Automatically send copies of sent messages. Shock: the “letter of the devil” written by a nun in the 17th century has been deciphered! Satanic copy of the appeal

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

In our apostatic times, the two most important ones require special attention. current topics- conciliar repentance for the sin of the crime of the oath of 1613 and rejection of the number of the Antichrist.

I would like to dwell on the second topic. The forum often discusses how to renounce already accepted satanic documents, and most importantly, how to continue to live without them in a dying world...

I handed over my passport (Russian 2002) 9 months ago, previously I managed to give up the TIN (on the first try I managed to get permission to travel tax accounting without TIN), medical policy, and also get rid of all cards. It was only possible to fight off SNILS - in the response to my appeal, amid false assurances that “the principle of appropriation specified number is identical to the principle of assigning a personal account number in a bank or a passport number,” summarized: “It is technically impossible to cancel an assigned insurance number and issue a new certificate of compulsory pension insurance without an insurance number”. At least I expressed my attitude towards this system, burned the SNILS certificate and prevented the receipt of funds to this number.

The situation with the passport was much more interesting. Having previously made a “Certificate of Identity...” (according to the application + 2 photographs, an experienced notary did it without difficulty, it cost 400 rubles), I submitted an application to the passport office of my housing department. The passport attendant had a hard time understanding what I wanted, and when she saw the “Certificate of Identity...”, she asked a question that caused an involuntary smile: “Is this what they issue now instead of passports?!” - and this is asked not by anyone, but by the passport officer!

In general, they sent me with an application to the regional migration service department. There I again confused the head of the department (the most populous district of a city with a population of one million), but after much hesitation, she still had to accept my passport and make a note about it in my copy of the application...

It is difficult to convey what kind of grace spilled into my soul after getting rid of this ill-fated document!..

However, the migration service officials did not dare to destroy my passport, giving this opportunity to me (which I did), sending me a passport a month later to my registration address by regular letter with an accompanying letter.

I was especially “pleased” by this phrase from their response: “The definition of the term “personal code” will be given in the draft Federal Law currently being prepared "On the State Register of Population of the Russian Federation." With its acceptance, this detail will be filled out on the second page of the passport...”. As Khazanov’s hero said: “What did she count on?..” What will this explanation reconcile me with this satanic document? Well, God be with them - apparently, our reasoning is on non-intersecting planes.

Life without a passport has indeed changed a lot.

On the one hand, misunderstanding and even sometimes sharp rejection of my actions on the part of my family and friends, limitations in legal and financial opportunities, dismissal from work and the impossibility of officially finding another job, a sharp decrease in income, mental grief from the problems and disagreements that have piled up. This is on one side of the scale. But on the other hand and on the other side of the scale is the feeling of the never-forsaking grace of God and the help of the Heavenly Forces.

I began to feel evidence of God’s help in each of my endeavors; and in problematic situations Regarding my lack of a passport, simply miracles happened: without a passport it was impossible to issue a general power of attorney for a car and withdraw money from a savings book, but with God’s help this was done either on the first try or within a day. Moreover, for this I did not have to ask, nor pay, much less deceive - people (often non-Orthodox) simply showed spiritual sympathy and managed to bypass the machinations of the restrictions built by the system (God save them).

I earn a living in my own specialty, but without official registration - until cash is abolished, this is an option for survival in our semi-legal (in terms of control financial flows) the state will be accessible (God bless my colleagues who did not turn away from me after my dismissal). I live outside the city in a garden house - the grace of heaven. Only my soul hurts for those who were left suffocating in the crazy whirlwind of the metropolis.

And what’s interesting: those who previously condemned me for my irreconcilable position are even somehow beginning to envy my way of life. Give them reason and help them, Lord! under the nickname "vladstar"

In general, whoever finds the strength to renounce satanic and antichrist documents, let me give advice: try to quickly complete all legally and financially significant transactions and quickly renounce everything unclean: the grace of God will not leave you. However, be prepared that the world will immediately go to war against you, but over time the passions will subside and you will be left with the truth, and the world will remain in sin.

Save us, Lord! Christ is among us!

I would like to ask your attention to one more topic. People who do not accept the actions of the MP hierarchy and heretical hierarchs are often left without pastoral care and Holy Communion. For example, my confessor - Father Mikhail (Karpeev), one of the Izhevsk pillars of Orthodoxy - is far from me (in another republic), and I have not been with him for almost a year. I tried (and am trying) for two years to find shepherds in my city who care for the truth in accordance with the canons - I visited, perhaps, all the churches and talked with many priests, but I never found what I wanted.

In general, it would be ideal for us to identify all shepherds faithful to Christ for spiritual care (even if under a formal ban on serving). In this case, real centers of unity would arise around them to resist the darkness. I don’t know how to do this yet. Maybe you can tell me something.

