Sewing business ideas for children. Business from scratch: children's clothing production

Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
700,000 entrepreneurs in the country trust us

400,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

15-20 thousand rubles.

Certificate cost

60 sq. m.

Min. square



Products for children have always been in high demand. Even despite the fact that, for example, children's clothing and shoes are quite comparable in cost to clothing and shoes for adults. A business related to the production of such products can become successful and profitable if you are familiar with all its features and know what difficulties you will have to face in the process.

First of all, you will need a detailed business plan. This is not just a formality: with its help you will get a clear idea of ​​what your business will look like, what you need to start it, how quickly you will recoup your investment. When working on a business plan, be sure to consult with specialists who have extensive experience in the clothing industry and know about all its pitfalls.

How to open a children's clothing tailoring shop

For creating own production(or a tailoring shop if you are going to start small) children's clothing must have certificates of conformity (issued for a period of one to three years). Certification is not cheap. Either each individual batch of goods or the entire production is certified. The official cost of obtaining a certificate starts from 15-20 thousand rubles (for an atelier), but expect that as a result this amount will be much higher. It is impossible to produce products intended for children without issuing certificates. This is fraught with large fines and even the closure of your business.

However, if you are going to sew your clothes not yourself, but in a specialized factory in small batches according to your sketches and patterns and under your brand, then in this case all the worries about product certification are usually taken over by the contractor. This best option for entrepreneurs who do not have experience in this field and do not have large enough capital to create their own production. The advantages of this format of work, in addition to simplifying the certification procedure, are the absence of costs for the purchase of equipment and payment of wages to employees.

Your main expenses, in addition to the cost of fulfilling the order: purchase of fabric and accessories, payment for the services of a fashion designer. However, there are also disadvantages in this case. The retail price of your clothing will include the cost of having it sewn at the factory. Therefore, you can either set your own markup and sell your products at a price higher than the market average (or at least higher than that of companies that have their own sewing workshops), or reduce the retail price to the detriment of your profits.

The range of products you plan to produce is also of great importance. For small companies with a small starting capital it is more expedient to find your narrow niche in the market (for example, sewing clothes for newborns, children's underwear and pajamas, holiday clothes, etc.).

Necessary equipment for starting a clothing business

To work, you will need, at a minimum, straight-stitch machines, overlockers, a steam generator with an iron, equipment for installing accessories, a circular cutting knife, and a button machine. The cost of the equipment will be from 400 thousand rubles. In addition, you can’t do without cutting tables, chairs, lamps, fabric racks and finished products, cabinets for fittings (you can replace them with carton boxes), garbage cans, hangers, stationery (including cardboard, tracing paper, chalk, scissors, rulers). This is another 150-200 thousand rubles.

Don't forget about the closet outerwear, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, drinking water cooler and dining table with chairs for workers. To locate a sewing workshop, initially a room with an area of ​​about 50-60 square meters will be sufficient. m (for an atelier – 30-40 sq. m). It is advisable that it be located on the ground floor or in the basement.

The rental price starts from 25-30 thousand rubles, depending on the region. If you are opening not a production facility, but a tailoring studio, then in this case there will be more requirements for its location. It should be located close to children's educational and entertainment institutions, large shopping centers, in the city center or in a large residential area.

In addition to the costs of purchasing equipment and furniture, as well as rent, when drawing up a business plan, take into account the cost of materials - fabrics, accessories, threads, etc. (from 200 thousand rubles). To package finished products, you will also need to order bags, labels, stickers, inserts, etc. (10-15 thousand rubles). Separate article - salaries workers. You will need a fashion designer to develop patterns, cutters, a shop manager, and seamstresses (they usually have piecework wages). The amount of these costs depends on the number of employees and the region in which the production is located.

What are the risks when starting a children's clothing business?

If you plan to produce cheap knitwear (underwear, pajamas, clothing for babies), your main task is to minimize the cost of the finished product. This can be achieved by saving on raw materials (buying immediately in large quantities at a wholesale base, choosing the cheapest fabrics), on tailoring (hiring not experienced seamstresses, but graduates of light industry technical schools, production by operations, transferring clothing production to regions where wages are low boards, etc.).

However, in this case other problems arise: best quality clothes, high turnover, insufficient qualifications of working personnel, which is fraught with delays and downtime. Recent technical school graduates must be trained to operate sewing equipment, which takes time. And with a high turnover, this process is almost endless. All these troubles can be avoided if you hire only experienced seamstresses. But this will inevitably lead to higher prices for products, and producing expensive knitted clothing for children aged 0 to 1.5-2 years is unprofitable, since competition in this segment is very high (mainly among Western manufacturers). The most difficult thing in running such a business is to find a compromise between price, quality and product range.

