Firebird applique of autumn leaves. Composition of leaves “Firebird”

Firebird made from leaves: crafting with children. Step-by-step master class.

Firebird made from leaves: crafting with children

This craft was sent to our competition by Olga Borisovna Tugarinova and Yana Tugarinova from Vologda

I give the floor to Olga Borisovna to describe the work.

Firebird made of leaves: materials

You will need: newspapers, tape, album sheet, hot glue, dry leaves, birch catkins.

Firebird made of leaves: description of the work

Step 1. Make the base of the body of the bird. We made it from newspapers. They rolled up the newspapers and secured them with tape.
Step 2. Cut out a tail from a landscape sheet and glue it to the body of the bird.
Step 3. Cover the entire bird with dry leaves using glue (we used hot glue).

Step 4. Make paws from birch catkins

Step 5. Decorate the firebird with rhinestones, sparkles, and berries.


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Head: Elvira Gadelkhanovna Musina, teacher at the preschool educational institution MBOU preschool educational institution CDTT “Biktyrysh”, Ufa

Pupil: Musina Adelina, 4 years old, pupil of the Biktyrysh Children's Children's Education Center

Explanatory note.

Autumn is a wonderful time! She is not only beautiful, but also rich, generous with gifts, just have time to receive them! Multi-colored leaves, seeds of different shapes, bright berries - use your imagination! So I don’t pass by this beauty, I collect everything that the beautiful Autumn gives us!


Autumn-Firebird flapped its wings,

Everything lit up with colored lights:

Tree crowns, bushes and paths,

Grasses in the fields and dewdrops on the grass,

And the clouds over the overgrown river,

The water in the river also became colored.

The colors play, caress, call.

The colors of autumn sing hymns.

I bring to your attention a panel made of seeds, leaves and berries, easy to make and original! (photo ris1.jpg)

This work can be done with preschool and school age. Using a finished picture, preschoolers gain the ability to smear plasticine and work with natural materials, while older children can complete the work themselves with their own hands.

Target— production of the painting “Autumn - Firebird”.


1. teach how to work with plasticine and natural materials;

2. consolidate skills - smearing plasticine over a drawing;

3. instill aesthetic taste, respect for nature, accustom to accuracy and attentiveness.

Equipment: cardboard, pencil, eraser, plasticine and natural materials - seeds of various trees, rowan fruits, leaves.


1. Draw a bird or a tree branch with a pencil.

2. Roll small balls of plasticine. We begin to spread the plasticine in a layer of 2-3 mm.

First - the bird's head, then the body, tail and wings. At the end we form a tree branch on which the bird sits (photo ris6.jpg).

3. Prepare the seeds for work. We separate them from the branch.

4. We begin to attach the seeds from the bird’s tail upward, pressing them into the plasticine.

5. Place the second layer of seeds exactly on half of the first layer, covering it.

6. In this way we reach the neck of the bird and make wings, starting to attach seeds from the tips of the wings.

7. We make a beak from two seeds, attach a rowan eye to a piece of plasticine, and make a crest for the bird on top.

8. Attach the branch. You can decorate a tree branch with rowan fruits, which will give the picture bright colors.

10. Children understand the technique of work, and they do it with pleasure.

Bottom line.

During this work, the child learns to be neat, attentive, and work with plasticine and natural materials; develop fine motor skills; We instill respect for nature and aesthetic taste. Adeline really liked it, and we came up with new paintings with natural material of golden autumn.


Autumn is a wonderful Firebird,

Arrived just before dawn.

I wasn't afraid to go down

In the palm of September.

I recognized her by her color -

There are no brighter colors in the world.

This bird was sent to us

Gods of fairy planets.


Firebird fiery autumn,

Don’t get caught in the snare of despondency,

Don't hit the ground with slanting rain,

The forest landscape is more wonderful than Gzhel,

How long will this grace last?

Firebird autumn, really?

Are you going to fly away?

I'll take a walk where the maples are,

In a leafy snowstorm.

Leaf scorched by the Firebird,

I'll save it as a keepsake.

This is the backstage of fairy tales,

Quiet forest like the Garden of Eden -

Gilded leaves

Like feathers circling.


Firebird fiery autumn,

Don’t get caught in the snare of despondency,

Don't hit the ground with slanting rain,

Soar up with the fire of the fire.

