Business plan for a contextual advertising agency. How to open your own advertising agency: nuances and business analysis

Everything you need to create an up-to-date business plan advertising agency - it’s just a matter of slightly adapting it to the realities of your city and adjusting the corresponding numbers.

The advertising agency "Ping Promotion Group" is created with the aim of providing its Clients (customers) with professional assistance in the development, organization and implementation of all kinds of promotions:
- careful development and creation of the proposed product or service;
- an original creative approach to solving the Client’s advertising problems;
- planning advertising companies, optimally corresponding to the Client’s budget;
- organizing press conferences, presentations and other public relations events;
- production of any advertising equipment for projects:
-participation of highly qualified personnel at every stage of the advertising campaign.

The goal of the project is to provide consumers of goods and advertisers high-quality advertising; show what it should be like real advertising.

A company with limited liability. This form is easy to implement and convenient in its structure. In case of bankruptcy, as well as under concluded agreements, each founder is responsible in the amount of his contribution. According to the form of ownership, our limited liability company has a private form. Owners - CEO And Executive Director.

The break-even point is equal to 4.5 services, i.e. it is necessary to carry out 4.5 promotions per month, after which the company will begin to make a profit.

The advertising agency business plan we bring to your attention contains tables and calculations financial activities, costing of services, marketing promotion strategy and staffing.

This business plan involves opening an advertising agency in Moscow. The advertising agency plans to provide the following services: conducting advertising campaigns, creating a brand of a product or service, manufacturing a wide variety of advertising media and equipment, organizing press conferences, presentations and other events aimed at promoting the customer company’s product.

The decision to open a company was marketing research, during which an insufficient number of advertising agencies were identified to satisfy the growing population demand for quality services in the field of advertising and promotion of goods and services.

Target of this project— show what real advertising should be like and how to provide the client with high-quality advertising.

How much money do you need to open an advertising agency?

To launch the project, you will need to raise 300,000 rubles. Source of financing - commercial Bank, where our company’s current account is located.

To locate the company, premises were rented in a public place, very convenient for customers to visit. The organizational and legal form of the future agency is a limited liability company. The estimated number of newly opened jobs is 9 people. Among them: a director, an executive director, an accountant, a psychologist, an artist-designer, two managers, a driver and a courier.

Promotion of services

It is planned to promote the company’s services and its advertising, primarily through sending out faxes and emails large companies - potential clients. It is also planned to publish information about the agency’s activities and the list of services it provides in specialized printed publications, for example Moscow Business Guide. As the organization's profitability grows, it plans to participate in large-scale advertising exhibitions.

How much can you earn from advertising agency services?

The agency's estimated monthly income is 170,000 rubles, monthly expenses are 112,000 rubles. Net profit entry into preliminary calculations is 58,000 rubles. The break-even point is 4.5 services. That is, it is enough for a company to carry out 4.5 promotions per month in order to cover everything fixed costs and make a profit.

General business organization plan

In addition, you need to choose a tax system, carefully study all available ways to increase business profitability and develop a plan to attract new clients.

Preparation of documents and purchase of equipment

In addition to documents confirming the fact of registration of the LLC in tax office, PF, Rosstat, as well as social and health insurance funds, for the legal activities of an advertising agency the following is required:

  • employment contracts with staff;
  • certificates of compliance with fire safety and sanitary standards;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • contracts with clients, etc.

A positive aspect of creating an advertising agency is the fact that to organize this area commercial activities no need to obtain special permits or licenses. Be sure to pay attention to the change in activity codes in all-Russian classifier(this applies to all sectors of the Russian economy). To date, in reports or official papers You must indicate OKVED 73.11 (activities of advertising agencies). The quality and quantity of agency services directly depends on the equipment used to create advertising products. Of particular importance is not only standard office equipment or Internet speed, but also:

  • software;
  • devices for creating professional printed products;
  • equipment for demonstrating videos;
  • audio equipment.

Tax regime

For an advertising agency, the optimal tax regime (according to the main criteria: preparation of reports, economic burden on the company’s activities) is the simplified tax system. Working on this system, you can pay 15% of the difference between gross income and costs (when there are documents confirming expense transactions) or transfer 6% of revenue to the budget.

