"Arbat Prestige": Who is the real owner of the cosmetics store chain? Biography Nekrasov Arbat prestige where now.

Founder, main owner or manager of 100 percent of the shares of Arbat Prestige OJSC. In 2004-2008 he also held the position general director companies. In January 2008, he was arrested on suspicion of tax evasion in the amount of about 50 million rubles. In May of the same year, he resigned as the general director of Arbat Prestige and appointed him to this post former top manager YUKOS Roman Khomenko.

Vladimir Ilyich Nekrasov was born in 1961 in the city of Snezhnoye, Donetsk region, Ukrainian SSR. In 1983 he graduated from the Donetsk Medical Institute.

In 1989, Nekrasov founded the Arbat Prestige company. She specialized in the distribution of perfumery and cosmetic products and retail trade. After opening its first specialty store in 1999, the company began to focus exclusively on retail trade perfumes and cosmetics. In 2004, Nekrasov took the post of general director of Arbat and Co LLC, and in 2005 he became general director and head of the board of directors of Arbat Prestige - Gradient OJSC.

In March 2004, Nekrasov sold 40 percent of the shares of the Arbat Prestige chain to the Troika Dialog investment company. The deal amounted to $100 million, so the value of the entire network was estimated at approximately $250 million. At the same time, other experts in the same period estimated the real estate value of the company, which owned 14 stores, at $200 million, and market value the entire network - $400 million.

In February 2007, Nekrasov bought a 40 percent stake in Arbat Prestige from Troika Dialog. The entrepreneur paid $400 million for the shares, again becoming, according to some sources, the sole owner of the company. According to other sources, “both transactions were non-monetary and were carried out in the interests of the real owners of the network,” and Nekrasov became only the manager of 100 percent of the shares. In any case, this transaction became the largest in the Russian perfumery and cosmetics market, and the total capitalization of the company was estimated at $1 billion. In the spring of 2007, the Arbat Prestige chain included 94 stores.

March 26, 2007 at an extraordinary meeting general meeting shareholders of Arbat Prestige OJSC (the parent company of the network), Nekrasov was again elected to the board of directors of the company, and Viktor Beskibalov was elected chairman of the board.

On January 24, 2008, Nekrasov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of tax evasion in the amount of about 50 million rubles. It was noted that fifty SOBR officers took part in his arrest. According to some reports, another well-known businessman was detained along with Nekrasov - entrepreneur, Evergate consultant Sergei Schneider (aka Semyon Mogilevich), wanted by the FBI for participation in fraud with shares in the United States, whom the press called “one of the real owners of the network.” . At the same time, operatives conducted searches in Nekrasov’s office, study and home. Later Ostankino district court granted the request of the investigator of the investigative unit at the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District to arrest the businessman.

On the same day more appeared detailed information about what Nekrasov is suspected of. With reference to a source in the operational investigative group, it was reported that the businessman is accused of creating a scheme related to the illegal return of VAT. According to investigators, from January 2005 to December 2006, Arbat and Co LLC, controlled by Nekrasov and part of the Arbat Prestige group of companies, made payments for products allegedly supplied to “fly-by-night companies” Magnolia LLC, Alkion LLC and Original LLC, also controlled by the businessman, after which documents were submitted for VAT refund. In turn, the “fly-by-night companies” that acted as suppliers of perfume products, according to the investigation, did not pay VAT.

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Nekrasov’s lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, said that his client denies his guilt and “has no idea what we’re talking about.” He regarded the criminal prosecution of his client as “redistribution of the market with the help law enforcement"In addition, experts suggested that the arrest of the entrepreneur could be connected with the trade in counterfeit cosmetics practiced in his company, as well as with the use of "gray" schemes for importing goods into Russia. The media also wrote that the Arbat Prestige case "can only be a reason for the arrest of Schneider (Mogilevich).

On January 30, 2008, Nekrasov and Schneider (Mogilevich) were formally charged with tax evasion. Lawyers for the entrepreneurs immediately stated that their clients rejected all charges and expressed their intention to seek the release of those arrested on bail.