Another problem is related to the ways of selling large quantities of goods. In this case, you will no longer be able to open your own retail stores, where you will sell only your own clothes. trademark. We will have to look for distribution channels throughout the country. Consider creating your own website with a catalog of your products and your contacts. The simplest option will cost 15-20 thousand rubles plus the costs of its promotion (they depend on the region and requests). The studio can advertise its services through advertising in newspapers and radio, outdoor advertising, sending out leaflets with your contacts to mailboxes, etc.

The profitability of this business reaches 30%. The payback period for sewing production is 1.5-2 years.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Elena Fimina told in an interview with Kontur.Zhurnal how to solve the problem of personnel shortage, work on the principle of small circulations and expand into the regions.


My sister and I have been working in the fashion industry for over 10 years. In 2002, a store of the Spanish brand Mango opened in Chelyabinsk. At that time, nothing like this existed in the city. On a competitive basis, we got a job at Mango as sales consultants and gradually rose to the management level. During this time we understood how to build fashion business how clothing collections are created and promoted, we understood the intricacies of merchandising, the work of a showroom and the factors influencing successful sales. Since my sister worked specifically with the Spaniards, she learned all the nuances of promoting fashionable clothing.

I started making clothes more than five years ago. At first it was a hobby, although I studied individually with specialists high level in the field of clothing production, studied technology and the intricacies of design and modeling. Gradually, I became more involved in the process, and when my sister gave birth to two children, they became a source of inspiration for more serious works and collections.

One day, my sister and I came up with the idea of ​​creating a children's clothing brand. FiFi. We started with a starting amount of 100,000 rubles, but the experience in the industry that we managed to gain helped us a lot. The first collection was sewn at home, using home-based seamstresses.

In fact, we immediately determined who our client is: they are progressive mothers of different ages who understand fashion, know trends, and love to dress their children stylishly and tastefully.


Participation in the SKB Kontur competition is our first attempt to attract investment for business development. An investor saw our video and offered financial assistance. At that time, we refused, because we were not satisfied with the conditions, and decided to develop on our own.

At the regional level we participated in federal program"You are an entrepreneur." They were also interested in our project, but we realized that financial support It will be difficult to get, since this program is more educational.

We have now submitted an application to participate in the “Made in Chelyabinsk” competition and are waiting for its organizers to contact us.

Production details and difficulties

Clothing production is a very long and painstaking process. It all starts with the emergence of an idea, we determine what exactly we want to do. Then sketches are drawn, and at the next stage materials are purchased. Next, the designers work - they develop patterns. During the construction of a model, many changes are made and something is necessarily rejected. But that's not all.

Seeing the result, we begin to discuss how we can present and present the finished collection. We choose a location, invite photographers and create a photo shoot with child models.

Organize in Russia manufacturing process very difficult. One of the most acute problems we are faced with is the personnel shortage: there are neither competent designers nor seamstresses in the country.

Of course, there are specialists who are 50-60 years old, but they are no longer in the ranks, and it is almost impossible to find young professionals. You have to spend a lot of time and effort on training, and efficiency suffers as a result.

In sewing production, the speed of performing a particular job plays an important role. For example, in order to mass-produce a children's dress, you need to calculate how much time it takes to sew one model - in minutes and seconds. In this way, it is calculated how many hours and days the entire batch will be sewn. And people of the old school simply cannot work quickly. But we involve them in another work - design, since they competently make patterns and think through sketches taking into account the fabrics that are available to us.

Solving the problem of personnel shortage, we attracted specialists from the Department of Light Industry of the South Ural state university. We invited the best of them to work with us, and now they advise us and also train our employees. The company currently employs seven seamstresses.

Another problem is fabrics. Production in Russia is barely working, factories are fulfilling some strange orders using old equipment - they have a very hard time, people work for pennies. But even those factories that are still operating do not always produce what we need. For example, in Yekaterinburg, there is a wool producing plant. Tyumen produced similar fabrics, but, unfortunately, the plant recently closed. We buy some things from Russia, but basically, of course, we bring everything from abroad, most often from Italy. As long as the euro exchange rate was more or less stable, there were no problems with purchases. Now the situation has changed - we have become more careful in choosing fabrics: when drawing up estimates, we have to calculate how affordable things will be for the consumer, although, of course, we would like to buy more original and expensive fabrics.

The principle of small circulations

We produce small collections - ten models each. The collection is built on the principle of a capsule, where each item complements the other. By doing this, we increase our turnover, because people like to buy things in sets. At the same time, we have models that we sew constantly. As a rule, this is a holiday assortment, basic models, the so-called “commercial”.