*Attention! The business plan may contain somewhat outdated data, since the market is constantly changing, prices are rising (inflation), etc.

Organizations and firms involved in the creation of advertising products also need promotion. Competition in this business is growing every year, which means that before opening your own company, you need to carefully consider how exactly you will promote your advertising agency.

To do this, it is necessary to select the most effective methods promotion and identify obviously losing options that are better to refuse.

This article is intended to help entrepreneurs create their own, correct and thoughtful strategy that can advertise an advertiser.

Point design


Despite the fact that the management of an advertising agency is not faced with the task of attracting the attention of all passersby without exception, you still have to take care of the external design of the facade. Of course, you are not obliged to use extremely bright, catchy colors or try to “catch” the eye at any cost - it is unlikely that your potential client, the owner of a large manufacturing enterprise or the head of a serious organization will be walking along the city streets and, noticing your agency, decide to come in and find out exactly how you work. However, your building or premises must be visually attractive, because if you manage to get a client, you will need to impress him good impression, which definitely won’t be helped by peeling walls or tasteless decoration.


Your agency sign should be visible and contain your business name. These are perhaps the most important requirements for this advertising tool. Again, you don't have to order huge, glowing signs, because attracting passers-by at night is not your job at all. However, some agencies prefer to make or order really bright LED structures. The motive of the management of such organizations is quite simple - a good, high-quality sign is a kind of indicator of how the company will work with the client, and what product it can provide to the advertiser. But if at the start of your business you cannot afford such an advertising medium, a simpler option will suffice.

Entry group

Outdoor advertising


Billboards will be good advertising tools for an agency. However, if you are just trying to enter the market, try to sensibly assess your strengths. You can design the poster yourself, but you will still have to pay for the rental of billboards, which can be too much of an expense for a start-up company. But if you can afford to install or rent billboards, try to place them in business center cities, on the main highways, in other words, wherever your potential clients - heads of organizations, owners - can regularly visit retail outlets etc.


Signs are necessary if your agency is not located on the first line of houses, but, for example, in the yard or around the corner. By installing a directory, you ensure that your client can easily and easily find your company.

Internet advertising


Having your own website is a must for any advertising agency. You should not save time and money on this resource, because it is the “face” of your company.

So, develop a really high-quality design, create a user-friendly interface, try to make sure that when visiting the site, a potential client understands that you will provide services at the highest level.

If your resource is made in a hurry and its design is tasteless, you can hardly count on getting a client.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.


Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords are the best advertising platforms in Russia. If your website meets all the requirements of these resources, you will be able to place contextual advertising, the obvious advantage of which is that it is not aimed at all users, but at people who show interest in the services that your company provides. Moreover, such advertising also takes into account territorial characteristics, which also makes its impact even more narrowly targeted.

Groups on social networks

  • Your target audience. Only by doing this will you be able to develop content that will be of interest to your subscribers. You can focus not on one, but on several of these groups at once, publishing information that will resonate with representatives of each of them.
  • Your main tasks. Try to clearly decide for what purposes this or that page on the social network will serve. For example, a Facebook group can be used to find creative employees, attract small and medium-sized businesses, and sell consulting.
  • Specific deadlines and goals for each group. You can really use the resource effectively only if you answer the question of what you want to get from each network. For example, you can set yourself the following task: gain a thousand active subscribers on your VKontakte page, 10 active requests, and 300 clicks to your official website. Be prepared for the fact that to achieve this goal you will have to regularly advertise the group on larger thematic platforms in the city; however, the cost of promotion on social networks rarely causes a serious damage to the budget, unlike, for example, such outdoor advertising means as billboards.
  • Strategy. Your content should not only be interesting, but also unique, so that it can set your community apart from the competition. Identify your strength (this could be, for example, visual content) and actively use this advantage.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

Sending emails

Direct mailing to all potential clients is one of the most effective ways promotions for similar organizations. However, you will have to work hard to get the database you need, but the effort is guaranteed to pay off. In such letters, try to emphasize your main advantages, those advantages that will force a potential client to give an order to you.

Printable advertisement


There is no point in handing out your agency's leaflets near the metro station. However, it is still worth making a batch of such materials, because they can clearly demonstrate what your agency is capable of. You can keep them in your office as mockups, you can try distributing them in places business activity.