Autumn is a time for exciting experiments with natural materials: leaves, cones, twigs, rowan berries, chestnuts, acorns and other gifts of nature. Leaf crafts are perhaps the most popular creative activity with children for autumn days. We offer a simple master class on making a three-dimensional panel “Firebird”.

For work you will need: yellow leaves, gold, silver and red acrylic paint (you can take other colors, but always acrylic), brush, thick glue (PVA is possible, but it is safer to use a glue gun), corrugated cardboard, fabric, large stapler, flexible cardboard, scissors, needle and thread.

Step 1: Making the Background

Cut out the base for the panel from corrugated cardboard. It can be of any shape, for me it is an A4 rectangle. Cover the base with fabric, securing its edges on the back side with a stapler.

Step 2: Making the Bird's Tail

Select leaves that are suitable in size and shape and place them on the base the way they will look in the final work. Then take the leaves one at a time and carefully paint them with acrylic. You can paint not all the leaves, but only some, to preserve the charm of natural autumn tones. Let the leaves dry completely.

Step 3: Glue the tail to the base

My son and I decided to use a glue gun, which allows us to apply a very thick layer of hot glue, and thus securely connect all the branches of the “tail”. Unfortunately, I only had black glue, but it turned out to be fixable: we then painted over the blackness with gold paint. Squeeze a large puddle of glue into the base of the tail and place two or three dots on the end of each leaf. Arrange the leaves as intended and press well. Let the glue harden.

Step 4: Making the Bird's Body

To create the effect of volume, we cut out a figure from flexible cardboard and sewed it with four stitches to the base of the picture. Like this:

All that remains is to paint the bird’s body, draw or glue its eyes, and decorate its beak. The cute bird is ready!

This is a very simple option, feasible for a student. primary school in everything except using a glue gun (that's an adult's job). But you can complicate or diversify this master class with your own ideas.

Autumn is not only cloudy days and raindrops that constantly drum on the windows and roof, but also a time of bright colorful landscapes. During a normal walk. which takes place in a city park or public garden, it is easy to assemble a whole collection of materials of various sizes, shapes and colors (yellow, brown, green, red, orange), with the help of which craftswomen, and even children, create crafts from tree leaves with their own hands for gifts or home decoration, interior, school exhibitions, presentations for teacher's day or autumn holiday.

Step-by-step instructions for crafts for children using tree leaves

A variety of shapes, and with them stunning colors autumn leaves give the chance to create many compositions, ekibans, herbariums, applications and crafts. If we talk about subjects, birds, zodiac signs, fairy-tale creatures, animals, decorative elements and jewelry are considered popular. It is especially interesting to involve a child in such creativity, because creating masterpieces develops his imagination and creative potential. Use the following step by step instructions to teach your child to create interesting crafts with their own hands.

Volumetric applique Owl from birch leaves

To create an owl, birch leaves are best suited; they are small in size, have an even contour, due to which they easily fit into the drawing making it three-dimensional.

Necessary materials and tools:

  • album sheet of white cardboard;
  • stationery scissors;
  • birch leaves;
  • simple pencil;
  • black buttons or toy eyes;
  • PVA glue;
  • 1 sheet of white, black, red paper.

Step by step execution:

  1. To begin, draw on cardboard or print out the silhouette of the future owl.
  2. Next, carefully cut out the cardboard bird.
  3. Visually divide the owl into horizontal rows, apply glue to each one in turn and lay down the leaves. It is recommended to start gluing the sheets from the bottom row, gradually moving up to the top row until we have completely covered the entire owl. Lay the leaves overlapping each other.
  4. For the eyes, take white paper, cut out two circles, and glue them onto the owl with glue. We use black buttons as pupils, which need to be attached to the paper eyes with glue.
  5. We use red paper for the legs and beak, cut them out, and glue them to the owl with glue.

Autumn craft hedgehog made from pine cones and leaves

Not only some leaves are used for crafts, others are also added to them natural materials- chestnuts, cones, acorns. Try making a funny hedgehog with your child. Necessary materials:

  • Pine cones;
  • plastic bottle (0.5 or 1 liter);
  • stationery knife;
  • a piece of thick cardboard;
  • brown plasticine
  • glue "Moment";
  • two bottle caps;
  • black acrylic paints.