When a collection comes out, we can add to it along the way if we see that there is good demand for things. Elegant dresses remain a top seller - they are in demand all season long.

During its existence, the FiFi brand has gained its own fans. We are working to expand their circle. But we don’t fight for our client—he finds us himself.

In Chelyabinsk, during production, we have a showroom where our clients can come and try on things. Two months ago, the FiFi brand entered the Moscow market: it opened in the capital new shop“Children's shelf”, where among the things of Russian designers our models are presented.

In order to promote the brand, we are actively working with the social networks Instagram, VKontakte, and are also developing our virtual store on the Fair of Masters website. From experience, I can say that social networks are in many ways more effective than stores, because they reach more potential consumers - people see our products from different parts of the country and even the world. We receive orders not only from Russia, but also from abroad.

In the next five years, we plan to launch a franchising business to increase the number of distribution points for our products. We plan to sew clothes in production in Chelyabinsk and negotiate with regional stores so that they represent our brand. Such stores will place orders for certain models from the catalog before the season and receive the required volumes of products.

IN last years quality and design requirements children's clothing, are in no way inferior to the adult category. And although the assortment of modern stores is large, the choice of goods presented in them is not always able to satisfy the demanding taste of young customers.

With our help, you no longer need to waste time on long search suitable things. We provide a full range of services, including assistance in the development of specific models and the creation of individual patterns.

Extensive work experience allows us to sew all types of casual and festive children's clothing for any age category: from newborns and toddlers, to middle and older teenagers school age. For reasonable money you can order from us sewing:

  • vest;
  • sliders;
  • underwear;
  • T-shirts;
  • elegant dresses and sundresses;
  • suits;
  • school uniform;
  • outerwear.

Modern equipment, experienced cutters and sewing specialists are ready to sew every day wholesale and retail as simple and convenient things for the home and kindergarten, as well as bright and spectacular costumes for theatrical performances and New Year's matinees. Following fashion trends, we create paired sets for mother and daughter and son and father.

Sewing children's clothing to order can be produced both according to ready-made and individual patterns. Any form of sample of the desired product is considered: from photographs and drawings to modeling a personal sketch. Knowing the active nature of our little clients, we reduce the number of fittings to a minimum and make them as comfortable as possible.

The advantages of sewing children's clothing wholesale from us

To withdraw Russian production to a global level, we are happy to tailor collections children's clothing wholesale from domestic designers, and their orders are considered a priority for us.

Thanks to us, you can quickly replenish your store with exactly the goods you need to develop your business. High productivity gives us the opportunity to provide customers with an order clothes wholesale additional discounts. Regardless of the size of the ordered batch, we do not save on quality of products and their safety, therefore, we can sew both on the customer’s material and on fabrics of European and Russian production purchased on our own.

Customers cooperating with us do not encounter unpleasant surprises in the form of unreasonable price increases or extensions of work time. We discuss all the nuances of services in advance tailoring children's clothing to order, therefore we guarantee impeccable product quality.

In this material:

A business plan for sewing children's clothing will help you study all the features of organizing such a business and understand how profitable it is. Clothing production can be an ideal option for those who decide to open their own business for the first time. As in any other business, this requires initial capital. Opening a children's clothing sewing business does not require a large amount of money, so anyone can do sewing. Production can be organized in your own apartment, so a novice entrepreneur will not have to spend money on renting premises.

Tailoring is one of the projects that provides maximum profit when minimum costs. There is always a demand for children's products. Regardless economic situation in the country, parents will always try to dress their children as best as possible. The child grows up very quickly, so his wardrobe needs to be updated monthly. This is a big advantage of the clothing business.

If you are going to open a children's clothing production, you do not need to have a special education. However, some knowledge and skills in this area will still be needed. They are necessary to monitor the quality of work performed by employees. If there are not enough funds to attract workers, you will have to do the sewing yourself. How to do it if you are not familiar with the types of fabrics and seams? You can sign up for courses that last about six months and cost approximately 10 thousand rubles. It’s easier to study on your own, good development modern technologies greatly simplifies the search process necessary information. When learning the basics of sewing, a person should pay special attention to the types of fabrics, skills in working with a sewing machine, and the rules for making patterns.

What do you need to open a sewing workshop?

Opening program own enterprise in this industry involves the cost of purchasing equipment. In order for production to be profitable, it is necessary to purchase at least 3 sewing machines, each of which costs about 15 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need an overlocker for your work. Equipment made in Germany is considered the most reliable. Such machines do not damage the fabric and serve well for many years.