Business cards

Business cards are a mandatory attribute of any advertising agency. First, they will also show clients what level of service they can expect when working with your company. Secondly, they will serve as a tangible reminder of you. Business cards are multifunctional - entrepreneurs can not only use them themselves, but also distribute them to their business partners (of course, this course of events can only be counted on if the client is satisfied with the services provided).


Essentially, brochures have the same characteristics and functions as leaflets, with the difference that they allow you to include more information.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines

If you can afford advertising in specialized publications, order advertising modules, or write an educational article mentioning your agency. Such publications will definitely benefit the business, significantly increasing the company's awareness.


Discounts and price promotions

To attract and retain customers, organize special promotions, possibly with prize draws, give pleasant bonuses, give away souvenirs with your company logo.

Master classes

Master classes and seminars can be non-standard and creative ways to promote your agency. Announce your seminar, for example, “How to attract a hundred clients using outdoor advertising” on all platforms available to you. If the seminar is successful, among its visitors there will probably be entrepreneurs who will want to work with you.

Word of mouth

Remember best advertising is the quality of your services. Do the work efficiently and on time, try to make sure that your clients really promote their brand with your help. Your crystal clear reputation and their success will be the best recommendation for new partners.


If you want to increase the visibility of your company, you can negotiate with a large organization by offering them your services in exchange for distributing your branded products and good recommendations partners.

Electronic directories

Use resources such as 2GIS and 2Geo. Publication of company data in these directories is free, but from paid advertising on these sites it is better to refuse due to its ineffectiveness.

Calls to clients

Cold calling is one of the the best ways promotion of an advertising agency. Until you develop a solid customer base, they will become your main source of orders. Remember, passivity is definitely not for this business.

What advertising doesn't work for advertising agencies?

  1. Radio and television. Such media are too massive. In this case, this is more of a serious disadvantage than an advantage. Advertising companies should focus on a narrow, specific segment. That is why broadcasting audio and video will not bring anything to the agency except additional expenses.
  2. Signposts, banners. These outdoor advertising tools are also not effective for advertising agencies. In fact, this is also due to the fact that such designs and posters are aimed at people in general, and not at a specific target group.

Examples of advertising agency slogans

  1. Ease of advertising solutions.
  2. We work like clockwork
  3. Team of professionals!
  4. The result is obvious!
  5. Shelter of unborn ideas
  6. We do advertising!
  7. The team that helps you win
  8. Creative strategic purpose.
  9. We will help you become famous too!
  10. Let us help you break out of the herd
  11. We think better than you think!
  12. Let's inspire!
  13. We make you money!
  14. New clients for your business!
  15. New heights for your business!
  16. Would you like us to increase something for you?
  17. We want you to be recognized both in heaven and on earth!
  18. International quality at local prices.
  19. New horizons for successful business.
  20. The future is ours.

Thomas Macaulay

Life is a series of choices. Every day you are faced with some situations that require you to make a certain decision. But one day you will have to make the most important and difficult decision - to decide on your choice in life. We all remember Russian fairy tales and their heroes standing in front of a stone on a crossroad. They had to choose a path that would lose the least. This situation is not suitable for us. You need to choose this path to gain as much as possible.

And then you start to wonder what to do with it? Go work for your uncle and spend your whole life sitting in an office without real prospects, looking at the world through a computer screen, or start your own business, which will bring joy and give you financial freedom and independence. It is clear that many people dream of starting their own business, achieving a level of profit where all their dreams and desires can be realized without unnecessary worries. Continuing our series of articles “Business Ideas for Beginners,” we decided to talk about how to open an advertising agency from scratch, or minimal investment. Believe me, 90% of any business does not require money to start, or the costs will be minimal, each of you can do it.

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So, if you are interested in this topic, if you have decided to open your own advertising agency, if you are planning to draw up a business plan for an advertising agency, but do not know where to start, then we will help you. In this article we will reveal many aspects of the advertising business, give advice for beginners, and focus on those points that should not be overlooked. initial stages work of your company. After reading the article to the end, you will understand what an advertising agency is and how to open one without major investments.