God help you!

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How to summon Satan? Man has always been attracted to the unknown, and the enchanting darkness - most of all. There are few rituals for summoning Satan, but with the help of well-known rituals the Lord of Darkness is summoned.

In the article:

Summoning Satan at Home

An example is known from "Fausta" Goethe. It is enough to write a contract in blood, read the necessary spell - an envoy of the Lord of Darkness will appear, who will take the soul in exchange for worldly goods. In reality, this is not how calling works.

If a spellcaster is going to summon Satan to make a contract and sell a soul, they are appraising an item that may not be worth anything.

  1. Low. They are located at the bottom of the hierarchy and cost practically nothing. The group includes the souls of murderers, rapists, people who have committed all mortal sins. There is no point in Satan buying them back at a high price, because in a few decades the souls will go to Hell - Heaven will not shine for such people.
  2. Average. Souls whose owners did not commit murder, violence and abuse. You can count on receiving a tolerable income, the usual worldly goods - something that will make a person’s life quite comfortable.
  3. Higher. The most delicious souls for the Devil. The group includes virgins, children, clergy, and righteous Christians. You can get anything in exchange.

In order for the soul to be accepted and the ritual to take place correctly and safely, the following rules must be followed:

  1. If you are unsure or feeling unwell abandon the idea.
  2. The text of the spell is learned by heart so that it can be told without a single mistake or hesitation (especially in Latin).
  3. When summoning the Devil, a protective circle is used. If something goes wrong, the circle will protect you from the attack of dark forces.
  4. They must make a sacrifice.
  5. The contract is written in advance (preferably in blood).
  6. If it is not possible to draw up an agreement, they list on paper the benefits that they want to receive in exchange for their soul, signing the list in blood.
  7. You can’t go cheap, especially at the moment when it is agreed upon how many years later the soul will go to the Devil.
  8. They must carry out a ritual that will send Satan back (people often call on the Devil, but forget to send him back).
  9. The pentagram is drawn correctly.

Summoning the Devil in Latin - an ancient ritual

Much is written in Latin. It is symbolic to use a spell written in a dead language to summon Satan.

To date, the spells have been translated and adapted from Latin into Russian and other languages. Summoning the Devil in Latin is not just a tribute to tradition. The spell greatly increases the likelihood that the Prince of Darkness will actually hear.

The ritual is carried out either independently or with the help of other sorcerers. The total number of people is 5, one for each ray of the pentacle. Once the pentagram is inscribed on the floor, the star is traced to make a circle. On the line where each ray points, a circle (five in total) is drawn, in the center of which the ritual participants stand. Each person holds a candle in their hands. First the chief sorcerer says:

Etis atis animatis… etis atis amatis…

They take a sacrificial animal: a bird (chicken, duck), if it is possible to get a lamb or another representative of cattle, it will be better. They cut at the place where the pentagram is drawn.

It is better if the symbolic seal is drawn in front of the altar - the sacrifice can be made on the altar. Then they say:

Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Ter oro te! Veni, Satano! Oro te pro arte! Veni, Satano! A te spero! Veni, Satano! Opera praestro, ater oro! Veni, Satano! Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Amen.

The words of the spell are repeated three times, after which Satan appears. The presence of the Devil is felt immediately: the Ruler of Darkness will not show his true appearance, but the participants in the ritual will feel a strong attack of dizziness, nausea, the heart will begin to beat quickly and contract.

When Satan comes, they throw one by one into the pentagram a contract with a list of what they want to receive in exchange for the soul. Be sure to indicate the period after which the soul will go to Satan. Whether the Devil is ready to accept the terms of the deal can be immediately felt.

If the Devil does not agree, the rage and discontent of Satan will be overwhelmed by a wave, the spellcasters will experience a strong attack of fear and panic. Whether Satan accepted the terms of the deal or not, you should send him back to the Underworld by reading the text in unison:

Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus, omnis incursio adversarii, omne phantasma, omnis legio, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi eradicare, et effugare ab hoc plasmate Dei. Ipse tibi imperat, qui te de supernis caelorum in inferiora terrae demergi praecepit. Ipse tibi imperat, qui mari, ventis, et tempestatibus impersvit. Audi ergo, et time, satana, inimice fidei, hostis generis humani, mortis adductor, vitae raptor, justitiae declinator, malorum radix, fomes vitiorum, seductor hominum, proditor gentium, incitator invidiae, origo avaritiae, causa discordiae, excitator dolorum: quid stas , et resistis, cum scias. Christum Dominum vias tuas perdere? Illum metue, qui in Isaac immolatus est, in joseph venumdatus, in signo occisa, in homine crucifixus, deinde inferni triumphator fuit. Sequentes cruces fiant in fronte obsessi. Recede ergo in nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti: da locum Spiritui Sancto, per hoc signum sanctae Cruci Jesu Christi Domini nostri: Qui cum Patre et eodem Spiritu Sancto vivit et regnat Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Amen.