  1. It is advisable to take a bottle of a dark color (brown or black); if this is not available, a transparent one will do, but then it must be completely painted with acrylic paints.
  2. We attach the bumps to the painted bottle using glue, starting from the back of the future hedgehog. Make sure that the cones are firmly fixed to the bottle. We cover the entire bottle with cones, except for the “face” and “tummy” of the future animal.
  3. When the hedgehog's body is ready, we move on to creating a nose - to do this, we paste the bottle cap with brown plasticine.
  4. For the eyes, we take two white bottle caps, in the center of which we draw pupils with acrylic paint.
  5. Glue the finished eyes to the muzzle with glue.
  6. The craft is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate it. To do this, spread the moss on a piece of cardboard and place the hedgehog on it.
  7. Place leaves and rowan berries on the back of the animal.

Composition of leaves Firebird

With the help of autumn leaves, children's fairy tales can come to life in original compositions. For example, we suggest trying to create a Firebird. Required materials and tools:

  • a piece of white cardboard;
  • yellow and black acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • red and green maple leaves;
  • scissors;
  • birch leaves;
  • stems with ash leaves;
  • stems with leaves of white acacia;
  • birch leaves;
  • simple pencil;

Step by step execution:

  1. Draw a silhouette of the Firebird with a bushy tail on cardboard and cut it out. Paint the body of the bird up to the tail with yellow acrylic, and draw an eye in black. Wait until the paint dries.
  2. Then we start decorating the Firebird, starting from the bottom of the tail. Apply glue to a strip of cardboard tail and tightly fasten the golden ash stems.
  3. In the next layer, a little higher, we glue a row of red maple leaves, 3rd row - green maple leaves, fourth - birch leaves, fifth - green maple, sixth - white acacia stems, seventh - birch leaves, the final row - red maple leaves.
  4. When the tail is ready, we begin to create the wing. Again we begin to attach the leaves with glue from the bottom row in the following sequence - ash stem, red maple leaf, green maple leaf, birch leaf, red maple leaf.
  5. Fairytale Firebird ready!

Tree leaf mask

For children's party In the fall at kindergarten or school or a masquerade ball, make an original mask with your child. You will need:

  • maple leaves of different sizes;
  • cardboard;
  • strong rope, ribbon or elastic band;
  • stationery scissors;
  • glue;

Step by step execution:

  1. Draw a blank for the mask on a cardboard sheet and cut it out along the contour.
  2. Make small cuts along the edges of the mask and tie a thread so that in the future the product will stay well on your head.
  3. Glue the cardboard blank with glue and leaves. Start attaching the large leaves around the edges first, and the small ones in the middle.

Vase of autumn leaves

Autumn leaves are used not only to make children's crafts, but also to decorate home interiors. We offer to make an original vase for sweets or fruits. Tools needed and materials:

  • PVA glue;
  • balloon;
  • petrolatum;
  • glue brush;
  • scissors;
  • Maple leaves.

Step by step execution:

  1. We inflate the ball to the required size, the more capacious the vase is needed, the larger the ball will be.
  2. To ensure that the leaves are well separated from the ball, before work we lubricate it with Vaseline.
  3. For convenient work, we fix our ball in any container and begin to make a vase.
  4. Using a brush, generously coat each maple leaf with glue and apply one by one to the inflated ball.
  5. Lay out several layers of leaves.
  6. Once again, completely coat the almost finished product with glue and wait until it is completely dry (48-72 hours).
  7. Then deflate the balloon.

Photo frame

All children love to decorate the walls of their room with photographs or hand-drawn pictures. Help place your child's favorite photo in an original, homemade frame. Necessary materials:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • leaves;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors.

Step by step execution:

  1. Prepare a cardboard frame of the required size. We do a little work on the middle of the frame (where the photo will be) less photos.
  2. Before decorating the frame, dip the leaves in hot water, they will become soft.
  3. Next, use PVA glue to glue the frame with leaves.
  4. Place the finished craft under a stack of heavy magazines or books. We are waiting for the frame to dry.
  5. We insert our favorite photo into our composition, securing it at the back with tape.

Applique Lion and fish on paper made from dry tree leaves

Colorful and bright applications are obtained if whole leaves are used for their preparation. Children love to create different animals and birds - a bunny, a fox, a horse, a cockerel, a cat, a dog, etc. We suggest making a funny lion cub and fish. Required materials for the lion:

  • yellow linden leaves;
  • black felt-tip pen or marker;
  • ash seeds;
  • horse chestnut fruits;
  • PVA glue;
  • dry pine twig;
  • scissors;
  • yellow colored paper;
  • orange cardboard.