When drawing up a business plan for a new advertising agency, do not be afraid of competition

Someone may have thought about an advertising agency as an opportunity for own business, but decided to leave this idea due to the high competition and saturation of the advertising market. But have you ever wondered why there is so much advertising around: the Internet, newspapers, TV, radio, outdoor advertising, various mailings, flyers, leaflets, business cards? As they say, if there is demand, there will be supply. Surprisingly, 98% of all business is built on buying and selling. And to function properly, they need advertising, a lot of advertising, a lot of high-quality advertising. And the one who gives it will always be provided with profit. Greater competition in the advertising business is most likely a plus rather than a minus. You can always study the activities of your competitors, understand their working methods, draw certain conclusions, and look at the market reaction. You can also find a niche in which no one offers their services, or these services are not in favor. For example, it’s no longer a secret that the Internet is much more effective than other types of advertising. But many advertising agencies stubbornly ignore it, or pay very little attention to the Internet. They focus on the “last century” - newspapers, magazines, leaflets. Break into the market with new offers, tell us about the advantages of online advertising, show its effectiveness, and occupy a free niche.

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The main thing is to believe in yourself and not be afraid to start a new business. Remember that the advertising business is creativity, and even a beginner who has been working for only a few months, but offering non-standard advertising solutions, can significantly displace the “local bison” who uses old ways of promoting clients’ goods and services.

When opening an advertising agency, you need to decide on the main niche

There are many articles on the Internet that tell you how to open an advertising agency and create good business plan. But many articles are very far from reality, or were written by those who only saw advertising on TV.

“Experienced gurus” advise starting an advertising business by selling billboards. Undoubtedly this type advertising is in great demand, especially in major cities. But this market is filled to capacity, especially since placing your own beat board is not so easy. You will face hundreds of difficulties, go through dozens of bureaucratic procedures, pay more than one bribe, and it is not a fact that you will get a fishing spot for your advertising space. It's worth it? I don’t want to make a huge investment in a niche that is already filled. You need to look for advertising methods that can pay off without huge investments.

The first thing you need to do is find a dozen advertising agencies in your city. Take their price lists, watch presentations, analyze their field of activity. You can even go to the offices, talk to the manager, find out what they offer and how they will distribute your advertising budget. All this will give food for thought. You can find the pros and cons, identify niches that are filled to capacity, and find those in which you can “shoot” well. We advise you to pay attention to advertising on the Internet, adding a special clause regarding social networks. Everyone understands that social media– this is a huge area for advertising, but very few people know what and how to do there. You can charge a certain percentage for compilation correct advertising in social networks, or promote a product or service through public pages and groups, focusing on the target audience. It all depends on you, your knowledge, capabilities and desires.

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So, the first thing you must do is decide on the main niche, so to speak, choose a feature for yourself. Don’t go where there is a lot of competition and serious investments are needed. Analyze, calculate, choose the optimal solution. You also need to understand that the advertising business is A complex approach to any customer task. You cannot limit yourself to advertising on the Internet and do nothing else. You can offer comprehensive solutions– advertising on the Internet, outdoor advertising, flyers and business cards, while always focusing on your main field of activity.

The basis of the advertising business is clients

Many beginners who want to open an advertising agency are intimidated by the mere thought of where and how to get clients. Yes, the customer is your bread, your financial stability, your Caribbean vacation, Goa, and delicious cocktails by the sea. To be honest, finding clients is not that difficult. Everyone wants one thing from advertising - a response. If you are honest with the customer, create a transparent monitoring system, give advice, and conduct regular analysis together, then people will flock to you like a river.

Well, think for yourself, what effect does hitting the board bring? There may be benefits from it, but how can you find out about it? The client has spent thousands of rubles on advertising, and has no idea whether it works, or the ad in a free newspaper.

  • Give the customer a clear understanding that he will be able to control the effectiveness of the advertising, and if it is below a certain indicator, he will be able to get his money back. Money back works amazingly. But when making such an offer, you must understand that there will be a response. You must be confident in your strength and the effectiveness of your advertising.
  • Show examples of advertising that works and its effectiveness. Outline how much money the other customer invested, and how many effective responses he received. Your proposal should not be based on mythical numbers, possible results, and probable indicators. Always give clear numbers, backing them up with a real advertising project.
  • Reporting is another important component of your presentation. Discuss with the customer the period during which you will together analyze the effectiveness of a particular advertising campaign. A person who has invested money in you and your promotion methods must understand what is moving and how, what results he gets. Give him some control, but always play the game.
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Please note that these tips are not for those who want to sell air for the price of gold. Modern advertising business should be built on efficiency and clear indicators. If you want to earn hundreds, or even millions, of rubles a month, then you will have to not waste your time on small fish, but try to immediately catch a whale in your net. No serious company will work with you if you do not show results. Conversion, response, calls, orders - this is the basis of your advertising activities.

