1s 77 latest release. Where to get information about updates

When you enter the program in user mode, it automatically connects to the 1C server and if a new update is released, a message appears about the need for an update. If you want to clarify which releases are currently relevant, you can do this at the link >>>

How to adjust the date of receipt of personal income tax in the document Payroll?

The accounting department of an enterprise has a limited salary block and often users are lost on how to adjust the date of receipt of an employee’s income if necessary so that everything correctly falls into the 6-personal income tax form. This is done as follows: on the personal income tax tab, the “Adjust personal income tax” checkbox is set and corrections are made in the corresponding column “Date of receipt of income”

How to quickly print out receipts and outgoing orders for the year?

Step 1. Open the list of Cash Documents. Set up selection necessary documents for printing (button MORE - Customize the list, for example, printing documents for the year) Step 2. Press Ctrl + A - all selected documents will be selected. Or select documents manually by pressing and holding the CTRL (left) key and pointing to the desired documents with the mouse.
Marked documents are highlighted in yellow
Step 3. Click on the Print button and select printed form cash warrant

How to return the button of inactive counterparties in the Purchase/Sales Book?

If the button of inactive counterparties in the Book of Purchases / Sales has disappeared, then we perform the described actions.
We set the USRN check in the Support and Maintenance settings: Section Administration - Support and maintenance - Support for counterparties checkbox Automatically check counterparties for USRN

How to display contact information for database counterparties?

This is done through the Universal report in the directory Counterparties - Contact information. Setting up the Universal Report in this case is carried out as follows: Step 1. The following values ​​are indicated in the header of the report for information selection:
  • Period
  • Directory
  • Counterparties
  • Contract Information
Step 2. On the "Indicators" tab, the values ​​​​should be set as in the figure below:
Step 3. We generate a report
Step 4. We complicate the task: you need to display only legal addresses.
On the "Selection" tab, the values ​​​​should be set as in the figure below:
Step 5. Generate a report

How to save a counterparty with an address different from the FIAS directory?

The program is configured to prohibit entering incorrect addresses. Look: section Administration - General settings - Contact information - Types of contact information - Contact information of the directory "Contractors" at the actual and legal address. If there is a checkbox "Prohibit entering an incorrect address" - uncheck it.

Firm 1C constantly releases new releases of its configurations: adds new features, updates reporting forms.

Therefore, the configuration of your infobases also needs to be constantly updated. The 1C program even itself reminds of this and offers to make an update. You can update 1C 8.3 yourself in two ways: through the configurator or via the Internet. Consider step by step instructions for updating 1s and what needs to be done after this procedure using an example.

Updating the program 1C 8 via the Internet

To update 1C 8.3 via the Internet, go to the "Administration" menu and find the "Program version update" section:

First, let's go to the section "Setting up software updates via the Internet":

In this window, the most important thing is to enter the user code and password, without them it will not be possible to connect to the site with updates. You should have received them with . If for some reason you do not have them, there is a link next to which you will go to your Personal Area on the support site, and there will be all the data.

Here you can also disable automatic checking for updates, set up a check on a schedule or every time you enter the program.

Leave the switch on "Automatic updates" and click "Next". If a newer release of the program than the current one is found, the corresponding information will appear.

For my configuration, a newer version was found, and now I will try to update 1C. Pay attention to the size of the update, as it is downloaded and unpacked to the user's directory, which is located on the "C:" drive. Accordingly, there must be enough free space on it. By the way, here you can read what changes and innovations are in the update. We press "Next".

Oddly enough, the program could not connect to its server the first time because it used my old code and password, although in the settings I specified everything correctly:

I click "OK", enter the correct data and click "Next". I hope you don't see such a window.

The program will start receiving the update file. Depending on your internet speed, this can be quite a lengthy process. It took me a few minutes. In the next window, we have to choose whether to update immediately or upon completion of work. If you decide to upgrade immediately, make sure no one else is in the database. The update takes place in exclusive mode.

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Here it will be proposed to backup before the update. My advice is NECESSARILY make a backup copy of the 1C base, made sure to own experience. And I recommend choosing the last item "Create a backup copy with saving to a directory." In this case, if something goes wrong during the update, the program itself will return everything to its place.

My update went without problems and took about 45 minutes.

Important note! After installing the configuration update, the program may require you to update the 1C platform. How to do this, you can read in or see in our video:

Self-updating 1C 8.3 through the configurator

To make an update through the configurator, you first need to download the 1C update file from the official website or from the ITS disk. How to do this, I described in the article "". Only a row in the table, of course, you need to select another (1C Accounting):

One point should be noted here. Not all latest versions releases may fit your current configuration. Therefore, if you have not updated for a long time, you may have to download several versions. The list of releases shows which one suits which.