Step by step description:

  1. Print or draw a lion's head on yellow paper and cut it out.
  2. Glue the mane in a circle using glue in several rows with linden leaves.
  3. Use a black felt-tip pen to paint over the lion's nose and glue one chestnut to it with glue.
  4. We use needles from a dry pine twig as antennae for the lion.
  5. The tongue will replace the ash seed glued with glue.
  6. When the product dries, the craft will be ready.

Necessary materials for the fish:

  • yellow linden leaves;
  • PVA glue;
  • brown quince leaves;
  • marker;
  • ash seeds;
  • acorns;
  • stationery scissors;
  • blue colored paper.

Step by step description:

  1. Print the fish template on blue paper or draw it with a marker and cut it out with scissors.
  2. Cut a stalk from each linden leaf and use glue to attach them to the frame in the form of fish scales.
  3. Glue a few quince leaves onto the tail of the applique and decorate with ash seeds.
  4. Attach the acorn caps to the fish using glue along the line of the head. Your DIY tree leaf craft is ready!

How to dry leaves for crafts

Dry leaves are an excellent free raw material for various herbariums, applications, and crafts. So that your crafts are preserved long time, you need to learn how to dry leaves correctly. To do this, study these rules:

  • Collect natural material only in dry weather.
  • Choose leaf color yellow or green.
  • pay attention to appearance leaves. The most suitable ones will be smooth, beautiful and clean, without damage or black spots.

There are several options for drying leaves. Let's look at each:

  • Long-lasting and high-quality method (takes 14-30 days). Carefully level each leaf and place it between the pages of the notebook, which must be placed in a large thick book. Weigh the book on top with something heavy.
  • Accelerated. If you didn’t have time to make the preparation, but you already need leaves for tomorrow, this method is the most suitable. Place the leaves between the newspapers and iron them with a warm iron 3-4 times. Then let the plants cool and repeat the procedure several more times. It is worth saying that when using this method, the plants become fragile and cannot be stored for a long time, the green leaves immediately darken, and the yellow ones remain bright.
  • Alternative. Some craftswomen have gotten used to preparing leaves using a hair dryer. They claim that with this method the plants do not darken, but there is a chance that the leaves will curl into a tube.

Autumn time is generous with all kinds of natural materials: bright leaves, ripe fruits, acorns, nuts. There really is a limitless field for imagination! Experienced craftsmen are looking forward to these colorful days, and little craftsmen, in no way inferior to older and more experienced ones, are happy to collect autumn bouquets from fallen leaves, sculpt various interesting figures, and put together beautiful compositions.

I bring to your attention such an autumn composition, let’s call it “Firebird”.

We will need:

  • The basis for the composition (a sheet of landscape or watercolor paper, a beautiful napkin, a postcard - basically, whatever you want);
  • Leaves of different plants (I have currants, birch, rose hips);
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Several branches of thuja (or any other plant suitable for the composition);
  • PVA glue.

First, I’ll tell you how I made the basis for my composition. I took a sheet of beige watercolor paper and placed a lacy baking mat on top of it.

All this was thoroughly tinted using the airbrush technique: spraying paint with a toothbrush. I went over the openwork edge of the napkin especially carefully.

I gave the paint time to dry and carefully removed the napkin. The places that were covered with a napkin remained a soft beige color, and everything else turned into small specks.

I cut out a circle of the required diameter from a rectangular sheet. That's it - the substrate is ready!

Now we begin to compose the composition. To do this, we dry the necessary leaves in advance so that they do not become deformed or lose their color.

From a currant leaf (or any other suitable shape) we make the body of our Firebird. Glue it.

The birch leaf will become the head of the future bird.

We disassemble the rosehip branch into leaves - segments.

And, placing them in a checkerboard pattern, we make a tail.

Glue on some beautiful feathers from small rosehip branches.
We make wings from birch leaves.

Glue an eye - a pumpkin seed - to the bird's head.

We decorate the tail and body of the Firebird with pumpkin seeds, gluing them in random order.

We make a tuft from a small thuja branch.

And we use them to decorate the tail of the Firebird. They add volume, the ponytail becomes fluffy and curly.

To complete the picture, you can decorate our bird with a bright flower - it would be logical, of course, to take marigolds, but I only had homemade violets on hand. With such a flower on her crest, our Firebird became a real beauty, like a Spanish Carmen!

Perhaps you want to show your imagination and decorate the Firebird differently, let's say this:

Wonderful! Experiment, create, and then there will be no trace of autumn depression, and it will be replaced by inspiration and good mood!

Elena Modenova