Where can you find clients?

Remember that your feet will feed you, especially in the initial stages of developing an advertising agency. You will have to hold hundreds of meetings, presentations, talk about the advantages of your company, and your methods of promoting services and products. It won't be easy, it won't be easy. If out of 100 presentations at least 2-3 are successful, then this is a victory. To begin with, you need to implement a dozen advertising campaigns, and then everything will go as usual. You will have experience, portfolio, recommendations. People will recommend you to others and people will know about you.

Approach everything creatively. Give people something new, unusual, catchy. If you offer advertising on the radio or in newspapers, then who needs it. There are dozens of other agencies that have been selling this for years, and will most likely order from them. You must be radically different and offer something unusual, but effective.

Advertising agency expenses and income

If you decide to draw up a business plan for an advertising agency, you will definitely come across a column of expenses and potential income. Not everything is as simple as it might seem. Costs depend on your initial capabilities. You can rent a beautiful office in the city center, furnish it with office equipment, print out expensive business cards, hire professional workers, but you don’t have to do all this. The result in both cases can be the same. In the advertising business, a lot depends on your creativity and presentation. You don’t have to invest a penny at all in the start-up, but then development will take a little longer than you imagine. If you are already drawing up a business plan for an advertising agency and listing expenses, then you need to consider the following:

  • The office is an important component. It should not be big, but as comfortable as possible. It is better to rent a room of 15-20 square meters, but decorate it properly. A person entering your office should think that creative and interesting people work here.
  • Next you need to buy computers, laptops, printers and copiers. In general, a separate cost column will be computer technology. Without it, a modern advertising agency will not be able to function.
We recommend reading:

  • As we have already written, presentations are an important component. For maximum effect, you need to use all technical developments. You can buy several tablets, which will be from the heads of the companies to whom you are giving a presentation. It’s also a good idea to have a projector to broadcast your work on the big screen. The first impression is very important, and it will not be very good if you conduct the presentation “on your fingers”, stuttering and trying to explain something.
  • Payment for staff work. This is not the main expense column. You can open an advertising agency without hired workers. If everything is so bad, then start working alone, and in the process of development, take people with you. You can open a business with someone by finding like-minded people.

If you think about it this way, then the costs are minimal. The main thing is the office. Everyone has their own laptop, and you can work with them at first. Printers and copiers are not that expensive now, and this should not be a problem.

Our advice - analyze Foreign experience. See what ideas are being implemented in Europe and the USA, how they do it, what approach they use. Many advertising tricks come from the West. You must always be one step ahead of the competition by offering your clients more and more ways to increase their income.

Ever since trade and market relations and goods arose in the world, there has been an urgent need for advertising. This is not only the engine of progress, but also an integral companion of the market. Today it is difficult to imagine even a small private company entering the market without accompanying advertising services. The need for advertising is proven by the huge number of agencies that appear on the market every year. But, despite fierce competition, these companies are not able to satisfy the growing consumer demand for advertising services, which indicates the relevance of this business idea.

General description of the service

Pros and cons of a business idea


  1. High demand. Any company, no matter what type of service or product it offers, needs advertising.
  2. Regular customers. Despite high competition, creativity and quality will help create a base regular customers.
  3. High profitability. With a well-integrated marketing strategy and professional staff, you can quickly achieve payback and good profitability.
  4. Minimum investment.


High competition. This disadvantage flows smoothly from the advantage of high demand. The higher the demand, the more supply - this is the law of the market. Therefore, in order to adequately enter the market with this idea and successfully implement it, you will need to put in enough effort, conduct a good marketing campaign and study competitive environment, revealing weak sides.

Despite the enormous competition in the advertising services market, it should be noted high demand. As demand grows, so does the volume of services companies need. Assessing the entire scope of this market, seasonality should be noted, but it does not fully affect the business.