The caster will feel when the Devil leaves: fear will disappear, breathing will become easier, well-being will improve. During the ritual, you cannot go beyond the protective circle, even if you imagine terrible things. After waiting for the completion of the ritual, the boundaries of the invisible shield are erased.

Summoning the Lord of Darkness - a simple ritual

There is a simple ritual for summoning Satan. The ritual is not particularly effective, unlike the first one (in Latin). However, the ritual is often used by black sorcerers to get what they want. It is carried out independently, at the cemetery.

There should be no witnesses to the transaction. If the caster is afraid, he should practice. If the sorcerer is ready to summon the Devil, standing in a protective circle, they make a sacrifice that will appease Satan, after which they say 13 times:

I appeal to You, O Great Master of Darkness, Master of the Night, Master of Evil. I conjure you in the name of Almighty God, come to me and fulfill my request!

As soon as a person feels the cold, the Devil turned out to be merciful and deigned to come to the call. When Satan comes, the magician cuts his finger (there should be enough blood) and pronounces the text, while simultaneously writing the agreement on paper in blood:

I promise to give my soul to the Devil in 20 years for what he will do for me within (such and such a period...) (request...). I swear by the Great God, I will fulfill my oath to give my soul to the Devil for him to do everything I asked him to do in the contract.

At the end of the ritual, the agreement is signed and burned. The procedure is carried out so that the ashes are outside the boundaries of the protective circle, but it is forbidden to leave the circle until the completion of the ritual. When the treaty is burned, they say:

In the name of the One God Jesus Christ and Saint Helena with her mirrors, the first mirror split into two, in the second it was united in reflection. Satan, go, your kingdom awaits you, the black angels miss you, your wives suffer for you, the subjects of your kingdom greet you. And I, a servant of God, want to stay here. Now, forever and forever. Amen.

Calling Satan for a deal

The ritual has a long history: using the ritual guarantees the appearance of the Devil. To perform the ceremony they remain alone. It is undesirable to perform the ritual on the territory of the house: if something does not go according to plan, the Devil will remain at the place of the ritual or come there later.

They choose either an abandoned church or an old crypt. will add strength to carry out the ceremony.


  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pen (they use it to write a contract);
  • a container into which one's own blood is poured.

a container into which you need to pour your own blood; a blank sheet of paper feather

Being in the drawn circle, write in blood on a piece of paper:

I promise the Great Devil to reimburse him in 7 years for everything he gives me, in confirmation of which I put my signature.

They sign the document and begin calling Satan. Initially, a sacrifice is made, and over the gift they say:

Emperor LUCIFER, master of all rebellious spirits, I ask you to treat favorably my appeal, which I address to the Great Devil, wishing to conclude an agreement with him. I ask you, Belzebut, to patronize me in my enterprise. Oh, help me and make sure that this night the great Devil appears before me in human form and without any stench, and so that he cedes to me, through the agreement that I am going to present to him, all the riches that I need. Great Demon, I ask you to leave your location, in whatever part of the world it may be, in order to appear to speak with me, otherwise I will force you by the power of the great living God, his beloved Son and Holy Spirit; obey immediately, otherwise you will be forever tormented by the power of the powerful words of the great Key of Solomon, which he used to force the rebellious spirits to accept his agreement; so appear as soon as possible, otherwise I will continually torture you with the power of these powerful words of the Key: AGLON, TETRAGRAMMATON, VAYCHEON, STIMULAMATHON, EROHARES, RETRASAMATHON, CLYORAN, ICION, ESITION, EXISTIEN, ERYONA, ONERA, ERASYN, MOYN, MEFFIAS, SOTER , EMMANUEL, SABAOTH, ADONAI. I'm calling you. Amen.

The appearance of the Devil is felt immediately. A contract is thrown into the place where Satan ends up. When the reaction is received (the decision will be clear), one of the spells that can bring Lucifer back is said.

Pentagram to summon the Devil

Pay attention to what attributes are needed during the ceremony. A pentagram is drawn with charcoal, and candles are needed not from wax, but from melted lard, painted black.

Mysterious letter, written over 300 years ago by a Sicilian nun who claimed she was possessed by Satan, has finally been deciphered. Scientists used deep web code to read the letter.

The message - truly diabolical - describes God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as "dead demons", the researcher said.

It was written by Sister Maria Crocifisa della Concezione, a 31-year-old nun living in the monastery of Palma di Montegiaro in Sicily. On August 11, 1676, she was found on the floor of her cell, her face covered in ink, holding a note written in an unclear combination of symbols and letters, according to historical records. Apparently, the letter was written by the devil, trying to make her turn from God to evil, historical accounts suggest.