In February 2008, at a press conference, Dobrovinsky, Nekrasov’s lawyer, said that a “very influential person” offered his client $3 million to abandon the Arbat Prestige company. The defender also said that if Nekrasov leaves the business, the criminal case against the entrepreneur will be dropped, but if he does not do this, several more criminal cases will allegedly be brought against him, in particular, under the articles “fraud” and “smuggling” and “forgery of documents.” Dobrovinsky, who called the criminal case against the head of Arbat Prestige a “raider action,” refused to reveal the identity of the person who made such an offer.

On May 16, 2008, Nekrasov appointed a former high-ranking employee as general director of Arbat Prestige oil company YUKOS Roman Khomenko. Before this, since Nekrasov’s arrest in January, the duties of general director were performed by the head of the legal department of Arbat Prestige, Alexey Shvetsov. According to Khomenko, Nekrasov invited him to “lead the company out of the crisis.”

Nekrasov is a famous collector, owner of the largest collection of paintings. It was noted that most of the works from his seven-thousandth collection are exhibited in the stores of the Arbat Prestige chain, and are also periodically exhibited in the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Vladimir Nekrasov 01.05.2014 05:44:38

Obama doesn't need to stick his nose where the dog doesn't stick his dick. Otherwise, you will be left not only without a nose.

Vladimir Nekrasov took control of the bankruptcy of Arbat Prestige. The holding repaid its debt to the last largest creditor, Sberbank (RUB 341 million). Previously, debts to Uralsib (RUB 583 million) and Nomos Bank (RUB 1.033 billion) had already been purchased. Recently, the cassation court confirmed the groundlessness tax claims to the network (see "Kommersant" dated April 5), on which the accusation in the criminal case against Vladimir Nekrasov was based. This removes the last obstacles to ending the criminal prosecution of the businessman, which has been going on for more than three years. Representatives of Mr. Nekrasov and market participants say that the businessman will not return to the perfume business, but they do not rule out that he will move into another direction.

Until the beginning of 2008, Arbat Prestige was considered the largest perfume and cosmetics chain in Russia (turnover in 2007 was $471.5 million, uniting 95 stores in Russia and Ukraine). The holding's problems began after on January 23, the creator of Arbat Prestige, Vladimir Nekrasov, and his partner Sergei Shnaider (Semyon Mogilevich) were detained on charges of tax evasion from the organization. According to investigators, in the period from January 2005 to December 2006, the defendants, using front companies-suppliers Magnolia, Alkion and Original, hid about 115 million rubles from taxation. The holding, which had accumulated debts to suppliers and banks, began to close stores, the last one was closed in February 2009. By August 2009, all Arbat Prestige structures initiated their bankruptcy, trying to prevent third-party creditors from gaining control over it. However, banks soon intervened in the process (Uralsib, Nomos Bank and Sberbank), owning about 2 billion rubles in total. requirements. The borrower for the loans was Arbat & Co. LLC, other companies were guarantors or pledgors for them. Therefore, the main thing was to achieve control specifically in the bankruptcy of Arbat & Co.

The Arbat Prestige company was created as a distributor of cosmetics and perfumes in 1989, and the first store was opened in 1998. OJSC "Arbat Prestige" is the parent company of the holding, owns shares in several companies and a trademark. Arbat & Co LLC is the operating company that managed the chain stores. Firma Real LLC and Capital Estate LLC owned real estate in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

On July 24, 2009, Messrs. Nekrasov and Schneider were released from the pre-trial detention center on their own recognizance. After this, Vladimir Nekrasov began to take active steps to manage the bankruptcy process of the holding. Already in September 2009, his demands amounted to 617.5 million rubles. were included in the Arbat & Co. register. In November of the same year, it became known that Nomos Bank assigned its rights as a creditor for 1.033 billion rubles. to a certain Autoaudit N 1 LLC, associated with the former management company holding "Russian Investments": the chairman of its board of directors, Kirill Ignatiev, is the owner of 99% of "Avtoaudit N 1". And on March 4, Uralsib Bank disappeared from the holding’s creditors. As it turned out, at the end of 2009, three structures of Russian Investments (Commercial Group Russian Investments LLC, Investment Company Russian Investments LLC and Petersburg City Development LLC) entered into surety agreements for the debts of Arbat & Co. "in front of Uralsib. At the beginning of this year, they fully repaid the loan for $18.93 million and with this amount were included in the register of creditors of the company. On March 30, the register of creditors of Arbat & Co. was replenished with another holding structure, Capital Estate LLC, with claims for 1.643 billion rubles.