Creativity is an important criterion

Among other services and goods, this industry is one of the most promising today. With proper planning and development of the company, you can achieve a profitability of 15-20% in a short time and make a good profit.

The advantage of this type of business is the constantly growing demand for services. As long as new companies exist and appear on the market, the demand for advertising services will only grow. Companies are interested in establishing their market positions, outperforming competitors and promoting their products. That's why they apply for professional help to advertising agencies.

In order to occupy your niche and successfully implement your business idea of ​​opening an advertising agency, you need to develop a unique marketing strategy and find strong competitive advantages.

Important qualities for agency leaders in this business are an analytical mind, flexibility and ingenuity. The best option there will be a search for personnel in accordance with these requirements. If the owner of the companies has not previously worked in this field, then it makes sense to hire a professional who already has experience in advertising. Only if these conditions are met can you count on successful development and company income.

SWOT analysis of an advertising agency

At the stage of market research, it is important to perform a SWOT analysis of an advertising agency, which takes into account external and internal factors influencing the success of the company's development.


  • possibility of an individual approach;
  • strong professional team;
  • high level of service;
  • wide range of services;
  • minimal investment.

Weak sides

  • lack of reputation;
  • strong competition;
  • lack of regular customers.


  • changes in advertising technologies;
  • searching for profitable suppliers;
  • high level of differentiation in this business segment.
  • price fluctuations or dumping by competitors;
  • emergence of new technologies from competitors;
  • decrease in business activity and decrease in demand for services.

Search for target audience

Potential clients will be existing companies in the market. Analyze the market in the area where you plan to operate and see whose services these companies mainly use. Identify weaknesses and opportunities that you can offer to companies.

When opening a company, it is important to understand who your services will be intended for: large, medium or small businesses. From the correct definition target audience depends on the number of personnel, equipment, choice of premises and service.

It will be quite difficult to enter the market and immediately try to hunt for the “big fish”. As a rule, large companies with huge advertising budgets already work under long-term contracts with advertising agencies. It will be very difficult to lure such a client without an established reputation and work experience.

Identification of main competitors

You also need to identify your main competitors. These could be large advertising publications, TV channels, radio stations, etc.

These can be broad-profile companies that work with consumers in all areas of advertising services, or they can be narrowly focused companies that provide services only in a certain way (development of slogans, creation of websites, business cards, advertising brochures, etc.).

Determination of pricing policy

In order to enter the market and occupy your niche, you need to correctly determine pricing policy and offer the consumer the best price-quality ratio. It is this criterion that the buyer takes into account when choosing a Seller.

This criterion is unlikely to interest serious buyers who constantly apply for advertising services to specialized companies.

Here you need to rely on creativity and quality. Usually, large companies have a large advertising budget. Considering the high market positions of these companies, it is important for them to maintain their competitive advantages, which means they will give preference to the advertising agency that offers higher quality, original and effective advertising.

If you plan to occupy an average niche in the market, and the main competitors will be small companies providing services to small businesses, then you should focus on price. But it is not recommended to lower the price. Otherwise, it will negatively affect profitability and your reputation. Offering the most low price in the market, you simply cannot maintain a staff of professionals. And staff plays a key role in this business.

The best option would be to maintain the average market price, so before entering the market, carefully analyze your competitors' offers.

Advertising agency services

Having analyzed the market for these services in your region and familiarized yourself with the offers of competitors, it is important to highlight popular and related services that you can offer to clients.

The main services may be:

  • advertising brochures;
  • creation and support of websites;
  • creating business cards;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • banner printing;
  • creation of souvenir products;
  • advertising in transport;
  • carrying out advertising campaigns(presentations, meeting promotion, etc.)

An additional range of services that will help not only generate income, but also attract clients through partners can be:

  • promotion of companies through social networks;
  • naming;
  • development of advertising strategy;
  • consultations.

Making a business plan

Having determined the feasibility of a business idea to open an advertising agency, it is very important to draw up a plan for its implementation. Beginners often make the mistake of starting entrepreneurial activity without clearly planned actions, without calculating payback and financial risks.

This leads to the fact that already at the first stage of work, novice businessmen are faced with problems of finding clients and selling products.