The nun's letter, just 14 lines of jumbled, archaic letters, has defied every attempt to understand its meaning for centuries.

Now scientists at the Luduma Science Museum in Sicily have used software to develop a secret code to solve the mystery. They also looked at historical records about the nun and her life to learn more about the woman.

“When you're working on a historical transcript, you can't ignore the psychological profile of the writer. We needed to find out as much as possible about this nun,” Live Science director Ludum Daniele Abate.

Sister Maria Crosifissa della Concezione, born Isabella Tomasi (she was an ancestor of the Italian writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa), entered the Benedictine convent when she was just 15 years old, according to historical records.

“The letter appeared as if it had been written in abbreviation. We hypothesized that Sister Mary created a new vocabulary using ancient alphabets that she may have known,” Abate says.

To find out for sure, the research first tested on software, which they used with standard shorthand characters from various languages. They discovered that the nun's letter contained a mixture of words from ancient alphabets such as Greek, Latin, Runic and Arabic.

“We analyzed how syllables and graphics (or thoughts depicted as symbols) are repeated in writing to find vowels, and we ended up with an improved decryption algorithm,” Abbate.

The team did not have high hopes for the result.

“We thought we could just make some words that made sense. But the nun had a good command of languages,” adding that “the message was more complete than expected.”

Decoding a letter from a possessed nun

Incoherent and not entirely clear, the letter, in addition to calling on the "dead scales" of the Holy Trinity, goes on to say that "God thinks he can free mortals... The system doesn't work for anyone... Perhaps now, Styx is sure.

In Greek and Roman mythology, the Styx is the river that separates the underworld from the world of the living.

The letter states that Sister Maria suffered from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. “The image of the devil is often present in these riots. We learned from historical records that every night she screamed and fought with the devil,” Abate said.

Maria Serafika

For the church of the time, the letter was instead considered the result of her struggle with "countless evil spirits," according to a written account of the origins of Abbess Maria Seraphica.

According to Seraphica's account of the nun's behavior, written shortly after the incident, the devil forced Sister Mary (who was subsequently blessed) to sign the letter. She heroically resisted the demand, writing "Ohimé" (oh, I), which is the only understandable word in the letter, writes Serafika.

Shocking news has excited the Internet - three centuries later, a letter dictated by the devil to the nun Maria Crocifissa della Conchesion has been deciphered!

It is known that born Isabella Tomasi, from the age of 15, was in the Benedictine convent of Palma di Montechiaro in Agrigento. But one of her mornings in 1676 did not start according to God’s plan - the girl woke up in her cell, sitting on the floor, and even with her face and hands smeared with ink! On the table she found a piece of paper with text, the meaning of which no one understood...

Nun Maria did not hide anything, but immediately admitted to the nun sisters that this letter was dictated to her by the devil himself, who had possessed her!

By the way, then no one doubted the words of the “possessed” woman, but on the contrary, the letter was put on display in the monastery for everyone to see. But here’s the thing: no one could understand or read the meaning of the words written by the girl under dictation from the devil. Who would doubt that after 361 years, the mysterious manuscript would simply be left alone and not try to find out the truth? But it is worth noting visible results No one’s versions and attempts were successful until...

Until the Italian computer geniuses from the Ludum research center in Catania got down to business. It turns out that they took advantage of the anonymous DarkNet space, closed from the authorities and search engines, which remains invisible to ordinary browsers, and then they selected a suitable decryption algorithm!

You won’t believe it, but in order to start working with the “language of the devil”, specialists had to load many rare alphabets into the program, including Yazidi, ancient Greek and even ancient Germanic runic.

The algorithm worked by trying to match letters from the alphabets with signs and letters from the mysterious letter. And 15 lines of a terrible message “succumbed” to him!

By the way, the text itself is indeed very similar to the devil - it is written nervously, chaotically, and even in different languages. And the red line through the entire “message” is reflections on the relationship between people, God and the devil.

Here are some phrases and passages verbatim: “God was invented by man”, “This system does not work for anyone”, “God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are an extra burden, useless”, and - “God believes that he can free all mortals "

"Letter of the Devil"

After the long-awaited opening, the director of the Ludum center, Daniele Abate, comments on what happened with undisguised skepticism:

“Maria was probably a talented linguist. She wrote the text in a language she invented herself, mixing the alphabets she knew. Each character is well thought out and structured. But the devil, of course, was... In her head!

Scientists have already been able to establish that nun Maria was indeed an excellent linguist - she knew Latin, ancient Greek and runic alphabets. But to this knowledge were added diagnoses - it turns out that the girl suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Today, the famous “letter of the devil” is kept in the cathedral of Agrigento (Sicily), and a copy of it is in the native monastery of the nun Maria.