"The ABCs of the Internet" - a new textbook for pensioners. “The ABCs of the Internet” - teaching computer literacy to the older generation To help the novice computer user

Greetings, dear reader! Today I wanted to talk about the project "".

Pensioners online

The Internet has expanded the boundaries of our world, and we need a computer to learn a new source of information. The younger generation boldly and actively uses it for their own purposes. The same cannot be said about the older generation of people who have retired. According to the results of a study by the analytical unit of the Department information technologies in the city of Moscow, the share of Internet users aged 50 years and older was 28% in 2015 and is currently only increasing.

According to the results of the study, popular Internet opportunities among older users are reading news, using information search services, watching movies and using communication services. Many Muscovites of retirement age actively order goods from online stores, making purchases from a computer, preferring to pay upon receipt in cash.

The share of pensioners in the regions is not yet high, but there is a trend. The main obstacle to mastering new technologies is the older generation’s fear and lack of confidence in their abilities, information support when mastering computer equipment.

The Pension Fund together with Rostelecom have developed a special tutorial"The ABCs of the Internet for Pensioners", intended for older users. This self-study guide can be freely downloaded to your computer and studied for free.

The manual "The ABCs of the Internet for Pensioners" discusses the most current issues problems that most novice Internet users encounter. Having mastered it, you will soon significantly expand and diversify your life. You will learn how to make video calls to friends and family, and you will easily exchange by email, communicate in in social networks. You will be able to show your photographs and your creativity to the whole world, learn to find new friends and like-minded people. Without leaving home, receive government services, buy train and cinema tickets, watch your favorite films and listen to music. Well, if you still have questions, then you are welcome to my blog “Your Computer”. I will always be happy to help you.

Since most people of retirement age have poor eyesight, and long-term work at a computer can lead to rapid eye fatigue, here is your first piece of advice:

Increase the text size of the page you are viewing. How to do it?

1 way: Using a keyboard shortcut Ctrl And +(plus)- increase the font size, and Ctrl And - (minus)- we reduce it.

Method 2: When a key is pressed Ctrl roll your mouse wheel. In one direction there will be an increase, in the other - a decrease in the page scale.

To reset the scale to the original 100% size, press the keys simultaneously Ctrl And 0 (zero)

In addition, many sites now have a version for the visually impaired. The toggle icon may look like glasses or an eye.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them directly in the comments below. We will try to solve your problem.

Help in mastering a computer for pensioners

People of all ages enjoy modern technologies, which helps them always stay in touch, pay quickly and easily public utilities, buy tickets, make an appointment with a doctor, conduct business and friendly correspondence, watch movies and share emotions and impressions with your friends on social networks and more.

It's time for the older generation to explore new horizons, but they are often embarrassed to ask: “How to turn on the laptop? Where do I even start? Why are there so many buttons on the keyboard? Which ones need to be pressed and in what order for everything to work/turn off/turn on/open?”

And the younger generation is not always responsive to help in mastering the computer. They will buy a book as a gift: “Here, read it and master it.” But many people need a patient and sensible explanation. Without a clear understanding of seemingly basic actions, it is difficult for them to start communicating with a computer. Therefore, it is best to watch educational video tutorials.

Especially for blog visitors, I post several video lessons on Yandex disk, which you can download and watch on your computer.
Here is a partial list of free lessons:

  • how to open AVI, MP4, MKV and others videos?
  • how to watch videos on the Internet?
  • how to open the archive?
  • where to download antivirus?
  • how to open an unknown file
  • How to effectively manage files on your computer?
  • Which browser is better to use for the Internet?
  • how to download files from the Internet and where to store them?
  • how to make payments securely online?
  • how to use Yandex.money?

Video lessons are in the komp1day.zip archive and recorded in high quality, so the archive size is 860MB.

It may take several minutes to download such a volume, it all depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

Appeal to the younger generation:
If you don’t have time to help your loved one master a computer, then give him a gift!

Friends, if the information was useful to you, share it on social networks. Buttons below. Let your friends know too.