A well-drafted plan is the key to successful activities. The document demonstrates an analysis of the market environment, identifies the main competitors, indicates the payback period and profitability of the business. Therefore, do not think that drafting a document is a waste of time.

Moreover, if initial capital is not enough to implement the project and you will need help in the form of investors; you definitely cannot do without such a document. None financial institution or a private investor will not agree to provide money for a project that has not been thoroughly studied and analyzed.

When writing a plan for investors, you can write two documents. The internal plan will reflect the real state of affairs and indicate all the weaknesses of the project, risks, number of competitors, etc. An external document will demonstrate the project from its advantageous side.

Please note that we are not talking about hiding facts and distorting figures. Each business project, as shown by SWOT analysis, has strengths and weaknesses. So think about how to demonstrate your business idea to investors and business partners.

Where to start?

To make it easier for you to implement the project, let’s immediately define the main stages of preparation.

  1. Preparation of documents and company registration.
  2. Organizational plan:
  • search for premises;
  • equipment purchase;
  • personnel search.
  1. Marketing plan
  2. Financial plan

Planning - important stage business

As for the document itself, it must be drawn up in strict accordance with this structure:

  1. Summary – This section describes the relevance of the idea. Also here you need to indicate general provisions, state the mission and objectives of the company, the range of services provided.
  2. General provisions – this section contains general information about the company and its founders.
  3. Sources of financing – indicates whether there is an investor. The amount of initial investment.
  4. Market analysis indicates capacity, filling with these services. Indicates the strengths and weaknesses of the project. Here it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis of the company.
  5. An organizational plan is a clear guide to action that shows the direction of activity step by step (registering a business, purchasing equipment, searching for personnel, etc.)
  6. Marketing and strategic plan - section dedicated to development marketing enterprises on market promotion, customer search.
  7. The production plan includes a detailed list of issues related to the purchase of equipment and machinery.
  8. The financial plan reflects the necessary expenses, projected profits, profitability and payback forecast.

In addition to this plan, it will be possible to draw up a table that will allow for analysis and identification of risks and opportunities for the project.

Study competitiveness factors using the following criteria:

  • individual approach to clients;
  • service list;
  • price policy;
  • reputation;
  • company location;
  • professionalism of the team;
  • efficiency in fulfilling requests.

Analyzing financial risks, it is advisable to include data on loan repayment and attracted investor funds in the calculation scheme if the company was not opened at the expense of its own initial capital.


Compared to other types of activities, to launch a project to open an advertising agency, you do not need a large package of documents.

To register a company, you need to decide on the form legal activities(IP, JSC, LLC, etc.), submit an application and pay the registration fee.

If you decide to register an individual entrepreneur, this will require a minimum of time and documents. An application, a passport and payment of a fee of 800 rubles are required.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • medical records of employees (if you hire staff);
  • permission from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Opening an LLC will require a more labor-intensive procedure:

  • Payment 50% authorized capital upon registration (at least 10 thousand rubles). In this case, the second part of the capital must be paid during the first year of the project launch.
  • Payment of state duty in the amount of 6,500 rubles.
  • statement;
  • charter;
  • a copy of the minutes of the meeting of founders.

Organizational plan

This section of the business plan serves as a guide to finding personnel, premises, renting and purchasing equipment.

Pay attention not only to the points in this section, but also to the deadlines for completing each one.

Search for premises

It is unlikely that you will be able to conclude a contract with a serious client if you save on renovations and receive visitors in the old premises.

The best option would be to choose an office in the city center. Also consider the number of floors of the office. You should not rent a room on the upper floors; visitors simply may not come to you. Also pay attention to a beautiful sign that will not only attract the attention of clients, but also demonstrate the level of creativity and quality of the advertising agency.

When searching for premises, consider the following parameters:

  • renovation must be fresh and of high quality;
  • work space for 4-5 employees of at least 40 square meters;
  • convenient parking for clients;
  • transport accessibility.

Be sure to check your connection to the Internet, because the work of an advertising agency is directly related to this factor.

Equipment purchase

Expenses this stage clearly related to the specifics of the services you plan to implement.

  • set for printing and presentations;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • 3 computers (laptops);
  • means of communication;
  • chairs;
  • tables;
  • cabinets;
  • chairs for clients;
  • stationery.