In my case, the latest release of 1C is suitable, and I downloaded it. Unlike the platform update file, configuration updates are archived. It is also advisable to place it in a clean directory and run it. After it is unpacked, run the setup.exe file:

The update will be installed in the specified directory. This is usually the default directory, but you can specify a different one.

Now we go to the configurator:

Of course, you need to log in as a user with administrative rights.

Make a backup right now!

Now you need to go to the menu "Configuration - Support - Configuration Update". A window will appear:

If one or more 1C 8.3 configuration updates are found, a window will appear with the choice of the one you need:

If several available updates are found, the program will highlight the latest one in bold.

We click "Finish". Two more information windows will appear, there you just need to click "Continue".

The update process will begin. After a while, a configuration comparison window may appear. If you are not an expert, then it is better not to touch anything there. Click "Run":

After a while, the message “Configuration merging completed” will appear. Click "OK".

Now we need to update the config. information base. To do this, go to the menu "Configuration - Update database configuration".

If the system asks for something else, you need to click "Yes" or "Accept".

When finished, the configurator can be closed. When you first start the program in normal mode, you may get a message that the platform used is outdated for this configuration and work on the system is not recommended.

This completes the update.

See also our video on updating 1C through the configurator:

Despite the fact that the new version of the 1C technology platform, version 8.3, entered the market quite a long time ago, many enterprises and private entrepreneurs, for a variety of reasons, still use previous versions, in particular, 8.2. It would seem that 8.2 is just a previous version, but information, for example, how to install an update for 1C 8.2, has become increasingly difficult to find lately. Such a request, by the way, is not entirely correct, and here's why: the last actual release of the 8.2 platform was released at the beginning of 2013, as can be seen in the screenshot from the official 1C user support website.

And the latest versions of the old editions of 1C Accounting generally work only on the 8.3 platform, and updates for 1C 8.2 are not available.

Therefore, there is no point in telling how to update the 8.2 platform (due to the fact that there is no update history), and users, as a rule, mean the process of updating configurations on the 1C 8.2 platform, such as Accounting, Payroll, Trade Management, etc. d.

Therefore, in this article we will consider updating the 1C database on platform 8.3 using the example of the configuration of Enterprise Accounting Edition 2.0. The edition is considered old, but is still supported by 1C due to a fairly large number of users.

So, first of all, to update the configuration, we need to understand which version of the configuration we have installed. To do this, we need to run the configuration in any mode and select * in the main menu:

*Or press the button "i" at the top right of the screen.

We will see a window with configuration information:

In the upper part of the window, we see the version of the 1C platform on which our configuration is running. Below it is information about the configuration (name, revision, release number). It is the release of the configuration (indicated in brackets) that we need. The fact is that each update of the 1C configuration is intended for certain releases.

Next, we need to understand which release we can update the configuration for. To do this, go to the 1C user support site (users.v8.1c.ru). We must have a username and password for the site. If not, then in the login and password entry form there is a button "Register a new user".

Next, go to the 1C section: Software Updates - Download software updates - Typical configurations 1C For Russia - Enterprise Accounting, edition 2.0. We will see a list of configuration releases available for download.

As we remember, we have Enterprise Accounting release In the "Version update" column, we see the configuration releases on which the update can be installed. We were lucky. The latest configuration release at the moment is suitable for upgrading from our release. This means that we can upgrade immediately to it, bypassing intermediate versions.

Select the desired release and click on it. On the next page we see a list of materials available for download. We are interested in the item "Update distribution kit".

We are interested in the Setup.exe file. We launch it by double clicking and get into the configuration setup program.

In the next window, we will be prompted to select the installation location for the configuration templates. You can choose it according to your choice. The main thing is not to forget where you will install the templates.

The update template is installed, and we go to our database. You need to run it in config mode.

Having entered the database in the configurator mode, we must first unload the database. This must be done so that in case of errors when an update occurs, power outages or other emergency situations, we could restore the database from the archive.

To do this, in the main menu, select the item "Administration" - "Unload infobase".

The program will ask you to specify the path for uploading. Specify the path *, after which the unloading process begins. It can take, depending on the power of the computer and the size of the database, from a minute to 7 - 10 minutes. The fact that the database is currently being unloaded is indicated by the inscription in the lower left corner:

After the upload is completed, the following window will appear:

As you can see, both during the unloading process and in the message about its completion, the path that we specified is displayed. It is necessary to take into account one nuance: during the unloading process, as well as during the update process, no one should be in the database except us.

The preparations are over, which means you can start directly updating the database configuration. Let's go to the main menu. We are interested in the submenu "Configuration" - "Open configuration". We have a configuration window that looks like this:

Again, go to the menu "Configuration" - "Support" - "Update configuration".