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If you haven't found the answer, indicate what you were looking for.

In 2014, Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) signed an agreement on cooperation in teaching pensioners how to use a computer. The purpose of the agreement is to improve the quality of life through teaching computer literacy and working on the Internet, as well as providing assistance to the older generation in obtaining public services V in electronic format.

As part of the implementation of the agreement, in 2014, Rostelecom and the Pension Fund of Russia prepared a special educational manual for older people, “The ABCs of the Internet.” The manual was developed by teachers, gerontological psychologists and IT specialists. The course program is constantly evolving, and the textbook is supplemented with new modules and up-to-date information.

The manual can be used as a self-instruction manual for working on a computer and on the Internet, and also as a textbook for specialized courses on computer literacy for pensioners, which are held throughout Russia. The electronic version of the textbook “The ABCs of the Internet” is posted on the educational portal www.azbukainterneta.ru. It also contains visual aids, presentations for each topic in the textbook, useful links, guidelines on the peculiarities of teaching people of the older generation, the necessary technical equipment of classes.

The first courses in the ABC of the Internet program were held in 2014 in Bryansk, Volgograd, Vologda, Stavropol and Tula. Special computer courses were organized for classes. IN Nizhny Novgorod And Nizhny Novgorod region organs social protection 128 computer classes were equipped and provided to the population for ABC training.

In November 2015, the program was presented at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan. As a result of the event, materials adapted for Russian-speaking pensioners living in the Republic of Armenia appeared on the ABC portal.

The Internet portal is visited monthly by over 20 thousand users; more than 3,440 people are registered in the “Teacher” section. In 2018, more than 85 thousand pensioners received computer and Internet skills. In total, more than 250 thousand pensioners from 76 regions of Russia took part in the program.

The training is divided into two courses: basic - for beginners and advanced - for those who have already mastered the basics of working on a computer and the Internet. In 2015, modules were published that talk about the choice home computer And additional equipment to it, recommendations are given on the use of social networks and regional Internet services: websites regional bodies authorities, enterprises providing housing and communal services. In 2016, the ABC portal published materials devoted to financial Internet literacy, searching for work on the Internet, and programs necessary for employment. In 2017, modules were developed on working on tablets and video communication programs. Today, materials from seven modules of the extended training course have been published on the website.

A significant contribution to the development of the project was online seminars for teachers and course organizers on the “ABC of the Internet”. The first seminar was attended by students from 13 regions; the seminar, which took place in May 2019, included more than 1,400 representatives of regional ministries of social policy, library staff and various social institutions, and university teachers from 51 regions.

The publication of “The ABCs of the Internet” is a charitable project for the company: the preparation, publication and free distribution of the textbook allows us to increase the number of pensioners who know how to use a computer and work on the Internet, and to facilitate older people’s access to electronic government services and social services.

In support of the “ABC of the Internet” project, an annual competition “Thank you to the Internet!” was organized, the participants of which in their works talk about how the Internet is useful for an audience of 50+, how it has changed and improved their lives. Participants IV All-Russian competition in 2018, there were 3,383 older Internet users from 74 regions of Russia, which is almost 23% more than in 2017. Nine contestants over 90 years old took part in the competition, the oldest participant was Nadezhda Petrovna Myagkikh from Bratsk Irkutsk region Turned 101 years old!

You can download a free textbook and teaching materials on the portal

In 2017, 65 thousand Russian pensioners mastered computer literacy thanks to the ABC of the Internet project.

The training manual and the Internet portal “ABC of the Internet” were developed by the Pension Fund and PJSC Rostelecom. The goal of cooperation is to train pensioners to work online and facilitate their access to receiving government services electronically.

Training is conducted in courses organized by branches of the Pension Fund, branches of Rostelecom, regional departments of social protection, universities, and libraries.