With a minimum start-up capital, you can purchase working used equipment. Subsequently, with the development of the company, you can always increase its level and purchase new equipment.

You should not save on equipment that will directly “work” for the company’s image. This is an inkjet color printer with CISS, MFP, heat press, etc.

Personnel search

As in any other type of business, personnel - key factor company success. Profit will directly depend on the professionalism and creativity of employees.

Therefore, when starting the personnel search stage for an advertising agency, it is important to determine the quality criteria by which the selection will be made.

  • creativity of thinking;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to understand people;
  • stress resistance.

Besides these personal qualities Of course, experience in this field and professionalism are required. In accordance with the selected range of services that you plan to implement in your project, you will determine a list of professional skills that the employee must have. These include the ability to work in graphic editors, the ability to compose advertising texts and slogans, work with promotion on social networks, etc.

You can start a project with a minimum number of people. To provide a full range of services, the following specialists will be needed:

  • manager;
  • marketer;
  • artist (aka designer);
  • computer technology specialist;
  • operator;
  • Poster of advertisements.

At the first stage, you may have to turn to third-party companies for some types of services (printing posters, banners, advertising in the media).

If you have a large amount of initial capital and can afford to hire the necessary specialists and purchase the appropriate equipment, then this will not be necessary.

Marketing plan

When developing a marketing plan, it is worth focusing on its main components:

  • An integrated approach to providing services. This service involves the provision of full cycle services. This will allow us to develop a base of regular customers who will not feel comfortable contacting other companies for specific types services.
  • Focus on small and medium business. Considering the high competition in the market and the lack of an established reputation, you should immediately focus your attention on small and medium-sized companies.
  • Average pricing policy.

Now it is important to think about the directions in which your own promotion of services will be implemented.

  1. Creating your own website. This part of the work can be entrusted to one of the employees. It is important to rely on a beautiful, clear interface, which will contain up-to-date information about full list services, prices, promotions.
  2. Promoting the company through social networks. This stage marketing plan can also be assigned to the employee.
  3. Newsletter commercial offers companies.
  4. Advertising on radio and TV.

Powerful marketing strategy will allow you to quickly gain trust and increase the recognition of the company. But under no circumstances engage in cheap advertising. Advertisements at bus stops, near the metro and entrances are a strategic mistake that should never be made.

It is better to personally send the sales market expansion manager for personal negotiations with clients, where he will leave beautiful printed products. The success of your business will depend on the quality of your personal advertising.

Rely on the effect " word of mouth“It’s not particularly worth it in the first year of work. The advertising business is such an area that it will take you at least 2-3 years to create a base of regular customers.

In order to immediately enter the market, you must create your own website. Today, about 50% of all orders can be received via the Internet. Follow the deadlines and accuracy of order fulfillment and you will very quickly create a base of regular customers.

Video. What do you need to open an advertising agency?

Costs and payback

Initial expenses are associated with renting premises, repairs, purchasing equipment and registering a company.

  • office space rental;
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • staff salaries.

Moscow will need start-up capital in the amount of 500-700 thousand rubles.

For regions, this amount can be reduced to 250 thousand rubles.

Below we give an example of the expenses and income of an advertising agency that opens in small town for 300 thousand people.

Costs required to open an agency:

  • registration and paperwork – 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture – 80 thousand rubles;
  • renovation of the premises – 60 thousand rubles
  • purchase of equipment – ​​300 thousand rubles;
  • advertising launch – 30 thousand rubles.

Total 500 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • rental of premises (up to 40 square meters) – 50 thousand rubles;
  • communication services, Internet – 5 thousand rubles;
  • carrying out promotional events– 10 thousand rubles;
  • taxes – 5 thousand rubles;
  • employees' wages are 80 thousand rubles.

Total: 150 thousand rubles.

Of course, these are very approximate figures and largely depend on the nature of the activity, the scale of production and the list of services provided.

Experts say that about 40% of the agency’s total income comes from:

  • development and creation of a logo;
  • development of corporate identity;
  • creation of business cards and advertising brochures.
  • Monthly income – 250,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 80,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 500,000 rubles.
  • Payback period – from 7 months.

Video. Opening an advertising agency. Promotion