The program will prompt you to find a template to update or specify its location manually.*

*In fact, they are no different, but it may take some time to find updates, depending on the size of the hard drive on which we installed the template. Therefore, we will specify the path to the templates manually.

Specify "Select an update file" and click "Next".

The program will prompt you to specify the path to the file containing the update. Specify the path to the folder where the template was installed, and select the file “1cv8.cfu” in the folder with the template. Click "Next".

The next window will contain general information about the update. After reviewing, if necessary, go to "Continue updating".

The program will provide brief information about which configuration is being updated, from which release and to which. Click "OK".

During the update process, a percentage bar will appear several times in the lower left corner, showing the progress of certain stages of the update.

We wait until the following window appears:

Click "Yes" (otherwise, why would we even start an update?).

The program will show the information reorganization window. It displays information about changing/adding metadata objects during the update process.

We are waiting for the inscription in the lower left corner:

It means that the update in configurator mode is completed. Before the appearance of this inscription, any manipulations with the database, in addition to those described above, will be impossible.

The upgrade is complete and we are moving on to running the database in enterprise mode. This action can be done directly from the configurator by pressing the F5 key or the button in the upper left corner:

In enterprise mode, the first window will pop up:

Select "I confirm the legality of receiving the update in accordance with the above conditions" (otherwise the update will not be completed and the program will close) and click "Continue".

We wait until the message "Infobase update completed successfully" appears at the bottom of the service message window. This will mean the successful completion of the process. The program will display a window with a list of changes that you can study or close immediately.

We are done and can start working in the updated version 8.2 database.

Occurs in two stages - updating the platform and configuration. In addition, configurations often add additional steps to update regulated reporting. Consider step by step instructions.

To update the 1C 7 Platform, just run the installation file and install the program from new version to the same directory as the old one. The installer will replace the old files with new ones.

You can install in different directories. In this case, the computer will have two instances of the Platform with different versions:

Please note that when installing an update, you can change the initial settings, such as the name of the organization that owns the program or the set of installed components:

Configuration update 1C 7

Configuration is a 1C 7.7 application solution, for example, 1C Accounting 7.7, Salary and Personnel, etc.

To update the 1C configuration, you first need to prepare the update distribution kit. The fact is that in most cases the update is delivered in a universal form: for the basic version and for the professional version. More precisely, the distribution kit is supplied specifically for the basic version, and if you have a professional version, you need to prepare it.

Create a separate folder, for example, "Preparing for update" and copy all the files from the update distribution package there:

Now let's run the 1C program and create another infobase. Let's call it "Preparing for the update" and specify the path to our new folder:

Run the program in Configurator mode. Before any actions with the configuration, you need to open it (menu "Configuration" - "Open configuration" or the corresponding icon).

If you have a professional version, this warning will open:

We press "OK". This will open the configuration tree. Click "Save":

Now let's open the Configurator of the database we are going to update:

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For example, I chose Configuration 1C “Accounting and reporting of an entrepreneur, ed. 1.2":

As you can see from the figure, the current release of the program is 7.70.260. Now we will update it to release 7.70.265. Let me remind you that we have already prepared it and it lies in the “Preparing for the update” folder.

Be sure to make a backup copy of the information database first. To do this, go to the menu "Administration" - "Saving data":

Select the save path and file name here. Click "Save".

After saving, we will start updating. In our case, the update must be done in merge mode. Go to the menu "Configuration" - "Combining configurations ...". Select the file "1cv7.md" from the "Preparing for update" directory:

The program will compare the current configuration and the updated one. The result will be displayed in a separate window. In this window, you can see what changes have been made in the new release, and if you wish, you can refuse some.

Set the "Configuration Priority" section to "Loadable Configuration", and in the "Merge Method" section - "Replace Objects":

We press "OK".

After merging, we save the resulting configuration. The database will be restructured according to the update. Click "Accept":

This completes the update from the Configurator side.

Now let's run the program in Enterprise mode and confirm the legality of the received update. After that, if necessary, the system will make updates already at the level of credentials, and at this point the update can be considered complete:

Update of regulated reporting in 1C 7.7

Unlike version 1C 8, in version 7.7, regulated reporting is delivered separately.

To download it, you need to go to the "Reports" menu - "" (the path may differ in different configurations):

As you can see, I have not downloaded any package of regulated reports at the moment. Now we will fix it.

Initially, the reporting is in a packaged form. The file should look something like this: 16q2001_PBOUL.zip, where 16 is the year, q2 is the second quarter, 001 is the distribution version, PBOUL is the name of the configuration.