“The ABCs of the Internet” has become popular due to the accessibility of the program and educational material, which is adapted for older people: the project can easily be accessed in every home where there is a computer and the Internet. All materials are posted on the website azbukainterneta.ru. Here you can find basic course, which is designed for those who have just started training, and an extended course for a more in-depth study of the most popular topics. Methodological materials for lessons for teachers are also presented here. Any Internet user can download and print program materials. The curriculum is constantly being improved and updated to meet the needs of older people.

It is also worth noting that, as part of the “ABC of the Internet” project, the Pension Fund and Rostelecom regularly hold the “Thanks to the Internet” competition for Internet users of retirement and pre-retirement age who have completed computer literacy courses. In the competition “Thank you to the Internet 2017!” 2,765 people from 76 regions of the Russian Federation took part, with the oldest participant in the competition turning 101 years old.

In the Agapovsky district, pensioners are taught computer literacy at the Integrated Center social services population, at the day care department. As Irina Nizhnik, head of the department, explains, there are two courses. The first – 3-week – provides initial skills and knowledge of working on a computer. In the next, advanced course, “students” become familiar with the Internet, learn to use Skype and receive government services electronically. Training for pensioners and disabled people is free. In order to sign up for training courses, you must either contact the Integrated Center in person (Agapovka, Rabochaya, 34, room No. 106), or you can call the following numbers: 2-00-20, 2-02-13.

Representatives of the Altai branch of Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund Branch Altai region presented a joint product - the textbook “The ABCs of the Internet” and its electronic version- specially designed portal www.azbukainterneta.ru .

Partnership Agreement under curriculum The “ABC of the Internet” was signed between Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund at the beginning of this year. The goal of the project is to facilitate pensioners’ access to receiving government services electronically, as well as improve the quality of life by teaching computer literacy and working on the Internet.

Representatives of the Pension Fund of Russia and Rostelecom present their first joint project Photo: OJSC Rostelecom

Rostelecom has been organizing computer courses for older people, providing high-speed Internet in classrooms, since 2009. Over five years, together with public organizations and volunteers, about 700 Barnaul pensioners received certificates of completion of computer literacy courses. The partnership in the “ABC of the Internet” project with the Russian Pension Fund became a logical continuation of the company’s participation in the charity project.”

The textbook, the creation of which involved computer science teachers, teaching methodologists, gerontologists, and psychologists, provides information about the structure of a computer, rules for working with text files, video and audio materials, and photographs in a form accessible to older people. A large section is devoted to gaining skills in working in search engines, communication opportunities on social networks, using Skype and Email, as well as safety rules when using the Internet. Particular attention is paid to explaining how and where you can receive state and municipal services electronically on the Internet. The portal www.azbukainterneta.ru is designed, first of all, for independent mastery of the material, as well as for the work of teachers who conduct training courses.

Group photo for memory Photo: Rostelecom OJSC

The guests of the presentation of “The ABCs of the Internet” were students and future participants of computer literacy courses, which have been successfully conducted by the branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia in the Altai Territory for several years. Volunteer teacher and library employee Elena Ryzhikova told the pensioners what the textbook was and, using an interactive whiteboard, showed them how to use the portal of the same name on their own.

The Pension Fund and Rostelecom, for which the publication of “The ABCs of the Internet” is a charitable project, are ready to transfer the rights to use this textbook free of charge to representatives of any specialized courses without violating its integrity and copyright. In the Altai Territory, the textbook “The ABCs of the Internet” was transferred to the regional branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia for free distribution to participants in computer literacy courses.

The birthday cake depicts the cover of the textbook “The ABCs of the Internet” Photo: Rostelecom OJSC

The representative of the regional branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia in the Altai Territory, Alexander Milyukov, thanked for the much-needed social project: “Thank you to the authors of the ABC of the Internet manual - the Pension Fund of Russia and the Rostelecom company - for the fact that, finally, there is a textbook that pensioners can use independently, without anyone’s prompting, because it was created specifically for the older generation . This is really necessary, because we must not lag behind life in order to be interesting for our grandchildren, who would say: “My grandfather or my grandmother are advanced, because they are familiar with a computer!”