glue on the sides of these parts lace frill. You can use paper lace or very thin lace ribbons.

5) Glue the lace parts to larger colored parts.

6) Glue all the parts to outside of the envelope on the outer main cover and on the inner cover. Then go around the edge with your sewing machine. zigzag seam. You can also glue the colored part onto the back outer side of the envelope, and then process it on a sewing machine.

7) Before gluing the colored part to the back, insert between the part and the base satin ribbon.

8) Tie the ribbon in front with a bow and glue it on the outside over the ribbon rectangle of thin white paper with an inscription.

9) The final touch: decoration additional details.

DIY wedding envelope

The best wedding gift is money that can be placed in beautiful envelope self made.

To work you will need:

- A sheet of white thick A4 paper

Light colored paper

Decorative cord

lace ribbon

A piece of thin translucent fabric

Details for jewelry (flowers made of fabric or paper, pendant in the form of a key, beads, etc.)

Double sided tape

Ruler and pencil

Sewing machine and thread

- Scissors (regular and curly)

Let's get started:

1) If colored paper yours is not very thick, stick it on on a sheet of white paper A4 format and let dry well.

2) Using the template provided or any other template, draw on the back of the sheet outlines of the future envelope and make a pattern. The folds are indicated by the blue dotted line.

3) Cut out the pattern. You can use curly scissors.: tie the ribbons and cords with a bow, make a flower from transparent fabric, attach a cord to the key-shaped part.

9) Glue the lace tape at the top of the part, grabbing the lace, which will wrap around the envelope, so leave a suitable length for this. Glue decorations to the bottom triangular edge of the piece.

10) To be safe, go over the line glued lace tape.

11) Glue the part to outside of the lid envelope.

12) Wedding envelope ready for money! Inside it will look like this:

Money in an envelope: original ideas

With envelope design you can place the money inside in different ways. Here are some ideas to help you make original envelopes. For example, you could use postcard, inside which paste a small envelope with money. You can write wishes on a card, and, looking inside, the recipient will find there cash gift.

Another option is to make the envelope also in the form of a postcard, and inside attach satin ribbons that will hold the bills.

Book of envelopes. This original idea will appeal to those who would like to learn how to save money. You can make some simple envelopes and sign them, indicating the purpose for which the money is stored in them and the time when it can be spent.

DIY CD envelope

Compact discs require careful handling, so it is better to place them in special cases, boxes, envelopes, or store them in a disc album. You can do simple ones CD sleeves yourself from paper.

To work you will need:

- Sheet of A4 paper


Let's get started:

1) Place the disk to the bottom of the sheet.

2) Fold the sides of the sheet in straight lines, using the disk as a guide.

3) Bend the disc with the paper up, turning it over to the other side.

4) Fold the top, closing the disc inside the envelope.

5) Take the disc out of the envelope and glue it internal parts so that there is a pocket for the disc.

6) Fold down and inward cover corners.

7) Insert the cover inside the pocket.

8) The simplest CD envelope is ready!

If you want to do congratulatory CD envelope, then you can use the previous tips for making envelopes, only make the envelope large enough to fit the disc. Here a few examples original gift envelopes for disks:

The origami technique is, of course, created in order to embody all kinds of shapes from a simple sheet of paper. But let's digress a little from intricate models, because paper can be used to make things that we can use for our needs. For example, packaging, boxes, postcards, envelopes and much more.

Origami envelope for money

Today I would like to pay attention to envelopes made using the classic origami technique. First of all, let's figure out how to make an origami envelope for money.

I offer several simple patterns for folding a paper envelope. If you use bright gift paper as a basis, then the money packaged in this way will not be a banal gift for a celebration.

The second folding option involves space for a signature or a short message with wishes. It's a little more complicated to put together:

But it looks very impressive:

If you have any difficulties working with the diagram, I offer several video lessons on folding envelopes using the origami technique to help:

Unusual origami envelopes

By the way, from beautiful wrapping paper you can create not only plain envelopes for money or letters, but also an origami envelope with a surprise. Try to make such an envelope yourself using a very visual master class video:

Inside such an envelope you can put sweet gifts in the form of chewing pills, decorations or notes with wishes. All that is enough for your imagination. Don't limit yourself to this.

Countless paper folding options allow you to create all kinds of origami envelopes from paper, diagram original envelope with a star is a clear confirmation of this:

Heart envelope

The art of origami knows no boundaries, so from a rectangle of paper of the same size you can create many different envelopes for different occasions.

For example, for Valentine's Day you can fold a very beautiful festive envelope with a heart.

By creating such envelopes, origamists also have room to roam. I offer several original schemes that are not at all difficult to repeat yourself. Choose the one you like best, and be sure to please your soulmate with a skillfully designed gift. Inside such an envelope you can put a touching love wish or tickets for a romantic trip to the theater or cinema. Be original!

Do not forget that in any gift, the attention given to the recipient of the gift is primarily appreciated. Often, in the hustle and bustle of working days, we are not able to find time to go shopping, much less bother with wrapping our gifts. Therefore, next time, when going to a celebration, pay special attention to the gift itself and its appearance. Let it be an original origami figure, but by creating it, you will definitely put your soul and love into this gift. Remember these pleasant moments when, with bated breath, you begin to unpack a gift. Try not to lose sight of this moment and give these moments of happiness to the hero of the occasion.