In addition to sewing equipment, you will also need work tables. School desks are perfect for this; they are comfortable and do not take up much space. You will also need a large cutting table. Furniture will cost you about 20 thousand rubles. Also useful in your workshop is a 1m long wooden ruler, sewing thread of different colors, tailor's scissors, several small scissors, glue, sewing needles, a set of sewing machine needles and colored crayons.

At the next stage, you will be purchasing raw materials. Fabrics must be safe and of high quality, since we are talking about the health of your little customers. It is not worth purchasing raw materials in stores, this will significantly increase costs. It is best to establish cooperation with a wholesale supplier or manufacturer. The most convenient way to make purchases is through the Internet.

You will definitely need to purchase knitwear, flannel, terry cloth, flannel and cotton fabrics. They should have bright colors and beautiful drawings. You can decorate products using beads, buttons, lace, embroidery and other decorative elements. It’s better to buy everything in bulk from trusted suppliers. You can design patterns for future products yourself or copy them from magazines.

Setting up a sewing workshop

To organize sewing production you will need a separate room. A table for cutting is usually placed near the window, and racks for fabrics and accessories are installed next to it. There will be tables with sewing machines near the wall. It is necessary to organize a free approach to each workplace; on the wall nearby you can place shelves for the little things necessary for making clothes. You will also need a closet to store finished clothes. Modern sewing equipment has built-in lighting, so installation of additional lighting devices is not required.

After all these steps have been completed, the entrepreneur will have to prepare documents.

It is best to register your business as an individual entrepreneur.

To do this you will need to submit an application to tax office, after making payments and completing documents, you will be registered. For the operation of the enterprise, you will need a seal, which can be ordered from a special agency. The last stage of registration is opening a bank account, which includes issuing a card with a signature and drawing up an agreement. Collecting all documents will take at least 2 months.

For the production of goods High Quality you need to hire professionals. You can find them by placing advertisements in newspapers and on Internet sites. By taking on some of the responsibilities yourself, you can reduce costs. It should be remembered that in addition to performing sewing work, you will have to control the production process and maintain accounting.

It is best if your workers are paid piecework. This will significantly improve the quality of the goods produced. Payment for each sewn product will depend on the complexity of the style. Once your business starts operating, you will need to think about finding clients. Focus on wholesale. To do this, you will have to establish cooperation with stores. Can be placed advertisements V various sources. The price of the products should not be too high, then there will be no problems with their sale. The cost of a product consists of the cost of purchasing raw materials, wages and energy consumed. You can add from 100 to 200% to the resulting value. A business plan for tailoring shows that the profitability of the business exceeds 30%; the purchased equipment will pay for itself in about 2 years.

Order a business plan

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Probably every parent dreams of his child dressing only in the best and always looking beautiful and stylish. That is why many parents today prefer to order tailoring for children’s clothing, which allows them to emphasize the child’s individuality and distinguish him from his peers.

We are confident that we will vaccinate good taste necessary from childhood. Our factory for sewing children's clothing offers its customers a wide range of high-quality and original products. With us you can always purchase clothes in bulk or order custom tailoring.



Quantity, units

From 51 to 100

From 101 to 500

From 501 to 1000



bodysuit, sandpiper






lined dress

dress without lining









simple windbreaker





Prices for wholesale tailoring are approximate; depending on the complexity of the model (test sample), the price may vary slightly, either down or up. In more detail, you can find out the price upon request by email (with a photo of the model), by phone or in person at our company, we are waiting for you!

Children's clothing from the Ravol factory

Several years of fruitful work have helped us prove once again that sewing clothes for children is a very responsible business in which every detail matters. Therefore, we place high demands on this line of clothing and produce it under strict, vigilant control.

And as a result, we get products that have the following characteristics:

  • quality: when sewing children's clothing to order, we always use only high-quality natural materials and original fittings;
  • practicality: our clothes never fade when washed, last a long time and do not lose their appearance;
  • functionality: perfect quality the cut will allow the child to feel comfortable and will not interfere with free movement in any situations;
  • style: our products always correspond to the latest fashion trends.

Thanks to all of the above, our clothing factory for sewing children's clothing has earned good reputation among children and parents. You can always order stylish and comfortable clothes from us for all seasons and any life events.

Final cost of tailoring

It is logical to assume that the cost of tailoring services is always one of the priority issues. But we hasten to reassure you: in our factory there are no inflated prices, and we always sew children's clothing in Moscow at an acceptable and affordable cost.

In addition, you can adjust the final price yourself by selecting materials, fittings, accessories, and so on. And regardless of the final cost, you will always receive a high-quality and original product. You can also order wholesale tailoring of children's clothing at a very attractive price. Come to us and appreciate the talent and quality of work of our craftswomen.