Need to unpack this archive to a folder of your choice.

Nowadays, 1C programs (accounting, ZUP, UT, KA) are a kind of standard for management, accounting and other types of accounting. This software is installed at all enterprises that are moving to full automation of accounting. Employers require knowledge and skills to work with this particular program. If questions arise related to the automation system (cost, balances, etc.), as a rule, employees of the enterprise resort to the help of the 1C database.

Today, quite often, users are faced with questions about what 1C software products are (1C: Enterprise, 1C: ZUP, etc.), their structure, as well as the principles of operation. In addition, everyone is wondering which version of the update needs to be installed so that accounting at the enterprise is kept in accordance with the law.

Let's start in order.


Any version of the 1C: Enterprise software product (ZUP, accounting, etc.) has the following structure:

  • Platform;
  • Configuration.

The technological platform is called the "engine" of the program. It is he who creates the user interface, provides input, storage, and provision of data. The platform makes it possible to develop updates for the 1C: Enterprise program (ZUP, UT, etc.) and carry out previously developed operations at the workplace. To date, there are several functioning platforms, such as 7.7, 8.0., 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, in addition, the latest platform 8.4 is planned to be released. You can work on any edition of the platform. The choice depends on the management of the enterprise. But version 8.3 is considered the most relevant for the user.

The platform needs to be updated if the configuration release is updated, in other words, there are new features that will only work with the new platform.


A configuration is an applied solution (update) that is designed to perform specific tasks. Updating a 1C software product is a specific set of directories (for ZUP it is normative base, which is responsible for personnel management), constants, documentation, journals, reports and other objects related to accounting in the enterprise. All these elements are intended for entering and processing the data required by the user.

There are two types:

  • Typical. These configurations are created by the developers of the 1C company and all of them can be found on the official website of the company. As a rule, these configurations are of higher quality. They use only the optimal solutions to the tasks set, and quickly correct errors that occur in the process of work;
  • Atypical. This type is usually created by partner companies. Non-standard configurations can be developed for a specific industry, taking into account its characteristics (industry) or for a specific company. When choosing non-standard configurations, you need to understand that 1C partner firms usually have a high staff turnover. It is for this reason that one configuration can be written by several different developers. Hence the instability of work, the freezing of the program, and so on.

At the moment there are many configurations:

  • UT, etc.

Each specific configuration has its own release and its own edition. For example:

  • ZUP configuration 2.5 will work under a platform that has revision 8.2 and higher;
  • ZUP configuration 3.0 will work under a platform that has revision 8.3 and higher.

At the same time, each specific release of "1C: ZUP" will work normally only with a certain release of this platform.

The configuration has to be updated to comply with the law when submitting reports and keeping records.


The creators of the 1C software product continuously monitor changes legislative framework, methods of accounting, trade accounting, as well as forms for reporting to the appropriate authorities. This is done so that the user is always up to date.

The result of such vigorous activity are configurations, as well as forms of regulated enterprise reports, the use of which makes it possible to keep the software product up to date.

Timely updating of the 1C program makes it possible to avoid troubles that may be caused by a discrepancy between the accounting system and the current tax and accounting legislation. In order to find out the 1C releases available in your software products, you need to open the program and select the “Help” tab in the menu, then click “About the program”. The following window will appear:

Remember, you can install a new platform without an updated configuration, but you cannot install an updated configuration without a new platform.

If we draw an analogy between "1C: Enterprise" (1C: ZUP, 1C: UT, etc.) and other systems, then all 1C company software products can be compared with any operating system installed on your computer (this is a platform option) and various programs, which you use Office, Total Commander, Skype, AdobeReader (these are configuration options).

After starting the help, you have the opportunity to find out everything about the version of the program you have installed. You will be able to see more than just the path where your database was installed. But using the brackets on the right, you can find out the edition of the platform and the release of the software product that is installed on your computer. For example:

  • The brackets at the top ( indicate which edition of the 1C software product: Accounting 8 and the platform was installed for work;
  • The brackets at the bottom ( show: 2.0 is the configuration version, 23.9 is where, 23 is the current release, and 9 is the build number.

A release is a program update that is intended to change the current working version. software on the user's computer. 1C company constantly releases new releases (versions) of configurations. The main difference between a configuration revision and a release is that most often, the release does not contain any major changes, for example, in the structure of .

The main reason for issuing new releases are changes in the current legislation of the tax and accounting. Unlike older releases, the release of an updated version is a further development of the configuration options available to you installed on your computer. Writing new edition happens, as a rule, for two serious reasons: this is a generalization of the experience of using the configuration and a reflection of significant changes in the current legislation - in this case, making changes to the configuration is a necessary measure.