Today arbitration court Moscow will consider the request of Firma Real LLC to replace Sberbank in the register of creditor claims of Arbat & Co LLC for 341 million rubles. Sberbank became the last bank whose debts were paid off by the bankrupt holding company. The loan was taken out by Arbat & Co., and the guarantors for it were Capital Estate LLC and Firm Real, which also provided the bank with a building on Sergius Radonezhsky Street, 2 as collateral. During the bankruptcy of Firm Real, this the property was sold at auction (initial sale price 307.2 million rubles), and the debt to Sberbank was repaid with the proceeds.

“If one of the guarantors repays a debt to the bank, then he acquires the rights of a creditor under it and can actually establish his claims in the register of creditors of the borrower,” explains the head of the judicial arbitration practice law firm"Yakovlev and Partners" Kir Corum. Taking into account this debt, the claims of Mr. Nekrasov and creditors close to him in the register of Arbat & Co LLC (the main debts of the holding are concentrated in it) will amount to 4.28 billion rubles, while the total debt of the company was estimated at approximately 5.3 billion rubles . (see diagram).

In October 2010, the Moscow Arbitration Court questioned the validity of the criminal prosecution of the owner of Arbat Prestige, Vladimir Nekrasov, and his partner Sergei Schneider (Semyon Mogilevich). The court declared illegal tax claims against Arbat & Co. in the amount of over 155 million rubles, based on the use of shell companies. These same dubious suppliers also appear in the criminal case against Messrs. Nekrasov and Schneider. Vladimir Nekrasov's lawyer Alexander Asnis previously told Kommersant that when the court's decision comes into force, it will be prejudicial to the criminal case and will provide grounds for its termination. In the same October, the criminal case was returned by the court to the prosecutor's office to eliminate shortcomings. On April 4 of this year, the Court of Cassation confirmed the illegality of tax claims against Arbat & Co., and company representatives reported that the case is still with the prosecutor's office.

Lawyers believe that closing a criminal case at the investigation stage is easier than doing it in court. “The period for the prosecutor’s office to eliminate violations that impede the consideration of the case in court is five days, but in practice, the prosecutor often sends the case with his instructions to the investigative authorities. In the presence of certain circumstances, they can resume the preliminary investigation of the case and, having made sure that there is no corpus delicti or event of a crime , they may issue a decision to terminate the case,” says the lawyer law firm"Yukov, Khrenov and partners" Igor Kopenkin.

The most valuable assets of the bankrupt chain are now the Arbat Prestige trademark and four real estate assets - a building at Varshavskoye Shosse, 65 (owned by Arbat & Co, pledged under a loan to Nomos Bank, now pledged to Avtoaudit N 1), a store on Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, 5/1 and two buildings in St. Petersburg (registered under Capital Estate LLC).

If earlier representatives of Mr. Nekrasov did not rule out his return to business, now they believe that he is unlikely to revive Arbat Prestige. Mr. Nekrasov’s lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, does not think that Vladimir Nekrasov will return to the perfume business. “Arbat Prestige was conceived as an extensive chain of supermarkets with a large assortment of cosmetics. With a small number of stores this is not feasible,” he says. Kirill Ignatiev agrees with him: “The task of restoring the network was not set. More than one and a half years go by a systematic process of selling assets in order to at least partially repay debts. The point is to deal with creditors correctly, to sell as much as possible of what can be sold."

In addition to banks, Arbat & Co also has a large debt to suppliers, their number is in the dozens, the estimated amount of claims is about 1 billion rubles. The head of the distribution company Hermitage & Star Beaute, a former supplier of Arbat Prestige, Vladimir Voronchenko believes that “Nekrasov’s interest can only be in the premises, since it makes no sense to revive the business: it’s too competitive market". Mr. Voronchenko is confident that suppliers will agree to work with Arbat Prestige only if all old debts are repaid.

Anna Zanina, Anastasia Gorshkova, Kristina Busko